Geometry Mr. Castellino Room 466 extension # 5466
Goal is to establish the understanding of Euclidean Geometry as laid out by the California State Standards. The teacher is responsible for guiding the students through the standards the students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning. In a geometry class great emphasis is placed on learning a core set of vocabulary, completing all assigned material, active participation, maintaining an organized notebook, and study for the assessments.
Letter / Percent / Rubric / StandardA / 90% to 100% / 7 / excellent
B / 80.5% to 89.4% / 6 / proficient
C / 68.5% to 79.4 / 5 / basic
D / 59% to 67.4% / 4 / below basic
F / 0 to 58.9% / 3 and below / Far below basic
No off campus forms will be approved unless the students are currently earning a C minus or better.
Grade weights:
Tests/Quizzes 70%
*Assigned work 30%
Given the fast pace, students who miss class can quickly fall behind, I cannot emphasize the importance of being in school and keeping up with the assigned work.
Daily required material:
Notebook (spiral or three ring binder) papertextbookpencil and eraser
Recommended material:
Three colored pencils compass and protractorstraight edge calculator
Cheating is a major offense. Cheating includes, but is not limited to copying homework of others, looking at another test/quiz paper during a test/quiz, having a cheat sheet available during a test/quiz even if it is not used, use of a cell phone or other electronic device during a test/quiz. Students willingly providing or allowing other students to copy their work will be held accountable.
First time: Paper confiscated, a zero will be assigned. Further consequences or actions will be in accordance with the class discipline plan.
SPECIAL Message:
The students are responsible for their learning.
Students will be expected to study at least 5 days a week for 15 to 30 minutes.. They can expect to have a quiz every one or two weeks and a test every two to four weeks, depending on the schedule. On the days the student does not have assigned work they will be expected to review their notes for the day, prepare for any quiz or test, read the text, work on extra problems, or organize their folders. Study!!!!!!!!!
“Although good teachers can provide encouragement and help, students are responsible for their own learning and no one can learn for them.” (Math. Framework for Cal. Public Schools)
- Follow directions quickly.
- Raise your hand if you want to speak.
- Raise your hand if you need to get out of your seat.
- Make wise choices.
- Make your poor teacher happy.
Special Note: Cell phones and electronic devices are a distraction and have no place in the classroom. Cell phones and electronic devices will be confiscated and turned over to the administration.
Attendance/Tardy Policy- see Student Parent Handbook. Major Discipline – see Student
Parent Handbook. Be in your seat at the Bell.
As a matter of safety, bathrooms should be visited during the passing period and not during class time.
*Electronic copies of work will not be accepted. Assignments must be hand written for credit.