Project #1:
Getting Out and About
Introduction: One of the key uses for Studying Human Geography is to know where you going when you get on a plane to a new destination. To that end, we will be exploring introductory concepts in Geography by serving as international travel planners. By planning an itinerary to a country we know little about, we can explore and identify key concepts in Human Geography. This activity is intended to compliment the concepts discussed in class.
Your Goals:
1)Pick a country you know little about and design a visual plan using ARCGIS for clients about to travel there. Pretend you are a writer for Lonely Planet or similar publication and imagine the people you are writing for need to know as much about the place you are going to as possible.
2)Choose a demographic to target your presentation.
3)Incorporate as much of the vocabulary and outcomes. In many cases you may only need to mention a concept in context. Creativity will be a key here.
Key Vocabulary:
absolute locationcartographycircular pattern
daylight savings timedistortionenvironmental geography
equatorEratosthenesformal regions
functional (nodal) regionsGISglobalization
Greenwich Mean TimeGPSgrid pattern
Hecataeushuman geographyIdrisi
Immanuel Kantlandscapeslatitudes
linear patternlocal timelocation
longitudeMarsh, George PerkinsMercator Projection
meridianmulti-national corporationsparallel
patternperceptual (vernacular) regions
peripheryPeters projectionplace
physical geographyphysical site characteristicsprime meridian
Ptolemyrandom patternregionalization
Robinson projectionCarl Sauerscale
sitesituationsolar time
spacespace time compressionspatial organization
spatial perspectivetime zonetoponym
US Census Bureau“why of where”
Introduction -September 14, 2015
Begin Production-September 16, 2015
Complete Project-September 28, 2015
Project #1:
Getting Out and About (Assessment Rubric)
Depth of Key Concepts(x2) / Breadth of Key Concepts
(x2) / Creativity / Execution / Combined group effort and participation
5 / You have identified the key concepts that need elaboration and have detailed their purpose with clarity. / You have addressed all of the key concepts in a way that connects them to your exampleand have demonstrated an exceptional understanding of their application. / Your entire presentation is well put together and creatively addresses all of the requirements at the same time. You have been thoughtful and insightful. / Your ARCGIS project impresses in the way it is put together. It is easy to follow and a client would be pleased to use it. / Your overall effort has been collaborative and effective. Everyone has a solid understanding of your presentation and its concepts.
4 / Commendable / Commendable / Commendable / Commendable / Commendable
3 / Satisfactory / Satisfactory / Satisfactory / Satisfactory / Satisfactory
2 / Weak / Weak / Weak / Weak / Weak
1 / Poor / Poor / Poor / Poor / Poor