November 2016

The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, hereinafter referred to as the District, is seeking proposals fromprofessional service organizationswith significant expertise in the development of health and safety training curricula. The consulting firm selected will work directly with the HealthSafety Department.

The RFP is organized as follows:








Firms seeking consideration for performing theprofessional services described in thisRequest for Proposal (RFP)must submit a proposal. One (1) original copy signed by an officer authorized to bind the company and three(3) copies of the completed proposal, as well as one (1) in digital format,must be submitted bythe close of business (4:30 p.m.) on November 18, 2016.

Proposalsshall be addressed and delivered to the following:

Julius Ciaccia, Chief Executive Officer

Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

3900 Euclid Avenue

Cleveland, OH 44115-2504

Attn: Ryan Rillo, Manager of Health Safety

Late submittals will not be considered. Proposals not meeting the requirements of this RFP may be deemed non-responsive at the sole discretion of the District.

Any questions or requests for clarification related to this RFPmust be submitted in writing to Ryan Rillo, Manager of Health Safety, at . Questions related to the RFP will not be answered if submittedafter 4:30 p.m. onNovember 17, 2016.


The District is a political subdivision of the State of Ohio under Chapter 6119 of the Ohio Revised Code. The District owns and operates three wastewater treatment facilities that have an average combined dry weather flow of 230 million gallons per day (MGD), pump stations, interceptor sewers, and control structures located in the Greater Cleveland Metropolitan area.The District’s service area encompasses the City of Cleveland and all or portions of 61 suburban municipalities in Cuyahoga, Summit and Lorain counties.

In 2012, the District developed a Strategic Plan outlining goals and objectives for 2013 through 2016. The District has embarked on a number of long-term business initiatives stemming from the Strategic Plan. One strategic area of focus is Operational Excellence, wherein the District is committed to “Delivering on our commitments, complying with regulations, improving system operations and internal business processes, and implementing programs.”

The goal of this Project isthe development ofan innovative and cost effective health and safety training curriculumto enhance the District’s learning environmentfor current and future employees. The District is looking for a Consultant with experience in developing health and safety training curricula that ensures employees possess comprehensive knowledge and skills to perform their job duties in a healthy and safe manner.


The Consultant shall develop training modules on the topics of confined space entry, electrical safety, fall prevention, welding hazards, hot work, ladder safety, personal protective equipment, respiratory protection, temporary traffic control, hazardous noise and trenching/excavation. Training must be aligned with applicable regulations (e.g., Ohio Revised Code/Ohio Administrative Code – Chapter 4197 and OSHA - 29 CFR 1910/1926), industry best practices (e.g., NFPA, ANSI, AIHA, etc.) and District policy (where a District policy exists). In addition to initial training modules, refresher training modules will be required. The refresher modules will be utilized on an annual basis to determine if employees have maintained the knowledge and skills obtained from their initial training. Additional details are discussed below.

Note: Under the District’s Human Resources Department there is an Organization Learning and Performance (OL&P) section. Training curricula must be developed in coordination with OL&P’s task based curriculum development guidelines.

Each training module must include the following deliverables:

  • Classroom instruction tools, including but not limited to, a PowerPoint presentation, written narrative for the instructor to follow and any additional materials that will assist the instructor (e.g., background information, booklets, etc.).
  • Certain deliverables will be converted into a computer based training format. The District will execute the transfer of materials into the computer based training format. The Consultant’s deliverables must be completed in a manner that will allow the District to perform this transfer in an efficient manner.
  • Each course must include an assessment that enables the District to verify that employees have obtained knowledge onthe course content and understanding on how to apply that knowledge on the jobsite. Assessments shall come in the form of multiple choice exams,including true/false responses, and/or skill evaluationsutilizing “on-the-job” practical senarios.
  • Multiple choice and true/false examsmust include question and answer banksallowing the District to ensure variability in exam questions between employees.
  • All material must come in an editable electronic format that will allow the District to revise course content.
  • A train-the-trainer session must be provided by the Consultant to the District’s health and safety staff on how to deliver the trainingcurricula.
  • A project meeting must take place between the Consultant’s assigned project manager and the District’s Manager of Health and Safety prior to commencing work.

The following provides additional details pertaining to each training topic:

Confined Space Entry

The purpose of the confined space entry curriculum will be to train, qualify and refresh/reevaluate employees that engage in confined space work. Separate competency evaluations must be provided for qualifying an individual to function in the role(s) of attendant, entrant, entry supervisor,ventilation specialist and gas tester. Initial training should not exceed six (6) hours, not including time for competency evaluations. Annual refresher/reevaluation training will be delivered in a computer based format and should not exceed one (1) hour, including the competency evaluation.

