GEOL 2: Historical Geology with Lab
Name: ______Date: ______
(3) 2 pts. Describe thermal convection. Include the source of heat, where this heat goes, what it does to Earth’s materials, and what those materials do. Include information about the two following questions: Why do the Earth materials rise? Why do they fall?
(4) 2 pts. Describe how thermal convection may drive the Wilson Cycle.
(5) 2 pts. What are Earth’s layers based upon mineralogy/chemical properties?
A) core, mantle, lithosphere
B) core, mantle, crust
C) core, mesosphere, asthenosphere, lithosphere
D) inner core, outer core, mesosphere, asthenosphere, lithosphere
(6) 2 pts. Sedimentary rocks that are dipping at an angle
A) were always that way.B) have been uplifted/deformed tectonically.
C) are younger than the fault that cut them.D) are older than the fault that cut them.
E) A & BF) B & CG) B & D
(29) 1 pts. A(n) ______texture represents a single, long period of cooling and crystallization.
A) glassyB) pyroclasticC) aphaniticD) phaneritic
(30) 3 pts. Which of the following best describes an aphanitic texture?
A) The rock is crystalline; mineral grains are too small to be visible without a magnifying lens or microscope.
B) The mineral grains have glassy textures.
C) The rock consists of broken, volcanic-rock and mineral fragments.
D) The rock is crystalline; mineral grains are of distinctly different sizes.
(36) 1 pt. Which one of the following shows the correct order (left to right) of decreasing magma viscosity?
A) rhyolite, andesite, basaltB) andesite, rhyolite, basalt
C) basalt, rhyolite, andesiteD) basalt, andesite, rhyolite
(20) 1 pts. Which one of the following is a sodium and calcium feldspar with striations?
A) orthoclaseB) microclineC) plagioclase
(21) 1 pts. Which of the following minerals is a ferromagnesian silicate?
A) quartzB) orthoclaseC) hornblendeD) muscovite
(22) 1 pts. Which of the following minerals is in the mineral group known as mica?
A) orthoclaseB) muscoviteC) augiteD) olivine
For the following 3 questions, use the figure below.
(1) 1 pt. Which type of volcano erupts with lava high in Si?
A) LB) K
C) ND) J
(1) 1 pt. Which has the form of a shield volcano?
A) JB) K
C) OD) N
(1) 1 pt. Which type of volcano is the source for the Columbia River Flood Basalts?
A) NB) JC) LD) O
(1) 1 pt. Which rocks are sorted properly, from low Si to high Si content?
A) Rhyolite, Dacite, Andesite, BasaltB) Basalt, Andesite, Dacite, Rhyolite
C) Basalt, Dacite, Andesite, RhyoliteD) Basalt, Rhyolite, Andesite, Dacite
(1) 1 pt. Which Cascade volcanoes has the most frequent eruptions?
A) Mt. St. HelensB) Mt. AdamsC) Mt. HoodD) Mt. Ranier
(1) 1 pt. Which volcano type is associated with the correct rock?
A) fissure flow – rhyoliteB) shield volcano – granite
C) caldera – basalt D) shield volcano – basalt
(41) 2 pts. The volcanoes and deep valleys of east Africa are related to a ______.
A) continental collision zone between Africa and the Zagros Mountains along the southern margin of Eurasia
B) transform fault aligned with the Red Sea carrying the Arabian and African blocks in opposite directions
C) continental rift along which parts of the African continent are beginning to slowly separate
D) fault allowing Arabia to slip westward past east Africa and penetrate into Turkey
(43) 2 pts. Linear, magnetic patterns associated with mid-ocean ridges are configured as ______.
A) reversed magnetizations along the rift valleys and normal magnetizations along the ridge
B) normal and reversed magnetized strips roughly parallel to the ridge
C) normal and reversed magnetized strips roughly perpendicular to the ridge axis
D) concentric circles about a rising plume of hot mantle rocks and magma
(44) 2 pts. The distance between the modern Hawaii Volcano (Mauna Loa = 0 years old) and the island that is circled is 3,200 km. What is the plate motion rate for the past 30 million years? (Round your answer to the nearest mm.)
A. 156 mm/year
B. 458 mm/year
C. 107 mm/year
D. 352 mm/year
(44) 2 pts. What is the correct sedimentary sequence, from the base up to the top, for a transgression?
A. sandstone, mudstone, shale, limestone
B. mudstone, sandstone, limestone, shale
C. limestone, shale, sandstone, mudstone
D. limestone, shale, mudstone, sandstone
(44) 2 pts. What is the correct sedimentary sequence, from the base up to the top, for a regression?
A. sandstone, mudstone, shale, limestone
B. mudstone, sandstone, limestone, shale
C. limestone, shale, sandstone, mudstone
D. limestone, shale, mudstone, sandstone
What is the time range for Pre-Cambrian history?
A. 4.6 Ga – 542 Ma
B. 542 Ma – 251 Ma
C. 251 Ma – 66 Ma
D. 66 Ma – 2.56 Ma
(44) 2 pts. What are the Pre-Cambrian Orogenies?
