1.the Composition of the Br. Isles.
The UK is is situated on the Br Isles – a large group of islands lying off the north-western coast of Europe and separated from the continent by the English Channel And the Strait of Dover in the south and the North Sea in the east. It consists of 2 large islands: Great Britain and the Isle of Ireland and about 5000 small islands(+The Isle of Wight – to the south of the mainland, closer to England. The biggest prison of the BI. The Isle of Man – half-indep, self-governing, the crown dependancy. Can’t have own money, but issue stamps. Have own houses of Parliament – Toynwald. Manxs – their own language – 200 people speak it. Tourism. Famous by the tailess cats that jump. The biggest ballroom in the world is situated there, also ther’s the oldest horsetram. The Channel Islands – (Нормандские) between France&Eng, self-governed. Consist of: Alderney (famous for dairy products, Sark – famouse for low taxes, Jersey (produce cardigans).The Isles of Scilly near Wales, resorts are there, The Isle of Anglesey. To the north- west- the Hebrides( inner and outer- closer to the continent) to the north- the Okneys(there\s an oil terminal) and the Shetlands – nobody lives there, extreme east. . The total area of the Br. Isles is 244 sq km.. The population is 56 mln people. The British Isles are washed by: the Atlantic Ocean in the west and in the north, the north sea in the east and the english channel in the south. There are two major islands: GB- including England, Scotland and Wales . Ireland- including Northern Ireland, The republic of Ireland.
The Isles were a part of the mainland: 1) The coastline fits those of the continent 2) The wildlife is practically the same as in the continent. Before the end of the last ice age, Great Britain was a peninsula of Europe; the rising sea levels caused by glacial melting at the end of the ice age caused the formation of the English Channel, the body of water which now separates Great Britain from continental Europe at a minimum distance of 21 miles (34 km)
The climate of Great Britain is milder than that of other regions of the Northern Hemisphere at the same latitude, because the warm waters of the Gulf Stream pass by the British Isles and exert a moderating influence on the weather. Cool, but not cold, temperatures, clouds more often than sun
2. the relief of GB.
Britain is unpredictable in climate and varied in scenery. The most precise distinction is geological . GB`s physical relief can be divided into 2 main regions: Highland Br (almost the whole of Scotl., the Lake District, the Pennines (the backbone of E), the Cumbrian mount-s; almost the whole of Wales; the southwest peninsula: Devon and Carnwall) and Lowland Br.(most of Engl; central lowlands of Scotland; some areas in south Wales)The rocks of most of the north and west of Gb are harder and older than those of the south and east. South and East are rarely flat, but there are bands of hills, with areas of lowlands. Here the climate is drier and better suited to farming. Ben Nevis (1.343)- highest peak of the British Isles.
The Cheviot Hills – natural border between E&S/
the island is marked by low, rolling countryside in the east and south, while hills and mountains predominate in the western and northern regions
Cambrian mountains – Snowdon (Sc)
Rivers – The Thames – 346 km , The Severn 352 km The Clige (Glasgow), the Mercey (flows to Manchester), the Dee (Aberdeen), The Tyne – New Castle, The Furth – Edingburg, The Tay (Bendee)
Lakes: Lock Ney – the deepest, Lock Lomond – the largest, Lock Ness – the longest
Flora&Fauna – 6% of forests – oak, hazel, chestnut, beech, ash
Natural resources – coal, natural gas, chalk, ore / 3.Isles and Islands.
Isle-used in the name of groups of islands, used with personal names. The British Isles comprise about 5000 Islands. The largest islands of the British Isles are GB and Ireland(Northern Ireland, The republic of Ireland), they are separated by the Irish Sea, St Georges`s Channel and the North Channel. There are groups of islands: The Isle of Wight(pleasant climate, seaside resort to the south of the mainland, closer to England. The biggest prison of the BI ), the Isle of Man(own parliam.Lord of Man-head of the state, laws and legal system,self-governing island. Can’t have own money, but issue stamps. Have own houses of Parliament – Toynwald. Manxs – their own language – 200 people speak it. Tourism. Famous by the tailess cats that jump. The biggest ballroom in the world is situated there, also ther’s the oldest horsetram), The Channel (Норманд) between France&Eng, self-governed. Consist of: Alderney (famous for dairy products, Sark – famouse for low taxes, Jersey (produce cardigans). The Isles of Scilly near Wales(140 – 5 of them are inhabited)(part of the county of Cornwall, warmest isl. ), The Isle of Anglesey(the station with the longest name is located here). To the north- west- the Hebrides( inner(the largest og the Inner H separated from the mainland by a narrow channel - Sky) and outer, separated by the Sea of H. and the Minch) to the north- the Okneys(farmland isles, base of sea oil industry) and the Shetlands (in extreme east hilly,treeless,15are inhabited North Oil Industry, `shelties`платки). Total area of the Br. Isles is 94250 sq miles.
4. The geographical portrait of England and Wales.
Of the four countries which make up the uk, england is the largest. It occupies an area of 131`8 thousand sq km. Its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total population of the United Kingdom. England borders on scotland in the north. In the west it is washed by the bristol channel and the irish sea and borders on wales. In the south it is separated from the continent by the english channel.
