Geneseo Hills Homeowners Board met on January 20, 2002 with the following in attendance: Gary Gallens, Kevin Rowe, Dave Jirele, Gus Stetter and Sara Patterson.

The Board signed a sympathy card to be sent to the family of Glen Rohwer who passed away recently.

The Treasurer gave his annual report: all bills are paid, including the annual Farmers Mutual bill of $2400, leaving $5,708.65 in the checking account and $20,231.58 in the Money Market

A new chlorine pump was purchased at a cost of $321.02.

One account is still in arrears for a quarter in 2002. Since it was rented at the time Mel Foster’s agent will be contacted as the house is now held by a relocation company. Another homeowner is 3 quarters in arrears and with penalties accrued will have to pay $190 by January 31st to be current. He will be contacted..

Under New Business : Mr. Wirt (Planned Environment) was called in Florida and the corner lot #39 Camieux is designated an exempt lot. Steve Durian and Kent Ogilvie have options on 2 lots, Mr. Wirt has one, and that finishes the 20 that were swapped and exempt.

The Secretary’s minutes of the December 11th Board meeting were read. Dave Jirele requested that for purposes of clarification he wanted it known that when at the December 11 Board meeting, whenhe offered his suggested proposal for a contract with Dave Coomes on providing water to his development, it was only offered after consultation with and interpretation by, an attorney, and under Article V, Section 11, subparagraphF of the By-laws,"to responsibly manage the affairs of the Association". With this correction, Dave moved and Gus seconded that the minutes be accepted as corrected and they were approved.

Under Old Business: Gary brought us up-to-date on the proposed Water District meeting which was held at the Wellhouse on January 9th. Twenty to twenty-five representatives of nearby subdivisions attended. Shane Dietrich attends the meetings with Gary. There will be various sub-committees covering various aspects of the venture, and the initial money raised will be for engineering costs, lawyer fees and election fees. One option is that water will be supplied from East Moline (as Geneseo has no interest in providing water along Wolf Road) and the price may be $20-30 per quarter. It will be run as a business and require services of at least an operator, a manager, someone to do billing, and a meter reader .It would be possible to run a line from only 3 miles away to Lynwood as a starting point. They already supply water to IBP. A tower would be necessary and hydrants provided for fire protection. There was discussion of a possible $300 preliminary hookup fee which would secure admission on the ground floor---later homeowners wanting to tie in would undoubtedly be charged a good deal more. No government money is available in advance, but appeals for grants will be made to government agencies once underway. While it might not be feasible to install a sewer line at the same time, a sewer trunk line should be installed when the water lines are so that the sewer could be completed at a later date. Total cost would be substantial –several million dollars. The EPA will be fining heavily for non-compliance once their new standards go into effect in 2006 but if a Water District is under way they should make allowances until it is complete

There was discussion on a sand filter before the pump for Well #1 which is pumping sand. Two options are to; 1)filter at the pump, which requirespulling the pump out or, 2) getting an in-line filter before the pump at the Wellhouse. Gary will investigate costs for installing two types of filters, one being a hydrocyclone sand separator, and will price them out. We have a 4” outlet so possibly two 2” filters could be used. Low water pressure was due to a bad switch and loose wire on the pump can I send this (is this "underlined" wording supposed to be here ?)

More information on a Water District – There are 5-7,000 people who would be affected by it. Approximately 550 homes in the immediate area. The overseeing Board would probably have seven members with representatives from each subdivision, and some “at large”. Perhaps our $300 entry fee might be lowered by using funds from the Money Market fund.

The sign to Geneseo Hills was partially dismantled by a recent high wind. Gus has the part that was blown off and it will be restored.

A brief discussion ensued on the distribution of the Secretary’s minutes . The Board requested that they be typed in 4 days and sent to other Board members via computer and corrections returned to the Secretary to be inserted before the following Board meeting.

Under New Business: Gary brought up the report of the water study committee since they had done their work. Kevin wondered why Gary Gallens name (was singled out in the report) wasn’t signed to the report(underlined wording needs to be corrected) and said it should not have repeatedly(delete repeatedly, Gary's name in this report {dated 1-13-2003} is mentioned only once in item #1) referred to Gary Gallens individually, but rather”the Board.”. There had been some misinformation, but the committee’s recommendations were incorporated in the contract with the Coomes development. Kevin ran down the items on the report and said 2a (limit to 4 homes)was done, 2b (hookup limited to 1” pipe) was done, 2c ($5,000.00 hookup fee) was overwhelmingly voted down by thehomeowners in attendance @ the October 2002 Assn meeting , meters were assured, and on the quarterly water fees the surcharge proved they were all on the same page. Sara commented that a response was requested by January 20th, today’s date. Since the agreement covers all the points the issue is dead.

Kevin has made out a mowing schedule which he will send out in March, perhaps with the next quarterly water bill. There will be a cleanup day at the Wellhouse and Well #1 on April 12th. New residents at 47 Heather are Stacey and Chris McKean.

Next meeting of the Board will be Monday, February 17th at 6:30 P.M.

Gary moved and Gus seconded that the meeting adjourned—motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.

Just after adjournment it was suggested that a heater be provided for the Wellhouse meeting room in the vicinity of $100. Gus will research.

Sara Patterson


These minutes reflect corrections made in “red” to the original minutes taken by the board secretary. They were reviewed and accepted by the board at the February meeting---in the interest of getting these out to the membership they are being posted with the markups.

GHA Board