Getwellnetwork IPC Executive Summary

Getwellnetwork IPC Executive Summary

Program Management Office


DAPTIV TIP SHEET #13: Checking Out Documents


If you use Daptiv as a document repository for your project, you will need to download the document in order to edit or make changes. There are several ways to do this and it is important to know the difference to ensure that you do not over-write a document.


  1. Download – This allows you to download your document to your desktop or other location. This option does not put any restrictions on the document, and does not provide version control.
  1. Check Out – This option is a communication tool only. It allows you to download the document and provides a visual cue to the team members that the document is being reviewed by someone else. It does NOT prevent another person from downloading the document.
  1. Locked – This option is available when you check-out a document. If you select the “lock Document” option, the system locks the document so that no-one else can download or view the document.


  1. Open the Documents application.
  2. Click the Actions icon next to the name of the document you want to check out, then click Download or Check Out Document. The Document Check Out screen opens in a new window

  1. If you choose to Check Out the Document:
  1. To add details about your checkout, type the information in the Comments box.
  2. To specify when you will check the document back in:
  3. Type an Expected Return Date, or click the Calendar icon and select a date.
  4. Select a time from the hours and minutes lists.
  5. To prevent other users from viewing or downloading the document while you have it checked out, select Lock Document.
  6. To check the documentout without downloading it (if you already have a current version of it, for example), click Check Out. To check out the document and download it to your local computer, click Check Out & Download.

  1. When you view the list of documents, you can easily see which documents are checked out and which documents are locked.

  1. To view comments about why the document is checked out:
  2. Left Click on the name of the document
  3. Select “History Log” from the options on the blue menu bar: