Dear Colleagues:

Once again it is time to consider your academic attire needs for Commencement. MC Books & More is now accepting orders for rental regalia. All orders must be received by Monday, March 7, 2016 to guarantee your correct interior hood colors and avoid a $50.00 rush charge. Any orders received after this deadline, March 7, 2016, will be filled to the best of our abilities. Please complete the form below and return to MC Books & More on your campus with payment in full for rentals. You will be notified by email when your order arrives and is ready for pick up. For questions or submitting orders, contact:

Ann McCalla Marilyn Andrews Paul Kalidas

Germantown Rockville Takoma Park/Silver Spring

240-567-6921 office 240-567-1799 office 240-567-1520 office

240-567-7878 fax 240-567-1750 fax 240-567-1523 fax

To purchase your regalia, order from Jostens online at Your purchased regalia will be sent directly to the address you specify.

Montgomery College Faculty and Staff Rental Order

Name: Campus: GT RV TP/SS

First Last


Height: feet inches Approximate Weight: (This is needed)

Degree: Ph.D. Other: (Field of study)

Institution that Awarded Degree:

Location of Awarding Institution (City/ State)

Items Needed and Rental Rates: (Please check all items needed)

bachelor Cap, Gown & Tassel $30.95 + $1.86tax ($32.81)

bachelor Hood $24.95 + $1.50 tax ($26.45)

Master Cap, Gown & Tassel $33.95 + $2.04 tax ($35.99)

Master Hood $29.95 + $1.80 tax ($31.75)

Doctor Cap, Gown & Tassel $41.95 + $2.52 tax ($44.47)

Doctor Hood $37.95 + $2.28 tax ($40.23)

Doctor Tam, Gown w/Bullion $54.95 + $3.30 tax ($58.25)

Doctor Tam w/Bullion $24.95 + $1.50 tax ($26.45)

Payment Method: Personal Check (Please make checks payable to: Montgomery College)

For Credit Card orders, please visit the MC Books & More on your campus. Do not send credit card information or cash through the campus mail. Rentals must be paid in full for an order to be placed.