1. Original creation vs 1

2. Judgment vs 2a

3. Tohu repaired. vs 2b-13

4. Bohu repaired. vs14-31


B + f.s.n. tuwXr derived from rosh, head. used 50X and = first or

beginning of a series, foundation--,ihlX emphasizes Godhead 3 in number

one in essence--Qal pf 3ms XrB 54X, to create something new, we know

that here in original creation it means to create ex nihilo, to make

something out of nothing. Heb. 11:3--s.d.o tX--m.dual n. +d.a. ,ymw the

heavens, in original creation refers to stellar space and the third

Heaven--v +s.d.o. + f.s.n + d.a. /rX the earth. One particular place is

singled out. Why?? The rest of the passage focuses only on the earth

as the scene of God's activity)


1. To the untrained or casual reader, this verse appears to detail the

beginning of the Plan of God.

2. Actually this beginning was predated by two previous beginnings, the

beginning of Jn. 1:1, and the day of Ezek. 28:15.

3. This beginning occurred before time, and is therefore not able to be

fixed by time.

4. This verse states very tersely that God brought the heavens and the

earth into existence.

5. This verse acknowledges the fact that God predated the creation.

6. This verse answers the ultimate question, which all thinking people

eventually ask, "where did the earth come from?"

7. The answer is simply stated, God created it.

8. This verse does not attempt to argue for the existence of God, it

states His preexistence in relation to the physical creation.

9. This particular creative act includes the heavens and the earth, and

the natural reading indicates that their creation was coincident.

10. The heavens encompass the third Heaven where God resides and all of

stellar space.

11. Whether there was a first heaven or atmosphere around the earth is

not revealed in the WOG.

12. As massive as stellar space is, it is not infinite, the third

Heaven lies beyond the light years of space which surround us.

13. In the tremendous expanse of space, one planet is singled out by

Moses in the narrative.

14. This small planet is to become the focal point for the plan of God.

15. The question arises as to how God created the heavens and the


16. This is answered by considering other passages which shed light on

vs 1. Ps. 33:6-9, 148:5; Heb. 11:3

17. All the physical creation was spoken into existence by the second

person of the Godhead, the preincarnate Christ. Jn. 1:3; Col. 1:16;

Heb. 11:2

18. This did not take a lengthy period of time, but omnipotence spoke

the entire creation into existence from nothing. Heb. 11:3

19. We call this creation ex nihilo, or creation from nothing.

20. This teaches at least three great truths:

a. God preexisted His creation, and is not dependant upon the

physical for His existence or well being.

b. The physical universe owes its existence to God, and is totally

dependant upon Him for its continued existence. Col. 1:17

c. God and the creation are not identical. (Pantheism--The

doctrine that the universe as a whole is God, that there is no

God but the combined forces and laws of the material universe)

21. The physical creation is a graphic demonstration of the attributes

of the invisible God. Rom. 1:20

22. This includes His power, intelligence, eternal existence, and


23. At the point when the physical creation was spoken into existence,

the angels, including Satan, were joyous worshiping spectators. Job

38:7 (Sons of God is only used for angels 5X in Heb. Gen 6, Job 1)

24. They witnessed the instantaneous generation of the physical

universe as the Son spoke it into existence.

25. Like anything else which originates from the essence of God, the

original creation was perfect in every way.

26. To take the position that God created the universe or even the

earth in the condition of vs 2 demonstrates a total lack of

understanding of the essence of God, as well as the Word of God.

27. God's work was perfect and complete at the point it came into

existence. (note the reaction of the angels in Job 38:7)



3f.s. hyh to be or become something, we correctly translate it became,

for reasons which will follow--m.s.n. Vht 20X, a waste place, a formless

desert, useless, vain.--v + m.s.n. VhB, 3X, Isa. 34:11, Jere. 4:23 the

root means to be void or empty. Both passages are in a context of

Divine judgment. Empty = void of inhabitants or population--v + m.s.n.

fwx some 80X, used in both a figurative sense, Eccles. 2:14, and in a

literal sense, Ex. 10:21. Of the 10X in the Penta. all appear to be

literal, Moses does not seem to use this word for anything but the

opposite of light.--prep. li on, upon, or over--m.p.n. hnP faces or

surfaces of--f.s.n. ,vhT not just waters, but massive quantities of

waters, very deep waters) AND THE SPIRIT OF GOD WAS MOVING OVER THE

SURFACE OF THE WATERS (v+ f.s.n const. xVr +m.p.n ,yhlX spirit of

Elohiym, the third person of the Godhead--Piel ptc. [xr 3X, to brood

over as a bird does its chicks or eggs, to nourish, incubate, to warm--

prep. li on, upon or over--faces of the waters)


1. Two questions immediately arise as we consider vs 2:

a. why are the heavens not mentioned, only the earth?

b. was this the original state of the earth or something which was

subsequent to the creation of vs 1?

2. The earth is singled out from all the creation of the massive

regions of space, called the heavens.

3. This certainly implies that no other aspect of the heavens was

formless or void, but just the earth.

4. If the earth was formless and void at the point of original

creation, why not the heavens??

5. If one understands the essence of God, the idea of any creation

which is not perfect proceeding from His essence is not satisfactory.

6. The question then arises as to why the earth fell into this state.

7. The answer is found in the fall of Satan, his rebellion, and the

ensuing angelic conflict.

8. Satan was created perfect, as is everything which proceeds from the

essence of God. Ezek. 28:12,15

9. Out of his own volition, he manufactured the sin of pride or

arrogance, and revolted against the Most High. Isa. 14:13-14

10. He lost his position as the anointed covering cherub, who occupied

the most favored position in the universe. Ezek. 28:14

11. It appears that for some reason, Satan's base of operations was

planet earth, and from there he formed his plans. Ezek. 28:13, Isa.