England comprises the central and southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain, plus offshore islands of which the largest is the Isle of Wight. It is closer to continental Europe than any other part of Britain, divided from France only by a 38 km.
England can be divided into northern england, mostly taken up by the low pennines, the central plain, lowland south coast england and hilly south west england.
The principal highland region, the Pennine Chain, forms the backbone of northern England(from the Cheviot Hills in the south to the Peak District.). A large area occupied by the Pennine Chain comprises the Lake District with the Cumbrian mountains and Scafell Pike. The Chiltern Hills. The North and South Downs (law chalk hills in southern Engl.), Exmoor and Dartmoor(high moorlands on Carnwall Peninsular), the Fens (an area of drained marshland lying below sea level), Salisbury Plain(Stonehenge).The cheviot hills separate E&S.
Wales (a principality) is approximately 242 km from north to south. About two third of the total population live in the south wales, coastal area where 3 biggest cities are located ; swansea, cardiff and newport. Wales is a peninsula washed by the sea on three sides: the bristol channel in the south, the st. George’s channel in the west and the irish sea in the north. It borders on E in the east. Geographically wales may be considered part of highland Britain. It`s mostly mountainous as the cambrian mountains occupy most of the land. Other major highland areas are the Brecon Beacons and the area known as Snowdonia, wuth the 2nd highest peak on GB – Snowdon. It is an area of high mountains, deep valleys, waterfalls and lakes. Wales is a region of heavy rainfall brought by the prevailing west winds from the atlantic.
Wales – 8 counties, a principality
Origin of the name E – Romans. Consits of counties&shires (old for county) -45-46.
cardiff / 5.The geographical portrait of Scotland.
Scotland is the most northern of the countries that constitute the uk. It occupies an area of 78.8 thousand sq km. It is washed by the atlantic ocean in the north and west and by the north sea in the east. Apart from the mainland, Scotland consists of over 790 islands, divided into 3 main groups: Hebridies, Shetland, Orkney
The coastline of scotland is greatly indented. Geographically the territory of sc. Can be divided into 3 regions: -the northern highlands(are divided by the Great Glen-a rift valley&contains Loch Ness)+The North-Western Highlands, + The Grampians(the central h-s, Ben Nevis 1.343); -the central lowlands(densly populated, `fertile lands) ;- the southern uplands(the Cheviot Hills adjoin Sc with Engl., sparsely populated).
The climate of Scotland is temperate and oceanic, and tends to be very changeable. It is warmed by the Gulf Stream from the Atlantic, and as such has much milder winters (but cooler, wetter summers) than areas on similar latitudes, for example Oslo or Moscow. However, temperatures are generally lower than in the rest of the UK
6. the geographical portrait of Northern Ireland.
Northern ireland occupies the north-eastern part of ireland, which is separated from the island of great britain by the north channel. In the south-west northern ireland borders on the irish republic (Eire). It covers 14,139 km² in the northeast of the island of Ireland, about a sixth of the total area of the island. t consists of six counties situated within the province of Ulster.
The centrepiece of Northern Ireland's geography is Lough Neagh, the largest freshwater lake both on the island of Ireland and in the British Isles, and the third largest lake in Western Europe. Central fertile plain rising gradually to higher land on all sides. There are substantial uplands in the Sperrin Mountains (an extension of the Caledonian fold mountains)
Almost all the area of northern ireland is a plain of volcanic origin.The greatly indented coastline of northern ireland is abundant in rocks and cliffs.
Northern ireland has a typical oceanic climate with mild damp winters( january- +4+5) and cool rainy summers( july +14+15) forests are rather scarce, moors and meadows prevail. Northern ireland is mostly an agrarian region. The weather is unpredictable at all times of the year, and although the seasons are distinct
Ireland – 6 counties
7. The national identity of the English.
England is the largest and the most populous constituent country of the UK. Its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total population of the UK. The English are descendants of 2 nations: the Celts, the Anglo-Saxons. Different races due to immigrations.London is the largest city in the british isles. National symbols: The national animal-unicorn, lion. The "Three Lions" is the unofficial crest of England and was first used by Richard I National tree- oak. Flower-a double rose(red petals) (tudor rose). `The Union Jack – a term for the flag(Jack a coloq. Name for a sailor).Design: 3 crosses – upright red (St George), white diagonal (St.Andrews-scotl.), red diag(St Patrick of Ireland) `England’s national day is st.george’s day (according to legend st.George saved princess from the dragon. He’s also the patron of Moscow, Greece, Georgia) - he is a patron saint. English identity is often found around its sports( football , rugby, and cricket). The two main traditional symbols ofengland are the st. George’s cross ( the english flag), and the three lions and an icon of the crown of st. Edward is used on all government and official coat of arms of nearly every public institution and service.
