Genesee Valley Central School s1




MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 - 5:30 P.M.


The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Amber Christensen, President presiding.

Roll Call was taken by District Clerk:

Members Present: Amber Christensen, President; Dean McKnight, Vice-President; Fred

Grusendorf, Josh Shannon, Tim Hand, Pat Johnson, Amy Werner

District Personnel Present: Brian Schmitt, Superintendent; Brian Edmister, Principal; Brian

LeBaron, Principal; Erin Ostrander, District Treasurer; Penny Miller,

District Clerk

Staff Members Present: Nichole Wesche, Amy Robinson, Cristin Hopkins, Allison Eldridge,

Shawna Deal, Mary Guilford, Erin Graham, Heidi Musingo, Tom

Musingo, Chris Gyr, Carol McCarville

Guests: Laura Smith (Head Start), 6 Participation in Govt. Students

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Presentations to the Board:

·  STEAM presentation – Brian Edmister & teachers shared information on their recent conference to learn about the STEAM program. A power point presentation was given and a handout distributed with a brief discussion following.

APPROVE MINUTES: Motion made by Josh Shannon, seconded by Amy Werner - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School approves the Board of Education minutes of the Regular Board Meeting dated August 10, 2015 as submitted.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

ADMINISTRATORS’ REPORTS: Copies were available.


Business Office/District Treasurer’s Report was submitted by Ms. Ostrander with a discussion on the number of students taking advantage of the free meals.

ACCEPT TREASURER’S REPORTS: Motion made by Tim Hand, seconded by Dean McKnight - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School accepts the following Treasurer’s Reports as submitted: Capital Fund 8/1-8/31/15, Scholarship Fund 8/1-8/31/15, School Lunch Fund 8/1-8/31/15, Risk Retention (UI Reserve) 8/1-8/31/15, Extra-Curricular Activity 7/1-7/31/15, Special Aid 7/1-7/31/15, General Fund – Steuben Trust 7/1-7/31/15, Scholarship Fund 7/1-7/31/15, School Lunch Fund 7/1-7/31/15, Capital Fund 7/1-7/31/15, Risk Retention (UI Reserve) 7/1-7/31/15, School Lunch Fund 6/1-6/30/15, General Fund – Steuben Trust 6/1-6/30/15, Agency Account 7/1-7/31/15, Payroll Account 7/1-7/31/15, General Fund – Steuben Trust 8/1-8/31/15, Agency Account 8/1-8/31/15, Payroll Account 8/1-8/31/15.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPROVE BOCES COOPERATIVE ELECTRICITY BID: Motion made by Pat Johnson, seconded by Josh Shannon - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School approves the following BOCES Cooperative Electricity Bid Resolution:







Cooperative Electricity Bid WFL 2016-12

WHEREAS, The Board of Education, Genesee Valley Central School District of New York State desires to participate in a Cooperative Bidding Program conducted by The Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties from year to year or, until this Resolution is rescinded, for the purchase of supply of natural gas. And…

WHEREAS, The Board of Education, Genesee Valley Central School District of New York State is desirous of participating with The Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties in the joint bid of the commodities and/or services mentioned below as authorized by General Municipal Law, Section 119-o… And…

WHEREAS, The Board of Education, Genesee Valley Central School District of New York State has appointed The Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties as representative to assume the responsibility for drafting of specifications, advertising for bids, accepting and opening bids, tabulating bids, reporting the results to the Board of Education, Genesee Valley Central School District of New York State and making recommendations thereon…


BE IT RESOLVED, That The Board of Education, Genesee Valley Central School District of New York State and The Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties hereby accepts the appointment of The Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties to represent it in all matters related above… And…

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That The Board of Education Genesee Valley Central School District of New York State authorizes the above-mentioned Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties to represent it in all matters regarding the entering into contract for the purchase of the below-mentioned commodities and/or services… And…

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That The Board of Education Genesee Valley Central School District of New York State agrees to assume its equitable share of the costs incurred as a result of the cooperative bidding… And…

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the President on behalf of the Board of Education, Genesee Valley Central School District of New York State hereby is authorized to participate in cooperative bidding conducted by The Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties for supply of natural gas and if requested to furnish The Board of Cooperative Educational Servi9ces of Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties an estimated minimum number of units that will be purchased by The Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties. The Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties is hereby authorized to award cooperative bids to the bidder deemed to be the lowest responsive and responsible meeting the bid specifications and otherwise complying with Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York relating to public bids and contracts.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

MOTION TABLED: The following motion was tabled until after executive session:

APPROVE WARRANT REPORTS: Motion made by ______, seconded by ______- BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School approves the following Accounts Payable – Warrant Reports as submitted: School Lunch Fund #2, Federal Fund #2, General Fund #3, General Fund #2.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPROVE FUNDS TRANSFER: Motion made by Pat Johnson, seconded by Tim Hand - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School approves a funds transfer of $500,000 from Excess Fund Balance to Repair Reserve and $34,215 from Excess Fund Balance to Reserve for Property Loss.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPROVE SENIOR STAND REPORT: Motion made by Amy Werner, seconded by Josh Shannon - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School approves the Senior Stand Report dated July 2015 as submitted. There was a discussion on the possibility of students going to somewhere different than Disney World due to the cost increase and limited funds.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA: Motion made by Tim Hand, seconded by Amy Werner- BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School approves the consent agenda items as follows:

1.  Approve volunteers for the 2015-16 school year: Jaymie Marble of Almond supervised by Michele Palmer, Patricia Whitney of Belmont supervised by Lisa Clark, Bron Norasethaporn supervised by Eric Weinman, Chris Baker supervised by Eric Weinman, Megan McKeown supervised by Lisa Scott-Schneider, Jim Schneider supervised by Shawn Clancy, Nancy Brown of Belmont supervised by Cristin Hopkins.