12. He persuaded one third of the angels to align themselves with him,

and seek to overthrow God Himself. Rev. 12:3-4a, Isa. 14:14

13. Due to the nature of angels, and to the nature of their sin, they

are not candidates for grace, or salvation. Heb. 2:16

14. Their fate has already been fixed. Matt. 25:41, Rev. 20:10

15. The state in which we find the earth in vs 2 is the result of

Divine judgment upon the headquarters of Satan.

16. Isa. 45:18 states specifically that God did not create (XrB) the

earth a desolation VhT + neg Xl.

17. This accurately answers all the questions as to how the earth came

to be formless and void. Tohu wa bohu

18. Two specific things are mentioned concerning the new state of the


a. without form indicates that everywhere you looked there were no

features, it all looked the same.

b. void indicates that all population was vanquished from the


19. This was accomplished via a watery cataclysm which enveloped the

entire planet. (called the deep in vs 2)

20. The occupants, Satan and his followers were vanquished, along

with any other life which may have existed, and the planet was flooded.

IIPet. 3:5

21. Another part of the judgment on the planet, which is often

overlooked, is the fact that light was removed.

22. This was a physical representation of the spiritual darkness which

had come as a result of Satan's sins. Darkness is used throughout the

WOG as a representation of that which is opposed to God. IJn. 1:5-6,


23. So the earth was reduced to a watery mass, totally enveloped in

darkness, and void of inhabitants.

24. The situation is one of impossible hopelessness from the viewpoint

of the earth.

25. We are introduced to one of the members of the Godhead in vs 2, the

Spirit of God.

the Hebrew Elohiym is a plural, and more than one member is

envisioned in the statement of vs 26. The us is the three members of

the Godhead, not angels. see vs 27, God created man.

26. Very early in the process of revelation, God reveals the fact that

He exists in more than one person.

27. God is one in essence, but three in number. Identical in essence

and attributes, but three in person.

28. The Spirit of God is seen as moving onto the scene of catastrophe

and judgment and initiating action.

29. Apart from God's initiation and intervention, the earth would have

remained in that condition forever.

30. The action of the Holy Spirit is described by a word which is used

to describe the action of a brooding hen.

31. The fact that the Spirit is brooding and warming the waters

indicate that the deep is frozen.

32. There is a possible reference to this in Job 38:30, which is the

only other place in the WOG that the phrase surface of the deep is used.

33. As the Spirit of God warms the waters, the ice pack which is around

the earth begins to thaw.

34. This explains the change from surface of the deep, to the surface

of the waters.

35. Ignorance of the history of the planet and failure to believe the

Divine record has led mankind to buy into the evolutionary darkness

which Satan has propagated.

36. The condition of the earth has not been uniform, and that is the

basic presupposition of evolutionary thinkers. IIPet. 3:3-5

37. The history of this planet includes:

a. original creation

b. population by angels.

c. judgment and instantaneous watery cataclysm.

d. ice pack for unknown period

e. restoration

f. vapor canopy

g. dissolution of the canopy and universal flood

h. various catastrophes in diverse places throughout history, like

volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, drought, etc.

38. What is here revealed concerning the planet earth, is a perfect

parallel to the history of man.

a. Created perfect.

b. used by Satan

c. judged by God

d. hopeless situation which he cannot redeem.

e. God intervenes

f. restoration by God.

g. new life in Christ


Waw consec. +Qal impf. rmX this word is the general word for speaking.--

Qal impf 3ms hyh jussive= let become, where the regular imperfect would

be translated will become, This also points out the fact that

hayah means to become something different than what was

previously--m.s.n rvX light or illumination--w.c. + Qal impf. hyh and

light became--light 'or)


hXr to see, observe, view or notice--s.d.o +d.a. +m.s.n. rvX, the light-

supply it was--conj. yK that (it was)--adj.m.s. bvu good, useful,

appropriate, beneficial, etc.) AND GOD SEPARATED THE LIGHT FROM THE

DARKNESS (ELOHIYM--w.c. +Hiph impf ldB to separate, to divide, to

distinguish, caused to divide, the nature of light is such that it is

not and can never be compatible with darkness--prep. ]yB =between--d.a.

+rvX--v ]yB + d.a. + m.s.n fwx)


(ELOHIYM--w.c. +Qal impf Xrq to name, or give a name, designate--pref. l

+ d.a. rvX for the light--m.s.n. ,vy--AND ELOHIYM GAVE A NAME TO THE

LIGHT, NAMELY DAY--pref. l +d.a.+ fwx--Qal pf. Xrq he named--m.s.n lyl

night, a period of time when there is no light, when darkness rules)


hyh and it became--m.s.n bri evening, the time when light is fading and

darkness is approaching, never used figuratively in the WOG, always lit.

-AND IT BECAME--m.s.n. rqB morning, dawn, daybreak, the breaking of

light--,vy adj. num. s. dxX one, can legit. be translated first Gen. 8:5


1. In the first two verses of Genesis, things have progressed from

original perfect creation, to a judgment which reduced the earth to a

watery mass, void of population.

2. vs 3-13 contain the Divine remedies for tohu, without form.

3. Some would reduce the Spirit of God, and even God Himself to mere

forces which operate in the universe.

4. Some see God as no more than natural laws which govern the planet.

5. vs 3-5 clearly demonstrate that God is no mere force, but a person,

as seen in the facts that:

a. He speaks