(For details on attachment of relevant documents, please refer to the Call Circular for the 2018/19exercise.)
( Please tick ‘’as appropriate)
One-year travel grantProject Reference Number:
Two-year travel grant
Proposed Research Title (in English and Traditional Chinese)
Research Field[1]
Primary Field Name : / & CodeSecondary Field Name : / & Code
Nature of Application
New [i.e. Applicant applying for RGC funds on this research project for the first time]Re-submission [i.e. Applicant has previously applied for RGC funds on this research project butthe
application was not supported. Please specify the name of the scheme, year and reference no.:______]
For re-submission, please highlight the major changes that have been incorporated in this application.
Hong Kong team / German teamName and title of Principal Investigator (PI) / English:
Institution or Institutional affiliation / CityU LU / HKU / University of ______
HKBU / LU / Others:
EdUHK / PolyU
Mailing address
Contact number
Fax number
E-mail address
Name(s) of Research Postgraduate Student(s) (if travel for student(s) is proposed) / English:
Name of Co-Investigator (if any) / English:
Position and institution
Name(s) and Institution(s) of other project team member(s) (if any)
Other Fund(s) secured by the Hong Kong PI for the proposed research
Funding scheme(s) (please quote project number if appropriate) / Amount (HK$)Previous travel grants awarded to the Hong Kong PI under this Scheme
Project No. /Project Title
/ Name of German Partner / Status**Please insert 'O' (On-going project) or 'C' (Completed project) as appropriate.
Travel Plan and Fund Requested for 1/1/2019- 31/12/2019:
Hong Kong ApplicantTrip(s)+ / Name of Traveller(s) / Air passage(s) / SubsistenceΩ / Total Amount(s) / Purpose of Visit(s)
1 / 1.
2… / HK$9800×_____traveller(s) = / HK$_____×____ day(s)×_____traveller(s)= / HK$
German Applicant
Trip(s)+ / Name of Traveller(s) / Air passage(s)^ / Subsistence# / Total Amount(s) / Purpose of Visit(s)1 / 1.
2… / €_____ ×_____ traveller(s) = / €_____×____ day(s)/month(s)×_____traveller(s) = / €
Travel Plan and Fund Requested for 1/1/2020- 31/12/2020:
Hong Kong ApplicantTrip(s)+ / Name of Traveller(s) / Air passage(s) / SubsistenceΩ / Total Amount(s) / Purpose of Visit(s)
1 / 1.
2… / HK$9800×_____traveller(s) = / HK$_____×____ day(s)×_____traveller(s) = / HK$
German Applicant
Trip(s)+ / Name of Traveller(s) / Air passage(s)^ / Subsistence# / Total Amount(s) / Purpose of Visit(s)1 / 1.
2… / €_____ ×_____ traveller(s) = / €_____×____ day(s)/month(s)×_____traveller(s)= / €
+In the case where multiple trips are required, respective information for each trip should be listed.
Justification and/or plan for training for student(s) through the proposed visit(s) have to be provided if travel for a project team member (in addition to the trip by the PI) and/or travel for research postgraduate student(s) (together with the PI) is/are proposed.
ΩReference rate: HK$900 per day.
^ Air passage -Academic staff and post-doctorate researchers: €900; Graduates and postgraduate students:€725
# Subsistence allowance for German applicants - Academic staff & post-doctoral researchers: € 130per day (30days or less); Graduates & postgraduate students:€ 123per day (20 days or less); A lump sum of € 2.521 (for the first month, when the duration is 21 days or more); € 84 per day (for the 2nd month, with a duration not longer than 20 days).
I will be responsible for the usage of the award in accordance with the stated project objectives of the project, and submit anInterim / Project Report, as appropriate, to the RGC accordingly as stated in the Call Circular for the 2018/19exercise.
Name of Hong Kong Principal Investigator / Signature / DatePART II: INSTITUTIONAL ENDORSEMENT
[To be completed and signed by the appropriate authority of the Hong Kong applicant’s university. The universityshould confirm that it has evaluated and given support to the application before submission to the RGC.
To safeguard the interests of the researcher and the university, awardee universities bear primary responsibility for prevention, detectionand investigation of research misconduct, including but not limiting to misusing of funds, data falsification, plagiarism and seeking duplicate funding for projects which the applicant has already completed partially or entirely. Concerning research grant applications, the university is strongly advised to use anti-plagiarism software before submitting the application to the RGC.]
(Please tick ‘’ the appropriate box)
I confirm that:
(a)the application has been evaluated and endorsed by the university for submission to the RGC;
(b) / the PI, in the staff grade / , meets fully the stipulated staff eligibility requirement for and is notdebarred from applying for RGC grant;
[Where the PIis newly appointed, the university has formally entered into a contract of service with him/her on or before 30June 2018and the contract requires him/her to report duty on or before end October 2018.]
(c) / the PI is/will be^ employed on permanent termthe PI is/will be^ employed on fixed term contract#
[#If the PI is/will be employed on a fixed term contract, the PI has to be still eligible for an RGC grant at the time of funding award being made in December 2018and for at least the first year of the project’s planned duration.]
(d) / the PI is/will be^ a visiting scholar*the PI is NOT a visiting scholar
[* Where the PI is a visiting scholar, he/she has to be employed in the university on a full-time basis covering at least one year from 1 January2019or the expected duration of the project whichever is the longer.]
(e)the university will inform the RGC as soon as the PI ceases to be eligible to apply, receive or hold an RGC grant, and will withdraw the application;or recommend to the RGC for approval of a suitable new PI, if any, to take over the funded project once it is funded and commenced; and
(f) / this applicationis
is not
scanned by anti-plagiarism software.
Signature / :
Name / :
(in BLOCK letters)
Designation / :
Date / :
^delete where appropriate
Appendix 1
Template for Proposal Preparation
This template is provided to facilitate the Hong Kong applicants in preparing their proposals. Applicants should provide details for subjects addressed in the template as appropriate. Each proposal should be confined to two A-4 size sheets, i.e. four sides.
Project Title:ResearchObjective(s):
Research Plan and Methodology:
Reason(s) for the Choice of the German Collaborator:
Plan for Collaboration#:
# Please indicate the respective role and specific tasks the Hong Kong and the German collaborators are each responsible for, and the expected deliverables for this project.
Template for Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Project Team Members
[Please attach a one A-4 page CV (with a maximum of 400 words (per person)) for each Project Team Member in the following format]
ii) Academic qualifications:
iii) Previous academic positions held (with dates):
iv)Present academic position:
v) Previous relevant research work:
vi)Publication records:
Section A –Five most representative publications in recent five years
Section B –Five representative publications beyond the recent five-year period with the latest publication entered first
vii)Others (please specify):
Template for Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Research Postgraduate Students
[Please attach a one A-4 page CV (with a maximum of 400 words (per person)) for each researchpostgraduate student, if travel for student(s) is/are proposed, in the following format]
ii)Academic qualifications:
-Current studies (including degree, university, major/field of study, mode and current year of study, start date of attendance, expected date of awards, etc.)
-Previous studies (including title of award, university, major/field of study, mode of study, date of award, honours/award classification, etc.)
iii)Current research work
iv)Research Output (including publications) (up to five)
v)Others (please specify):
(Revised 4/18-G)
[1]Please refer to “Explanatory Notes for Application Form(GRF 2)” at