Stereotype of an Englishman: John Bull accompanied by a bulldog. He is a fat country gentleman, wearing a tallhat (цилиндр) and a waistcoat, high boots. Has a red face. The bulldog symbolizes the English nation in general – brave, loyal, stubborn, courageous, determined. Br soldiers sometimes referred to as bulldogs. The E have the stiff upper lip – have no sentiments about life. Typical E names: Fisher, backer, thetcher, smith, Williamson , John, Mary.
Although England is a country rich in folklore and traditions, it has no definitive national costume. The most well-known folk costumes are those of the Morris dancers. They can be seen in many country villages during the summer months performing dances that once held ritualistic and magical meanings associated with the awakening of the earth.
Origin of the name E – Romans. Consits of counties&shires (old for county) -45-46.
England - white
8 National Identity of the Scottish
Scotland was an independent state till 1707 when it became a part of the Kingdom of GB.
Capital –Edinburgh, the largest city – Glasgow. Population -5 mln pl.
Languages: English and Scottish Gaelic.
As a result of the Scotland Act 1998 there was created Scottish Parliament which had powers to make primary legislation in certain areas of policy, in addition to some limited tax varying powers.
S has preserved its own traditions and symbols:
- The Flag of Scotland, the Saltire or St. Andrew's Cross, dates from the 9th century, forms part of the design of the Union Flag. (a white diagonal gross against blue background)
- The unicorn is a heraldic symbol of Scotland. plant:thistle. Legend has it that a Viking attacker stepped on one at night and cried out, so alerting the defenders of a Scottish castle
- William Wallace, a national hero and a leader in the Scottish Wars of Independence (the end of the 13c –the beg. of the 14th cent)
- Tartan and kilt - Perhaps the most famous national dress in Britain. The kilt is worn around the waist, with the pleats at the back and the ends crossed over at the front and secured with a pin. The word ‘tartan’ originates from a French word. The Gaelic for the material is ‘breacan’. Traditionally ladies don't wear kilts, they do however wear dresses or pleated skirts in a tartan material Each Scottish clan or family now has its own distinctive tartan pattern, made up of different colours. An official register of tartans is maintained by Tartans of Scotland.
There’s no official anthem of S. The unofficial: ‘Scotland the brave’& ‘Flower of S’
- Bagpipe –national music instrument
- St Andrew's Day, the 30th of November, is the national day.
- St Andrew is the patron saint of the country (apostle, martyr, died on the cross, patron of fishermen and sailors)
Typical names – Morgan, Fiona, Duncan. Hollyroot house – official residence of the Q.
Highland games – Scottish Olympics. Fling Dance.
S- blue / 9.National Identity of the Welsh
The Principality of Wales is one of the four constituent nations of the UK. Population≈3mln pl. Consists of 8 counties.
Instrument – harp (арфа)
Names: Johns, Wiilaims, Lloyd, Pritchard (Pr – son of)
Capital - Cardiff. Wales has its own Parliament (National Assembly for Wales) and executive.
National symbols:
- Anthem – ‘The land of mu fathers’ – the survival of the old welsh songs,
-The Flag of Wales incorporates the reddragon along with the Tudor colours of green and white.Flag of Wales is the only one that isn’t included into the Flag of GB. The Flag of Saint David is sometimes used as an alternative to the national flag, and is flown on St David's Day (a yellow vertical cross against black background). St. David is usually portraited with a dove on his shoulder.
- The Dragon, part of the national flag design, is also a popular Welsh symbol. Many legends are associated with the Welsh dragon. One tells abouta long fight between a red dragon and a white dragon.The white dragon would at first dominate but eventually the red dragon would win
- The leek is also a national emblem of Wales. According to legend, Saint David ordered his Welsh soldiers to identify themselves by wearing the vegetable on their helmets in an ancient battle against the Saxons that took place in a leek field (legend about the Prince of W. Edw 1)
- The daffodil is the national flower of Wales, and is worn on St David's Day each March 1
- Welsh National dress is relatively young and not as famous as Scottish National dress. Still they do have a National costume, but it's the way the ladies dress that is most well known, in fact there isn't really a National costume for men although recently through the rise of nationalism in Wales a tartan has been created and tartan trousers or kilts are often worn.
For the ladies the typical Welsh costume consists of a hat, made of black felt, with a high crown and wide brim, which is worn over a lace cap. A red flannel shawl is worn over a crisp white blouse, and a full skirt made of wool with a black and white check pattern and a starched, white apron. Proper Welsh ladies always wore black woolen stockings and black shoes and carried a basket, made from willow withies.
Famous festival – Eisteddfod – held in summer. Contest of singing, dancing, contest of poetry – the winner sits in a special chair.
Stereotype – fair hair, blue eyes. But in fact they’re short, dark-skinned, dark-eyed
Wales – 8 counties, a principality
Instrument - harp
Wales – red, cardiff / 10. The national identity of the Irish
Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, and covers 5,459 square miles (14,139 km²) in the northeast of the island of Ireland, about a sixth of the total area of the island. It has a population of 1,685,000. It consists of six counties situated within the province of Ulster, and in the UK is generally known as one of its four Home Nations, forming a constituent country of the United Kingdom.
George I ( 1714-1727), George II (1727-1760)