A. Wompay, TransHudson, Mazatzal, Grenville
B. Taconic, Acadian, Alleghanian
C. Sonoma, Nevada, Sevier, Laramide
D. Wompay, TransHudson, Sevier, Laramide
(44) 2 pts. What are the Paleozoic Orogenies?
A. Wompay, TransHudson, Mazatzal, Grenville
B. Taconic, Acadian, Alleghanian
C. Sonoma, Nevada, Sevier, Laramide
D. Wompay, TransHudson, Sevier, Laramide
(44) 2 pts. What are the Mesozoic Orogenies?
A. Wompay, TransHudson, Mazatzal, Grenville
B. Taconic, Acadian, Alleghanian
C. Sonoma, Nevada, Sevier, Laramide
D. Wompay, TransHudson, Sevier, Laramide
(44) 2 pts. When were some of the major mass extinctions?
A. Cretaceous, Mississippian, Jurassic, Devonian
B. Permian, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Pennsylvanian
C. Ordivician, Permian, Triassic, Cretaceous
D. Devonian, Ordivician, Jurassic, Tertiary
(44) 2 pts. Describe how accreted terranes are formed:
(44) 2 pts. Where were the Klamath Mountains formed?
A. northeast Washington
B. eastern Oregon
C. southwestern Oregon
D. northwestern California
To the right is a cross section from west to east from the Grand Canyon. Answer the two following questions.
(44) 2 pts. What does this sedimentary sequence represent?
A. transgression
B. regression
C. depression
D. omnipression
(44) 2 pts. The “G” line represents a timeline based upon numerical ages of sediments. What does this tell us about the depositional history here?
A. The depositional environments were deeper to the east at the same time they were shallower to the west.
B. A. The depositional environments were shallower to the east at the same time they were deeper to the west.
C. These sedimentary units are time transgressive
D. A and C
E. B and C.
(44) 2 pts. Where is there evidence for the Taconic, Acadian, and Alleghenian Orogenies and in what form is this evidence?
A. Flysch in the Great Salt Lake
B. A Clastic Wedge in Pennsylvania the thickens to the west.
C. A Clastic Wedge in Pennsylvania the thickens to the east.
D. A clastic wedge in the western Michigan Lakes.
(44) 2 pts. What is the name of a local Flysch deposit?
B. A Clastic Wedge in Pennsylvania the thickens to the west.
B. The Wildcat formation
C. The Franciscan formation
D. The Yager formation
(44) 2 pts. What fossils represent the Pre-Cambrian time period
A. Fish, Reptiles, Flowering Plants
B. Synapsids, Diapsids, Anapsids
C. Stromatolites, Eukaryotes, Metazoans
D. Amniotes, Fusulinids, Crinoids
(44) 2 pts. What fossils represent the Mesozoic time period
A. Fish, Reptiles, Flowering Plants
B. Synapsids, Diapsids, Anapsids
C. Stromatolites, Eukaryotes, Metazoans
D. Amniotes, Fusulinids, Crinoids
(44) 2 pts. What is a super continent from the Proterozoic?
A. Pangea
B. Rodinia
C. Gondwana
D. Laurasia
(44) 2 pts. What is a super continent from the Paleozoic/Mesozoic?
A. Pangea
B. Rodinia
C. Gondwana
D. Laurasia
(44) 2 pts. What is the basis for the geologic time scale?
A. Radioactive decay
B. Evolution / Relative Time
C. Superelevation
D. Numerical Ages
Use the figure at the right to answer the next 3 questions.
(17) 1 pt. What type of geomorphic province represents the object that is labeled “J” in the figure.
A) Subduction Erosion
B) Accreted Terrane
C) Basin and Range
D) Flood Basalt
(18) 1 pt. What is the name for the feature labeled “J?”
A) SiletziaB) Concordia
C) ChallisiaD) Cascadia
(19) 1 pt. What is the dominant rock type in the feature labeled “J?”
A) IgneousB) Metamorphic
C) SedimentaryD) Metasedimentary
(44) 2 pts. What is the main cause for climate change in Earth’s history?
A. The angle of incidence for solar radiation
B. Greenhouse gasses
C. Climate feedbacks
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
(44) 2 pts. Why did Pluvial Lakes form?
A. The glaciers melted
B. There was a wetter climate
C. The rivers got dammed up due to landslides
D. Rivers stopped draining because earthquake faults cut the flow to the ocean
(44) 2 pts. Greenhouse gasses are considered selective absorbers of radiation, what does that mean?
A. They absorb short wavelength radiation and transmit long wavelength radiation
B. They absorb long wavelength radiation and transmit short wavelength radiation
C. They heat up when solar radiation hits them
D. They heat up because they are known as white bodies
(44) 2 pts. The following describes a positive feedback in a climate system
A. Snow melts, reducing albedo
B. warmer water releases more CO2 intro the atmosphere
C. tundra melts, releasing methane
D. all of the above
E. A & B
(44) 2 pts. Describe what a proxy is and what makes a good procy.
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