Electrical Safety

The purpose of the electrical safety curriculum will be to provide a general awareness training on the hazards and safework practices regarding electrical systems. Although a competency evaluation is required, this module will not be used to qualify individuals for participating in electrical work. Electrical safety training will be deliverded in a computer based format and should not exceed one (1) hour, including the competency evaluation. Note: A refresher training module will not be required for this topic.

Fall Prevention

The purpose of the fall prevention curriculum will be to provide a general awareness training on fall hazards (including walking/working surfaces) and to train and qualify employees that use personal fall arrest systems. General awareness and personal fall arrest system training must be separate modules. The District utilizes DBI-SALA personal fall arrest equipment. General awareness training on fall hazards should not exceed one (1) hour, including the competency evaluation. Personal fall arrest training should not exceed two (2) hours, not including time for competency evaluations. Annual refresher/reevaluation training (for both general awareness and personal fall arrest systems) will be delivered in a computer based format and should not exceed one (1) hour, including the competency evaluation.

Hot Work

The purpose of the hot work curriculum will be to train, qualify and refresh/reevaluate employees that engage in hot work. Separate training modules must be developed for “high energy” hot work and “low energy” hot work. High energy hot work is defined as any work involving use of an open flame (e.g., welding, cutting or burning) or tools producing sparks, molten metal, or high heat/frictional energy (e.g., sanding, grinding, etc.) in all areas not specifically designated for hot work (e.g., maintenance or weldshop). Low energy hot work is defined as any work in hazardous classified areas (e.g., a space electrically classified as class 1 division 1) that involves tools producing heat / frictional energy, when non-classified electrical equipment is used, or work that requires the opening of electrical enclosures with non-rated components in classified areas. Initial training for high energy hot work should not exceed two (2) hours, not including time for competency evaluations (including fire extinguisher operation). Initial training for low energy hot work will be delivered in a computer based format and should not exceed one (1) hour, including the compentency evaluation. Annual refresher/reevaluation (both categories of hot work) training will be delivered in a computer based format and should not exceed one (1) hour, including the competency evaluation.

Ladder Safety

The purpose of the ladder safety curriculum will be to train, qualify and refresh/reevaluate employees that utilize ladders (portable and fixed). The majority of the District’s portable ladders are fiberglass and manufactured by Werner. Initial training should not exceed one (1) hour, not including time for competency evaluations. Annual refresher/reevaluation training will be delivered in a computer based format and should not exceed one (1) hour, including the competency evaluation.

Personal Protective Equipment

The purpose of the personal protective equipment (PPE) safety curriculum will be to train, qualify and refresh/reevaluate employees that routinely wear PPE. Additionally, a lower level general awareness training module must be developed for employees that occasionally wear PPE (e.g., office workers that visit a field site). The content of this training will focus on the general PPE worn while visting at a wastewater treatment plant or construction site (e.g., hard hat, safety glasses, protective footwear, hearing protection and high visibility clothing), not detailed/task specific PPE. A list of District’s PPE (make/model) will be provided to the Consultant to assist in the development of these modules. The initial PPE module for employeeswho routinely wear PPE should not exceed one (1) hour, including time for competency evaluations. Annual refresher/reevaluation training will be delivered in a computer based format and should not exceed thirty (30) minutes, including the competency evaluation. The initial PPE module for employeeswho occasionally wear PPE will be delivered in a computer based format and should not exceed thirty (30) minutes, including time for competency evaluations. For these employees the initial PPE module will also be used as the annual refresher/reevaluation.

Respiratory Protection

The purpose of the respiratory protection safety curriculum will be to train, qualify and refresh/reevaluate employees that wear respiratory protection. The content of this training will focus on the air purifying respirators used by the District. A list of the District’s air purifying respirators, cartidges and filters (make/model) will be provided to the Consultant. The initial respiratory protection module should not exceed two (2) hours, not including time for competency evaluations. Annual refresher/reevaluation training will be delivered in a computer based format and should not exceed one (1) hour, including the competency evaluation.

Temporary Traffic Control

The purpose of the temporary traffic control safety curriculum will be to train, qualify and refresh/reevaluate employees that work in or around a public right-of-way. The content of this training will focus on ensuring that employees recoginize the hazards associated with working in or around a public right-of-way, and know and understand the principles for establishing temporary traffic control work zones. The initial training module should not exceed four (4) hours, not including time for competency evaluations. Annual refresher/reevaluation training will be delivered in a computer based format and should not exceed thirty (30) minutes, including the competency evaluation.


