Georgia’s Regions!

In this handout, you will be given several choices of how to complete the project. Please choose 1 and complete all the requirements for your choice. And don’t forget to enjoy showing what you have learned!

Choice 1: Choose 1 of Georgia’s regions: Appalachian Plateau, Ridge & Valley, Blue Ridge, Piedmont or Coastal Plain. Create an advertisement poster either online or on paper that promotes the region and entices travelers to come there. Include information about the regions physical features, climate, attractions, etc. Be creative! (Helpful thought: If you worked for an advertisement company, what would you include on this poster to encourage tourism and travel to the region of your choice?) If this is done on the computer, you may NOT use PowerPoint.

Choice 2: Using Prezi or emaze, create an online presentation (graphic organizer or multimedia slideshow) describing 1 of Georgia’s regions. Include the regions physical makeup and features, prominent crops grown, major businesses and industries, etc. Include pictures and other media throughout your presentation to emphasize the strong features of the region. Be creative!

Choice 3: Create a recorded video using props, visuals and music to explain Georgia’s 5 regions and the important factors of each region. The video may be a group effort with no more than 5 people. Each region must be evident in the video and each person in the group must have a prominent part in the video. Include credits and the end that briefly explain each member’s part. A script must be turned in with the video.

Choice 4: Write a story about Georgia’s 5 regions. Create a creative plot that includes characters where the regions of Georgia are the location. The story must flow together. Each region must be evident as well as major factors that describe that region within the story. The story must be typed, single spaced, 11 or 12 point font, justified alignment, black font color. Illustrations may be included within the story if chosen and must show characteristics of the regions in some way.

Choice 5: FREE CHOICE! With this choice, you may choose the majority of the assignment, with minimal limitations. You may do create a project of your own that specifically and thoroughly depicts 1 or all 5 of Georgia’s regions and features. You must have your choice approved by me before beginning.

General rubric: What will I be looking for in this project?

I will be looking for an understanding or 1 or all 5 of Georgia’s regions which includes the following:

  • Correct name of the region
  • Coordinating physical and unique features
  • Visuals used
  • Creativity & neatness
  • Spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure

This project will count as an assessment grade and you will have 2 weeks to complete it. We will go to the computer lab or use the netbooks once during that time. The remainder of the time, the project is 100% yours. You may ask any questions you need addressed during the 2 week period. This project will be due on August 31, 2015.

I understand all the above information about the project and that I am responsible for completing and turning the project in on or before the due date. I also understand that if I do not turn the project in, I will be allowed a limited amount of time, with reduced points, to turn the project in. I also understand that if I do not turn the project in within a reasonable amount of time, I will receive a 0 for an assessment grade.


Student signature/dateParent signature/date

Circle the choice # you selected to complete: 1 2 3 4 5

If you chose 5, please write in the space provided below what the specific details are of your project.


Please show this form to Ms. Kelly, with the signatures and details of choice 5 (if selected) by Tuesday, August 18, 2015. The form MUST be turned in with the completed project.