Geometry Vocabulary Builder: Chapter 1


Name ______Block ______

Term / Definition / Description / Example
Equation / How is an equation different from an expression?
Solution of an equation / What is the solution to this equation?: - x + 5 = 12
Identity / Give example of an equation that would be an ‘Identity’:
Contradiction / Give example of an equation that would be an ‘Contradiction’:
Formula / Solve the formula for w: V = lwh
Literal Equation / Solve the literal equation for a: b + c =
Ratio / Show three different ways ratios can be written:
Rate / Change the rate to feet per second:
65 miles per hour
Unit rate / Find the unit rate: A yellow jacket can fly 4.5 meters in 9 seconds.
Scale / A car model has the scale ‘1:20’ on the side. What does this mean?
Scale factor / Two similar rectangles have side lengths of 4 in. by 6 in. and 12 in. by 18 in. What is the scale factor?
Proportion / Solve the proportion for n:

Similar / Show an example of two trapezoids that are similar. (Label measurements)
Corresponding sides / angles / Name all corresponding sides and corresponding angles for ABC ~ JFK
Indirect measurement / Why is indirect measurement useful?
Percent / What is 0.4% of 20? 200% of 10?
Commission / How much commission and how much total money would this salesman make?: $28,600 per year plus a 4.25% commission on sales. Total sales are $310,000
Interest / Calculate the interest amount at the total amount owed: Loan of $900 at interest rate of 8.5% for
6 months
Percent change / Calculate the percent of change:
From 156 lbs to 130 lbs.
Discount / Calculate the amount of discount and the new selling price: $45 jacket at 20% off
Markup / Calculate the amount of markup and the selling price: $10,200 car at 42% markup