Gerrards Cross, Bucks. SL9 8JQ
Tel: (01753) 883370

Headmistress: Mrs J A Ross BA (Hons) NPQH

29 September 2017

Dear Parents

There is an exciting opportunity for Year 8 to visit The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park on Wednesday 10 January. This term they are learning about the history of computers, and this will be an opportunity for them to see the world-famous rebuild of the first electronic computer, Colossus, up close. Your daughters will also be given information about ciphers, Lorenz-encrypted messages, women helping in the war effort and much, much more.

We shall be leaving school at 8.45am and returning at 4.00pm. Your daughter should wear her school uniform. Your daughter will require an A4 clipboard and pens/pencils.

The cost will be £30.00 which will be added to your end of term account.

Please will you sign to give your permission on the slip below.

With best wishes

Miss H Snaith

Director of ICT and System Management

To: Miss Snaith: Re: The National Museum of Computing, Bletchley Park

My daughter ...... has permission to leave school on Wednesday 10 January to visit The National Museum of Computing, Bletchley Park and to travel by coach.

I agree to the cost of the trip being added to my end of term account

I agree that, if my daughter urgently requires medical/dental treatment during the out of school activity and it is not possible to contact me or my wife/husband, the teacher-in-charge at the time is authorised to give consent on my behalf.

I understand that, as the costs are payable in advance, if my daughter is absent on the day, the charge will be non-refundable.

Signature of parent/guardian...... Date......

This form is to be returned to Miss Snaith by Friday 17 November

St Mary’s School (Gerrards Cross) Limited. A company registered in England and Wales with limited liability by guarantee under number 00389663
Registered Office: 94 Packhorse Road, Gerrards Cross, Bucks. SL9 8JQ. Registered Charity Number: 310634