George Jr. (son of George Michael and Anna Margretha Jake TROUTNER) was born in Pennsylvania in 1755. George Jr. and his wife (Susannah EARHART) were the parents of the following children who were born in Pennsylvania: John (born 1 April 1786); Margaret (born 17 July 1787); George (born 14 April 1789); Susannah (born 25 January 1791); and Elizabeth (born 10 March 1794).

George Jr., following in his father’s footsteps, enlisted as a private in the Northumberland County Pennsylvania Militia in early-1778. He initially served in Captain Michael WEAVER’S 2nd Company, 4th Battalion.His battalion commander was Colonel Peter Hosterman (who had previously served as a private with George Jr.’s father in Captain Benjamin Weiser’s company of the Northumberland County Militia in 1777).

Captain WEAVER’S unit spent the winter at Valley Forge with General George Washington. His company took part in the Battle of Monmouth NJ on 28 June 1778. This battle was the last major engagement fought in the northern theater of the war.By the spring of 1780, George Jr. was stationed on the frontiers of Northumberland County. In June and July 1780, George Jr. served in the Northumberland County Rangers under Lieutenant John SPEES. In 1786, he was a corporal in Captain Andrew BALLEY’S 7th Company, 5thBattalion in the York County Pennsylvania Militia. George Jr. ended his military service on 29 Oct 1789.

In the late 1790’s, George Jr.with his brother Joseph and their families left Pennsylvania to settle on the frontier. George Jr. and his family settled south of Chillicothe, OH (where his wife died of bilious fever in 1802). On 12 Apr 1808, George Jr. married Betsey Elizabeth CRAWFORD. George Jr.died on 25 Feb 1819 at the age of 64 and is buried in the Hamilton/Lunbeck Cemetery on Lunbeck Road, Scioto Twp, Ross County, Ohio.

George TROUTNER, Jr.


Revolutionary War Patriot

Grave Site Marking and Dedication

Hamilton/Lunbeck Cemetery, Scioto Twp, Ross Co, Ohio

April 20, 2013 (1:30 PM)

Conducted By

Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)

Nathaniel Massie Chapter NSDAR


Sons of the American Revolution (SAR)

Arthur St. Clair Chapter, OHSSAR

Program –April 20, 2013 (1:30 PM)

Gathering: David Chesney on bagpipe

ProgramPass Outs – Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)

Processional to the Grave Site: Robert Grim, Past President Arthur St. Clair Chapter; Parade Marshall

Ohio Society SAR Color Guard, W.A. “Tony” Robinson, State Comdr., Central District Chairman & National Trustee

DAR & SAR, Chapter Flags

Joseph Ogle Co., OhioCounty Militia, Joseph Forte, Capt.

Period Dress Participants

Pledge to the Flag: Robert Grim

“Star Spangled Banner:” Tony Robinson

Invocation: ______

Welcome: David Rieder, President of the Arthur St. Clair Chapter of the Ohio Society, SAR.

Hamilton/Lunbeck Cemetery: Sue Gearhart, Past Regent, Nathaniel Massie Chapter, NSDAR, Co-compiler-SAR Patriots’ book & winner of two SAR “Martha Washington” Awards.

Purpose: David RIEDER

The Story of George TROUTNER:

(Grandson- ?? , Descendant of George TROUTNER

Dedication of the Flag Holder: Dr. Michael Geron, Sec. & Past President of Arthur St. Clair Chapter, OHSSAR

Placing the Flag: ______

Prayer of Dedication: Curtis Fleisher, Chaplain, Arthur St. Clair Chapter

DAR Grave Marking Ritual: Dana Martinko, Regent, Nathaniel Massie Chapter, NSDAR

Wreath Laying: Robert GrimIntroducing – SAR, DAR & Family

Remarks From the Gathering: ______- Descendants to introduce themselves and give their descent, and time for any others wishing to speak. Ohio Societies DAR & SAR.

Closing Remarks: ______

Musket Salute – Three rounds by the Ohio County Militia

23rd Psalm & Benediction: Mark Lovensheimer, VP of Arthur St. Clair Chapter, SAR______

Amazing Grace by bagpiper David Chesney

Taps by SAR member, Jim Smith

Family & DAR/SAR Pictures

Refreshments-All are invited to partake at ______courtesy of the family and the Nathaniel Massie Chapter of the NSDAR.


OriginalRossCountyGraves Registration – Myron & Sue Gearhart

SciotoTownship Trustees: ______r

Current Graves Registration Committee: Arthur St. Clair Chapter, OHSSAR:

M. A. “Tom” Lovensheimer & Robert A. “Bob” Fetters