General William Smallwood Chapter
Military Officers Association of America
P.O. Box 554
Waldorf, MD 20604
The Smallwood Crier
Year 39 No. 3 May/Jun 2012
A Five-Star Chapter
Summer must be right around the corner because the Annual Cribbage Tournament will be held on June 9th! It is a great event and I hope that all can come to Tut's house, enjoy his beautiful patio, visit with old friends and new old friends, and either learn to play the great game or practice your skills! Cribbage was invented in the early 1600s by Sir John Suckling, an English courtier, poet, gamester and gambler. It derives from the earlier game of Noddy. Now that you know that fascinating little tidbit of history, how could you resist joining us on the 9th at noon for culinary creations (potluck), collegial companions, and cribbage!
Also, please note that we are joining our Southern Maryland Chapter companions at afternoon Blue Crabs game on June 24th. See the details in the Chapter Notes, but notice that reservations and payment must be mailed by June 10th. Please plan to come and invite your friends and neighbors (maybe we can sign some of them up to join our merry band).
Legislative Update
Bills that passed in the latest legislative session were:
HB 358 and SB 276. This act requires the Department of Veterans Affairs, on request, to provide a veteran with a document certifying veteran status and requires the Motor Vehicle Administration to ensure that the driver's license or identification card of an applicant who presents specified documentation certifying veteran status includes a notation indicating that the applicant is a veteran.
SB 18 creates a Task Force on Military Service Members, Veterans, and the Courts to study military service-related mental health issues and substance abuse problems and to make recommendations on or before December 1, 2013, concerning the establishment of a special court for defendants who are military members or veterans.
Chapter Notes
Memorial Day
La Plata observes Memorial Day on May 27th at a ceremony at the La Plata Town Hall at ll:00 a.m. Capt. Jim Goldsmith will lay a wreath for the Gen. Wm. Smallwood Chapter.
Congressional Appreciation Luncheon 2012
Maryland MOAA chapters are again asked to commit to support this event. Both State and Federal Legislators will be invited, so participation from each district is important. The objective is to meet personally with legislators, to better understand their positions on matters important to the military community, and make known what is important to us. The event will be held on Tuesday, 11 September 2011, Rayburn House Office Building, Rm 2168 Washington, D.C. An update will be provided via a letter to Chapter Presidents this summer. All are encouraged to participate.
Got Old Glasses Around the House?
Wayne Smith will receive any old eye glasses that you may have laying around. Bring them to our luncheon and he will pass them to the Lions Club where the lens and frames are recycled to places around the world where eye glasses are rare and expensive.
How about Old Cell Phones?
Polly Zimmerman is collecting your old used cell phones for a national project to turn them into phone cards to help our troops call home. Bring them and their chargers (if you have them) to our luncheons and Polly will take care of the rest. She cannot accept chargers without the associated device nor can she accept old land-line phones. Before turning in the phone, deactivate it and turn off the power. Keep the battery attached.
And Don't Forget Your Aluminum Cans!
Jake Mitchell is continuing to collect aluminum cans and old batteries for recycling. He has raised hundreds of dollars over the years, including $61.55 in 2011. Please bring small amounts to the luncheon: if you've got a lot, give him a call and he will pick them up! Put a bag out at work and rescue the cans at home and put them to good use!
Blue Crabs Baseball
Just a reminder that the Chapter is planning to attend the Blue Crabs
Baseball Game at Regency Furniture Stadium in LaPlata on Sunday, 24 June, at
1405. We did this last year and everyone had a fabulous time! The Southern Maryland Chapter is organizing the event. The cost will be $29 for adults, $28 for military and $24 for children and seniors, and will include an all-you-can-eat buffet catered by the Texas Roadhouse (hot dogs, BBQ chicken, pulled pork, French fries, baked beans, and
unlimited soft drinks). The buffet begins at 1330 and runs for 2 hours. Reservations and checks (made out to MOAA-Southern Maryland Chapter) must be mailed by June 17th to MOAA, Southern Maryland Chapter, PO Box 84, NAS Patuxent River, MD 20670 (see attached flyer).
JROTC Awards
Jake Mitchell has secured all the 2012 JRTOC Awards for Charles County High Schools. Jake will present the awards at a joint ceremony for La Plata, Westlake, and McDonough High Schools on May 16 and Lackey High School on May 20. Juliette Finkenauer will present the awards at North Point High School on May 18, and Ken McCreedy will do the honors at Thomas Stone High School on June 6. Thanks, as always, go out to Jake Mitchell for his outstanding work supporting our youth.
2012 General William Smallwood Chapter Calendar
June 9 Annual Cribbage Tournament
August 15 Board of Directors
September 8 Luncheon
September 19 Board of Directors
October 13 Luncheon
November 7 Board of Directors
December 1 Holiday Party