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Geoscience Bulletin Board –15 May 2017- compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

Dedication: Dr David BurtonSlemmons (1922-2017) – Burt was a good friend and long-time colleague who gave the science an incredible and enduring legacy

Section of roof collapsed over tunnel containing radiological materials at Hanford nuclear waste site – DOE declared site area emergency to monitor for radiation leaks

Failing infrastructure leads to man-made sink holes

Who should pay for repairs to Oroville Dam spillway? FEMA (i.e., your tax dollars) or the water users?

Beibeilongsinensismeaning “baby dragon from China” weighed up to 3 tons

Computer simulation of the formation of continental crust in the Archean

Petro River Oil Corp. announces new oil field discovery in Mississippian Chat in Osage County, OK

After it died, this ammonite was dragged by the current and a 28-ft drag mark was also preserved

Melting of “snowball Earth” led to thick freshwater layer that floated on super-salty ocean

Nature tries to achieve balance – increase in methane release in Arctic may slow “global warming”

ARCTIC GEOTRACES will study biogeochemical cycles of trace elements

Scale of active hydrological system and landforms beneath Antarctic is sheet are on massive scale

Travels in Geology – Geo-diversity & geologic history of Northwest Highlands of Scotland

Zircon minerals helping to reveal geologic history of the Hadean Eon

50 years in the lifespan of glaciers in Montana

The complex dynamics of geyser eruptions

Avalanche in the Albaron area of the French Alps is deadly for 3 people

20 sentenced to prison & fined for negligence & corruption that caused deadly 2015 landslide in China

Proposed shark cull could severely damage marine ecosystem

They named this newly discovered & well-preserved dinosaur after his Ghost Busters counterpart

Planetary geology: waves of lava seen in largest volcanic crater on Io

How do snowflakes form as water crystallizes into hexagonal structures?

Shallow marine sediments on continental shelf reflect shifting climatic patterns linking high-altitude cooling around Antarctica to Miocene climate change in the subtropics

Volcanic rocks in Panama Canal formations reveal significant differences in physical structure & chemical composition resulting from changes in magmatic source during tectonic activity

Images of plastic trash swirling in the Ocean

Bolivia has extensive salt flats – beckon tourists

Did you know there are desert-scape sand dunes in Japan – the TotoriSakyu?

Life might just have evolved in ancient hot springs on land and not in the ocean

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Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 15 May 2017 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

Only one hemorrhagic fever death confirmed as Ebola … officials hoping it is not the start of an outbreak

The “Indian Removal Act” that set the Trail of Tears in motion is now on display at National Archives

New map warning pet owners of the risk of ticks & Lyme disease should also be a warning for people

Will 2017 be the “worst tick season” in years?

Cyber-attacks pose threats on an unprecedented scale with increasing dependence on technology

“As American as Apple Pie” except apples were brought to the Colonies

US Court of Appeals rules that details on location & depth of certain California water wells can be kept secret

Immunotherapies may lead to serious adverse & as yet unknown side effects

One-third of new Rx drugs tally up serious side effects after approved by FDA – some get warnings & others are withdrawn from market

Southport Levee Improvement Project along Sacramento River will put levees within levees

New National Geographic film “From the Ashes” looks at issues associated with coal industry

Almost 400 migratory birds (20+ species) fatally smashed into office tower in Texas during a storm

Frances Oldham Kelsey helped prevent many birth defects crisis from drug Thalidomide

At Forensic Anthropology Research Facility in Texas, a deer is observed chewing on human bones

Interactive map – county by county of life expectancy, mortality rates & risks, and risk factors 1980-2014

New white paper on “The Growing Threat of Pandemics: Enhancing Domestic & International Biosecurity”

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Two new species of googly-eyed, tree-dwelling tarsiers discovered on island of Sulawesi in Indonesia

Future of Bears Ears National Monument in Utah under review, along with 26 others

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Illegal drugs – County lines, cuckooing & spice are all part of drug trade in Somerset

Hurricane season in Texas is just a few weeks away and preparedness is paramount

Climate change could once again release viruses and bacteria resulting in disease outbreaks

Natural disasters post threats to critically endangered species

When concerned with soil erosion – treat the problem & not the symptoms

Mapping the distribution of human abodes and work places….there are some gaps

“Shake, Rattle & Rainout” discusses emergency planning and policy for disasters

Biosolids drying facility to convert human waste into marketable fertilizer adds pollutants to Detroit air

Stone’s Throw Landfill is expanding & impinging on Ashurst Bar/Smith historical town in Alabama

Significant flaws identified in USFS plan to restore Sierra Nevada forests to less dense & less fire-prone

Custom, hydroponically grown veggies grown to suit consumer wants

To help thwart ivory poaching, Vollrath creates realistic fake ivory

Nicaraguan canal may have Supreme Court approval, but may lack funds for construction

Number of deaths and homes damaged/destroyed increasing in proportion to increase in population and urban sprawl


Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 15 May 2017 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

Beaches come and beaches go – that’s how nature works – it’s only humans that expect status quo



Do shark nets provide a sufficient level of “safety” to warrant their use?

New system can quickly predict inland reach of tsunamis

Coastal razor clam digging season ended by increasing marine toxin levels at Mocrocks Beach

Despite voter rejection of massive waterfront makeover, challenges are launched in Redondo Beach

Warming waters and acidification may disrupt coastal biome, including Chesapeake Bay

Top 20 best places for coastal living include South Boston & Cape Cod town of Orleans, Massachusetts

Top 20:

Plastic pollution at 4 coastal California hotspots from the SF Bay to San Diego violates Clean Water Act

Can European coastal cities become resilient enough to cope with flooding?

New World Bank grants financing for project aimed at increasing coastal resiliency

Coastal environmental groups push for advocacy to threats of increasing population and development

Blue Vision Summit of ocean conservation organizations focused on protecting Long Island Sound, impacts of offshore drilling & extreme weather

Study goal to provide accurate assessment of sea level rise on coral reef islands

Mexican Corporation that operates Cemex sand mine accused of damaging Monterey Bay

Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion would divert Mississippi River and produce up to 43M metric tonnes of sediment over 10 years, causing significant impacts on coastal wildlife

Protected species in Gulf of Mexico may need decades to recover from Deepwater Horizon oil spill

369 MW windfarms off the coast of Maryland may bring jobs, but also visual pollution & other problems, still need federal approvals