2.  Approve transportation request from Tom & Lynn Murray for transportation to Houghton Academy for Lee Murray, Grade 8 for the 2015-16 school year.

3.  Approve request for out of district student attendance for Aaden Freeman of Cuba to attend Pre-K for the 2015-16 school year, with tuition charged.

4.  On the recommendation of the Policy Committee, Approve First Reading of the following Board of Education Policies: #5674 - Data Networks & Security Access (new policy), #7513 – Administration of Medication, #7420 – Sports and the Athletic Program, #5630 – Facilities, Inspection, Operation and Maintenance, #7220 – Graduation Requirements / Early Graduation/Accelerated Programs, #7650 – Identification and Register of Children with Disabilities (Child Find), #5322 – Use of Personal Cell Phone, #8280 – Instruction for English Language Learners.

5.  Approve CSE/CPSE recommendations as submitted.

6.  Approve RTI Plan for K-5.

7.  Approve to excise textbooks as per list submitted – HS Physics, HS Chemistry, MS/HS French, HS Business and Elementary Health.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPROVE SUBSTITUTES: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Pat Johnson, seconded by Tim Hand - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School approve the following substitutes for the 2015-16 school year:

-  Amber Metatos of Angelica as substitute teacher aide and cafeteria, pending fingerprint clearance.

-  Frances Young of Belmont as substitute in cafeteria and cleaner areas, fingerprints cleared

-  Nancy Houle of Angelica as substitute teacher aide, fingerprints cleared

-  Ahren Henby of Hornell as non-certified substitute teacher in all areas, pending fingerprint clearance.

-  Jackie Elliott of Belfast as certified substitute teacher in PreK-6 and English areas, fingerprints cleared.

-  Erica Babbitt of Wellsville as certified substitute teacher in all areas, pending fingerprint clearance.

-  Andrea Payne of Belmont as teacher aide and clerical substitute, pending fingerprint clearance.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

ACCEPT RESIGNATION: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Amy Werner, seconded by Josh Shannon - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School accepts the resignation of Danielle Hanchett effective September 14, 2015.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPOINT TEACHER AIDE: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Pat Johnson, seconded by Dean McKnight - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School appoints Jennifer Greene as Teacher Aide effective August 31, 2015. There is a 10-month probationary period from August 31, 2015 – June 30 2016, pay shall be as per CSEA contract. (Replaces Brian Case)

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPOINT TEACHER AIDE: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Tim Hand, seconded by Dean McKnight - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School appoints Caitlin Slep as Teacher Aide effective September 8, 2015. There is a 10-month probationary period from September 8, 2015 – June 30 2016, pay shall be as per CSEA contract. (Replaces Danielle Hanchett)

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPOINT TIMERS/SCOREKEEPERS: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Amy Werner, seconded by Pat Johnson -BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School appoints the following as timers/scorekeepers for the Winter 2015-16 sports season: Karen Bliven, Molly Weinman, Brian Landries, Donna Frungillo, Linda Warner, Rita George, Nanette Vossler, Norine Ryan, pay as per GVEA contract.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPOINT LEGO LEAGUE ADVISOR: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Tim Hand, seconded by Dean McKnight - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School appoints Caitlin Bowen as Lego League Advisor for the 2015-16 school year, pay as per GVEA contract.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPOINT AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM SUPERVISOR: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Pat Johnson, seconded by Josh Shannon - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School appoints Jennifer Greene as After School Program Supervisor for the 2015-16 school year, pay shall be $10 per hour. (Replaces Brian Case)

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPOINT PIANIST: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Josh Shannon, seconded by Amy Werner - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School appoints Amanda Robbins as Pianist for the 2015-16 Drama Production, stipend shall be $500.

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

CREATE TEACHER AIDE POSITION: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Dean McKnight, seconded by Josh Shannon - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School creates one full-time teacher aide position. (New position, work 10:15-5:30, working at after school program 3-5:30)

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.

APPOINT TEACHER AIDE: Acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent – Motion made by Tim Hand, seconded by Pat Johnson - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School appoints Paige Timberlake as Teacher Aide effective September 22, 2015. There is a 10-month probationary period from September 22, 2015 – June 30 2016, pay shall be as per CSEA contract. (New position)

VOTE: Yes 7, No 0, Abs. 0 Motion carried.


Ø  Upcoming Board Meetings:

-  Monday, October 5, 2015 – 5:30 p.m. – Work Session & possible regular meeting to appoint Dean of Students/Curriculum Coordinator

-  Tuesday, October 13, 2015 – 5:30 p.m. – Regular Board of Education Meeting

Ø  Information / Discussion:

-  Informational – News article on free meals

-  Informational – Student Enrollment Data

-  Informational – Evaluation summaries for BOE & Retreat – Amber Christensen reviewed the three evaluations that were turned in and asked that all Board members return them in the future and attempt to be present at all Board meetings.

-  Discussion – NYSSBA Convention update – plans in place to attend from October 18-20 in NYC.

-  Discussion – Board Goals Update – Brian Schmitt distributed a list of goals that the Board previously compiled.

-  Discussion – Mission/Vision - Building Project Update

-  Discussion – There was a discussion on recent sportsmanship issues with fans at GVCS games and the need for improvement. It was noted there is a need to create a new culture.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion made by Josh Shannon, seconded by Tim Hand – BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of Genesee Valley Central School suspends the regular order of business at 6:38 p.m. to enter into executive session for the purpose of personnel discussion.