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Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
Final Examination
Answer all questions in accordance with the ASME Y14.5M-1994 Standard.
1.A datum reference frame consists of
2.A numerical value used to specify the theoretically exact size, profile, orientation, or location of a feature is a
3.A symbol used to identify physical features of a part as datums and shall not be applied to centerlines, center planes, or axes is called a
4.A physical portion of a part, such as a surface, pin, hole, tab, or slot is called a
5.The theoretically exact location of a feature established by basic dimensions is called
6.A feature that has a dimension such as a cylindrical surface or two opposed parallel surfaces is called a
7.A constant boundary generated by the collective effects of the MMC limit of size of a feature and the applicable geometric tolerance is called
8.A material condition used to indicate that a specified geometric tolerance or datum reference applies at each increment of size of a feature within its limits of size is called
9.Feature orientation is controlled by the datum.
10.What is the shape of a datum feature that is always associated with two theoretical planes intersecting at right angles at the datum axis?
11.Datum features must be specified in order of .
12.What kind of features always apply at MMC, LMC, or RFS?
13.When no geometric tolerance is specified, the size tolerance controls the
as well as thesize.
14. automatically applies to individual tolerances and to datum features of size. MMC and LMC must be specified where required.
.XX = ± .01
.XXX = ± .005
ANGLES = ± 1°
15.The hole on the drawing above is required to be perpendicular to the bottom two coplanar surfaces, and centrally located on the plate regardless of the feature size and the datum sizes. Without specifying a coplanarity tolerance, specify datum A on the part with the appropriate datum feature symbol and supply the missing datums in the feature control frame.
.XX = ± .01
.XXX = ± .005
ANGLES = ± 1°
16.On the part above, specify the primary datum, the back of the part, to be flat within .002, the secondary datum, the lower edge, perpendicular to the primary datum within .002, and the tertiary datum, the left edge, perpendicular to the other two datums within .004. Specify the sides opposite the datums parallel to the respective datums within .004. Position the 2-hole pattern within a tolerance of .020 and the 4-hole pattern for quarter-inch diameter fasteners. All six holes are to be considered one composite pattern. Complete the drawing using MMC wherever possible.
17.On the part above:
A.The side opposite datum A is flat within what tolerance?
B.The side opposite datum B is flat within what tolerance?
C.The side opposite datum C is flat within what tolerance?
18.On a gage designed to control the 9-hole pattern, what is the diameter of the pin that goes through the three-quarter-inch diameter hole (datum D)?
19.The two hole patterns in the drawing above are independent of each other. Supply the feature control frames necessary to control these patterns with "0" positional tolerance to the datums specified in the most cost effective way. Datum C is the clocking datum for both patterns. Use MMC wherever possible.
20.If the center hole shown in the drawing above is actually produced at a diameter of 1.040, what positional tolerance is available for the hole?
21.If the holes in the 4-hole pattern shown in the drawing above are actually produced at a diameter of .520, what positional tolerance is available for each of the 4 holes?
.XXX = ± .010
ANGLES = ± 2°
22.The pattern of clearance holes in the part above is to be located within a cylindrical tolerance zone of .125 at MMC to the datums. The sheet metal box layout is designed to be assembled to the mating part with Ø .250 bolts as floating fasteners. Tolerance the hole pattern using both tolerances and complete the drawing.
23.If the part in the drawing above is actually produced at a diameter of .497, how much can this part be bowed and still be acceptable?
24.Would a straightness tolerance of .010 for the part above be appropriate?
Why or why not?
.XX = ± .01
.XXX = ± .005
ANGLES = ± 1°
25.Calculate the Virtual Condition of the PIN.Calculate the Virtual Condition of the HOLE.
26.Calculate the Resultant Condition of the PIN.Calculate the Resultant Condition of the HOLE.
Calculate the maximum and minimum distances indicated on the drawing above:
27.Maximum X =
28.Minimum X =
29.Maximum Y =
30.Minimum Y =
.XX = ± .01
.XXX = ± .005
ANGLES = ± 1°
31.Tolerance the parts above. Specify flatness controls of .002 for the primary datums. Specify the appropriate orientation control to control the relationships between the primary and secondary datums. Finally, specify a location tolerance of .020 for the threaded hole pattern and use "0" positional tolerance and MMC wherever possible.
32.Calculate the coaxial tolerance for the socket. Draw the appropriate feature control frame to specify coaxiality between the two features.Use MMC wherever possible.
.XX = ± .03
.XXX = ± .010
ANGLES = ± 3°
33.Locate the two holes in the hinge brackets within .040 at MMC to the datums indicated and coaxial to each other within .005 at MMC. Complete the drawing.
.XX = ± .005
.XXX = ± .001
ANGLES = ± .5°
34. On the part above, control each of the two half-inch diameter shafts with a circular runout tolerance of .001 to the multiple datum features consisting of the two composite half-inch diameter shafts, A and B. Refine each runout tolerances with a cylindricity tolerance of .0005
35.On the part above, specify a geometric tolerance that will control cumulative variations of coaxiality, circularity, straightness, angularity, taper, and profile of a surface all at the same time of the Ø 2.000-inch within a tolerance of .001 at RFS to the multiple datum features specified. Also, specify a geometric tolerance that will control cumulative variations of coaxiality and circularity for the conical taper within a tolerance of .001 at RFS to the multiple datum features specified.
36.In the drawing above, specify profile of a surface within a tolerance of .020 inside the profile to the datums indicated between points L and M.
37.For the cam shown above, specify a perpendicularity tolerance for the Ø 2.000-inch hole. The mating shaft has a Ø 2.000-inch virtual condition. Also, specify profile of a surface tolerance within .002, all around the cam, perpendicular to datum A, and located to the hole. Use MMC wherever possible. Complete the drawing.
38.Specify the datums indicated. The primary datum consists of the two lower coplanar surfaces. Specify the primary datum to be coplanar within .004. Complete the drawing
.XX = ± .03
.XXX = ± .010
ANGLES = ± 1°
39.The hole pattern is for 1/2" fasteners. Locate the three holes to each other and perpendicular to the back of the part within the required tolerance. Next specify a profile tolerance perpendicular to the back of the part and located to the hole pattern within .060. Complete the drawing using MMC wherever possible.
40.On the part above, what coaxiality tolerance is implied between the Ø .500 pin and the Ø 2.00 plate?
.XX = ± .01
.XXX = ± .005
ANGLES = ± 1°
41.For the three toleranced rectangles above, state the tolerance within which the top surface must be flat.
.XX = ± .02
.XXX = ± .010
ANGLES = ± 1°
42.Supply the appropriate geometric tolerancing necessary to control the elongated holes in the drawing above. The location tolerances are .040 in the horizontal (length) direction, and .005 in the vertical (width) direction. Complete the drawing using MMC wherever possible.
43.Convert the geometric tolerance for the hole pattern in the part above to a "0" positional tolerance.
44.What is the size and shape of datum target A1?
45.What are the tolerances for the basic dimensions that locate the datum targets?
.XXX = ± .005
ANGLES = ± 1°
46.Specify a geometric tolerance of .010 to control the size and shape of the ellipse in the drawing above.
47.The mass of the high speed rotating part above must be accurately balanced. Specify a tolerance that will refine the location and orientation of the median points of the ellipse within a cylindrical tolerance of .002 to the datum axis. All tolerances and datums are to be specified at RFS.
48.The mass of the high speed rotating part above must be accurately balanced about its center plane. The median points of the 2.000-inch slot are to be located symmetrically within a tolerance of .004 at RFS to datum A at RFS.
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Mechanical DesignFinal Examination