Geologic Time Period

The geologic time scale is a representation of the Earth’s history. It organizes Earth’s history by major changes or events that occurred, using evidence from the fossil and geologic records. The time scale is divided into periods based on the order in which different groups of rocks and fossils were formed.

Directions: With a partner you will be creating a power point that illustrates a specific period of the Earth’s history. You will be responsible for creating a power point that accurately represents the period you are assigned. This project is to include the following items:

  • Identify the era the period falls in
  • The length of time the period lasted
  • Major events of the period
  • Life forms present
  • Life forms that became extinct during that period
  • Shape of the land mass
  • Graphics
  • 6-12 power point slides
  • Work cited slide with url’s

If you have any questions or need help please come see me.

After this project you will be working with other groups to create a portion of a graphic organizer about your era.

Time period: ______

Geologic Time Period Grading RubricNames: ______

CATEGORY / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Total
Graphics / Each slide has a graphic or two depicting the information described in the slide. / Every other slide has a graphic or two depicting the information described in the slide. / Very few graphics throughout the presentation, depicting the information described in the slide. / Very few graphics that do not relate to your period of time. / Many graphics are not clear or are too small. Not related to your topic. / 5
Period Description / Student provides at least 5 accurate descriptions of the major events/characteristics of the time period. / Student provides at least 4 accurate descriptions of the major events/characteristics of the time period. / Student provides at least 3 accurate descriptions of the major events/characteristics of the time period. / Student provides fewer than 3 accurate descriptions of the major events of the time period. / Events do not relate to time period assigned to students. / 10
Life during Period / Student provides at least 8 different animals that were alive during your time period. / Student provides at least 6 different animals that were alive during your time period. / Student provides at least 5 different animals that were alive during your time period. / Student provides at least 3 different animals that were alive during your time period. / Student provides at least 1 different animals that were alive during your time period.. / 10
Extinct Species of the Period / Student provides at least 8 different animals that became extinct during your time period. / Student provides at least 6 different animals that became extinct during your time period. / Student provides at least 5 different animals that became extinct during your time period. / Student provides at least 3 different animals that became extinct during your time period. / Student provides at least 1 different animals that became extinct during your time period. / 10
Attractive-ness / The power point is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. / The power point is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. / The power point is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. / The power point is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. / The power point is a mess. / 5
Grammar / There are no grammatical mistakes. Capitalization and punctuation are correct. / There is 1 grammatical mistake. There is 1 error in capitalization or punctuation. / There are 2 grammatical mistakes. There are 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation. / There are more than 2 grammatical mistakes. There are more than 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation. / Grammar and spelling is a total disaster. / 5
Labels / All items of importance are clearly labeled and can be read from the back of the room. / Almost all items of importance are clearly labeled with labels that can be read from the back of the room. / Several items of importance are clearly labeled and can be read from the back of the room. / Labels are too small to view OR no important items were labeled. / Nothing is labeled. / 5
Total /50*2= /100