Honors Biology

Genetic Disorder Research Project

MP 3 Project

100 points


You have been challenged to use your knowledge of genetics to research and develop a teaching PowerPoint (a tutorial) on a specific genetic disorder. You can work in a group of two or by yourself. You may work with someone in my other honors biology class if you like. This PowerPoint should be designed to allow high school students to view it and learn about your genetic disorder. This will not be presented. Complicated terms should not be used unless they are explained. Be sure to follow the rubric and incorporate all parameters described to earn the maximum points possible. Each category will be evaluated based on understandable explanations, accurate information, completeness of information and relatedness of pictures.

PARAMETERS / Points Possible / Your Score
Clinical description slides
·  Title slide with disease name, common and clinical and creators’ names
·  Explain clinical symptoms, how does disease affect victim? Any problems associated with disease, Life-threatening or fatal? Is it more common in certain groups of people? Frequency in population?
·  Include pictures to illustrate points / 20
Mode of Inheritance
·  Is disease autosomal or sex-linked?
·  Is it dominant, recessive, codominant? Or is it a chromosomal problem – missing, extra or damaged? Explain.
·  Which chromosome is it found on?
·  Include pictures to illustrate points / 20
·  Is there any treatment for gene/chromosome defect? Explain.
·  Can the symptoms be treated? How?
·  Is there a cure?,Can gene therapy be done?
·  Is there any research being done for this disease?
·  Include pictures to illustrate points / 20
·  Can disorder be detected prenatally? Explain.
·  How is diagnosis made? Explain.
·  Can carriers be detected?
·  Do people get genetic testing done for this disorder? Why or why not?
·  Include pictures to illustrate points / 20
Quiz Questions
·  Include a slide(s) at the end where students can quiz themselves on the most important information they learned about the disease.
·  Question slide(s) should have answers accessible for students to check themselves.
·  5 questions should be included / 10
·  PowerPoint should be engaging, colorful and creative
·  Interesting effects should be used to enhance PowerPoint, not draw focus off material (Don’t go overboard)
·  Pictures should be interesting / 5
·  Neatness, readability, basically try to follow 6 x 6 rule
·  Must use at least 6 sources and cite them correctly on works cited slide at end of PowerPoint
·  Be sure to include citations for pictures that you use; either under picture or on works cited slide / 5

***PowerPoints should be saved on flash drives and brought to school on the due date or before. Power Points will be saved on my computer in a folder for your class. Please name your file with your name(s) and period number.***

Your disorder will be selected from the list below:

Sickle-Cell Anemia Thalassemia Edward’s syndrome

Turner’s syndrome Achondroplasia (dwarfism) Albinism

Cystic fibrosis Down Syndrome Hemophilia

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Familial Dysautonomia Gaucher’s Disease

Huntington’s Disease Klinefelter’s Syndrome Marfan Syndrome

Rett’s Syndrome Spinocerebellar Ataxia Tay-Sachs Disease

Turner Syndrome Triple X Syndrome Phenylketonuria

Usher Syndrome Stickler Syndrome Incontinentia Pigmenti

Alkaptonuria (black urine disease) Color Blindness Prader-Willi Syndrome

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Polydactylism

Familial Hypercholesterolemia Familial Mediterranean Fever Cri-du-chat Syndrome