The German version shall prevail.

Healthy Staff – Healthy Business!

Assessment of the working conditionspursuant to § 5 ArbSchG at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

(Risk identification and assessment)

The employer must carry out an assessment of the risks that his/her employees face when working. Occupational health and safety measures must then be determined in order to structure the work in such a way that any risk to life and health can be avoided as far as possible and any remaining risks are kept to a minimum. The current Amendment to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG)explicitly emphasises that all potential risks that could arise in the workplace (including risks for mental health) must be taken into account in the risk assessment.The combination of various hazard groups, underqualified/insufficiently trained staff members or inadequate support from senior staff members can also lead to increased risk.

The current statistics regarding sick leave and early retirement are indicative of an urgent need for the promotion of mental health in the working world (

This information sheet is designed to support the senior staff membersin carrying out risk assessments and explains the procedures with the help of the GefDok light UK. The staff members are also involved using staff surveys in the GefDok light UK.We advise you take advantage of our consulting services forspecial hazard groups (e.g. Biological Substances Ordinance (BioStoffV), Genetic Engineering Safety Ordinance (GenTSV), Hazardous Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV), VDU Ordinance (BildschirmArbV), Industrial Safety and Health Ordinance (BetrSichV), Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance on Noise and Vibration (Lärm- und VibrationsArbSchV), Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance on Artificial Optical Radiation (ArbSchV zu künstlicher optischer Strahlung), Manual Handling of Loads Ordinance (LastenhandhabV), Working Hours, Ordinance on the Maternity Leave Directive (MuSchRiV),Workplace Ordinance (ArbStättV) and for assessing risks for mental health).


Image: Systematic risk assessment (Therisk assessment in 7 steps – Berufsgenossenschaft Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege). At can find out more by clicking on the individual steps.

Specific procedure:
1.Clarifying responsibilities (responsibility forhealth protection,administrative directive in
occupational health and safety, transferral of duties) and defining thework area/working procedures/activities concerned (similar activitiescan all be assessed at once, with the exception ofpsychological strain and vulnerablepersons)

2/3.Identifying and assessing risks in theGefDok light UK:

-Determining the organisation of the business

-Working on the cover sheet and assessment (Deckblatt and Beurteilung)

(Determine the participants (Mitwirkende), print out or send staff surveys (Mitarbeiterbefragung), fill out the risk factors sheet (Gefährdungsfaktoren) – an overview of hazard groups – then switch to the risk assessment sheet (Gefährdungsbeurteilung) andidentify therelevant main risks, evaluate the risks in the risk matrix (Risikomatrix) and determine preventative measures (removing the source of the risk, the S.T.O.P. method: the technical and organisational preventative measurestake priority over personal ones.), determine

responsibilities and implementation deadlines)

4/5.Determining measures (stating deadlines and responsibilities) and implementing them

  1. Checking efficiency (For this, you will receive support fromoccupational safety experts.)
  2. Repeating the risk assessment in the event of any changes to working procedures, using it (and checking it yearly) as part of a continuous process to constantly improve occupational health and safety

You can use the risk assessment/preventative measures as the basis for the yearly training of your staff.In addition, you can provide first aid training and general health and safety training. On the basis of the risk assessment, you can organise and implement occupational medical care with the occupational physician (ArbMedVV).

For an examination of psychological strain, please consult the occupational physician. TheUniversity Managementand the Staff Council are currently collaborating on a university-wide approach.
More information can be found here:

The occupational physician can be reached or andtheSafety Officerat Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Berlin, 07.03.2014