The purpose of the welding hazards curriculum will be to ensure employees that perform or assist with welding (including cutting operations) are familiar with the hazards and safework practices (including personal protective equipment). Additionally, the curriculum must specifically cover welding fume hazards (including but not limited to hexavalent chromium, cadmium, zinc oxide, iron oxide, etc.). A list of District welding (including cutting) processes will be provided to the Consultant. The initial welding hazards module should not exceed two (2) hours, not including time for competency evaluations. Annual refresher/reevaluation training will be delivered in a computer based format and should not exceed thirty (30) minutes, including the competency evaluation.

Hazardous Noise

The purpose of the hazardous noise curriculum will be to train, qualify and refresh/reevaluate employees that are in the District’s hearing conservation program. The initial hazardous noise module should not exceed one (1) hour, not including time for competency evaluations. Annual refresher/reevaluation training will be delivered in a computer based format and should not exceed thirty (30) minutes, including the competency evaluation.


The purpose of the trenching/excavation curriculum will be to provide a general awareness training on the hazards and safework practices regarding trenching/excavations. Although a competency evaluation is required, this module will not be used to qualify individuals to participate in trenching/excavation work. District employees do not engage in trenching/excavation work;however,they need to be able to recognize trench/excavation sites, and the associated hazards. Trenching/excavation training will be delivered in a computer based format and should not exceed one (1) hour, including the competency evaluation.


The proposal should be concise, well organized and demonstrate the Respondent’s qualifications and experience applicable to thisProject. Each Respondent shall submit one (1) original and three(3) copies of the proposal, as well as one (1) in digital format.The font size on all submitted materials shall be equivalent to Times New Roman 12 pt. or larger.

The proposal shall not exceed twenty (20) pages, with hard copies printed on sheets of double-sided recycled paper. All pages will be counted (i.e., each side of a sheet will count as a unique page) unless indicated otherwise in this proposal. Sheets that are 11”x17” shall be counted as two (2) pages per side. Resumes will not be included in the twenty (20) page total.

The proposal shall be properly addressed with the name of the firm and the description "Proposalfor Health & Safety Training Development Contract" written on the outside of the package and mailed or hand delivered. See Section 1 for specifics regarding the proposal submittal deadline and address. If the submittal is sent by mail, the District must receive the submission by the deadline pursuant to Section 1. Telecopy (facsimile) submittals will not be accepted by the District.

The District reserves the right to reject any and all submittals, and issue subsequent RFPs. It is to be understood and agreed by the Consultant that this RFP does not obligate the District to pay any costs incurred by the Consultant in the preparation and submission of a proposal.

The following information shall be included in the proposal:

4.1Business Information

Respondent name, address, contact person phone number and e-mail address.


A description of a recommended approach to theProject as described herein and any special expertise the Respondent may bring to the Project.

Using previous experiences, provide an estimated timeline for completing a project of this size and scope. Organization chart of Project team.

4.3Experience on Similar Projects

Provide a summary table listing similar projects completed by the Respondent within the last five(5) years.

For at leastthree (3) of these projects, specify the date and scope of each engagement, a description of services provided, the dollar value of the contract, the size of the organization, a list of key personnel (including the Project Manager), and the name and telephone number of a contact person who may be contactedas a reference.


Provide the names of theProject Manager andkey Project Personnel. Provide highlights of each person’s relevant experience, qualifications and their availability. Describe the specific role and tasks that each person had in the projects listed in Section 4.3.

4.5Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures

Provide a description of the techniques used by the Respondent to provide quality control and assurance. Discuss the results of those procedures on past projects performed by the Respondent.

4.6Example Custom Training Curriculum

Provide at a minimum one (1) example of custom health and safety training curriculum that demonstrates the structure and content the Respondent recommends for the District’s program (not included in page count).


Provide a cost for each training module (including all associated deliverables), conducting the train-the-trainer session(s) and a total cost for project completion.

4.8Statements (not included in the page count)

The Respondent shall include the following statements in the proposal as an appendix.

“By virtue of submitting this proposal, I certify as a legal representative of < Insert ConsultantName > that I agree to acquire the additional information needed to perform all aspects of the work as outlined in this RFP.”

“By virtue of submitting this proposal, I certify as a legal representative of the < Insert ConsultantName > that neither the firm on the Project team nor the key personnel presented have known personal or organizational conflicts of interest associated with this Project and/or the District, or that any known potential conflicts of interest have been communicated in written form to the District prior to the submittal of this proposal, and that information may be considered by the District in evaluating the team’s suitability for this Project.”


The following is the proposed schedule of the major milestones in the RFP process. The District reserves the right to modify the schedule, as needed, based on unforeseen events or organizational need.

1 / Issue RFP / 11/4/2016
2 / Deadline for submittal of proposals / 11/18/2016
3 / Review proposals and selection of consultant / 11/30/2016
4 / Notice to Proceed – Project begins / 12/13/2016

The District may make follow-up calls to Respondents for clarification during the proposal evaluation.