Lesson Plan
Objective: Students will understand the risk of SIDS and how to prevent this terrible syndrome.
- Students will begin by taking the SIDS Pretest (some classes may already have the pretest, I can’t remember which ones.)
- After completing the pre-test, show the video “SIDS” students will listen to the risks, characteristics and preventions of this syndrome.
- Following the video, give each student a blue “SIDS” study guide and have them answer as many questions as they can. Use the key to help them on questions they may have missed. I like to have them tell me the answers they know and it turns into a good discussion – then give the answers to the questions they missed information on.
- Go over the pretest and have the students make corrections to the questions they missed.
Objective: Students will fill in the sleep outline as the teacher leads a discussion.
- Go through the recommendations on sleep as you give them information to fill in the study guide. Ask students questions to lead their thinking and understanding. Use the key to help you.
- Suggestions:
- Ask about their lovies or comfort items they had when they were little.
- Why were they important? How did they wean themselves from them if they have?
- Talk about the routines we have today – why do we have them. Children need that consistency in their lives.
Objective: Students will read the article “Postpartum Depression” and complete a study guide highlighting the key points.
- I only have about 50 copies of the article – have the students leave the article in class when they are completed. If they don’t get to that point tell them they can complete it next time. If they finish have them turn it in.
Remind them there will be a test on Newborns next class period “Tuesday” they can use any of their notes on the test. It will cover the Healthy newborns and reflexes,(blue study guide), 1st year of life (pink study guide) and any notes.
Give the Newborn test – test and scantrons should be on top shelf of red cart.
After test – these classes have not heard any of the information on sleep. They have completed the “SIDS” side of the blue study guide.
Give them the “Postpartum Depression” Article to complete have them turn it in when finished.
Open the power point presentation
Slide 1 ---- gives some scenarios regarding children and sleep – discuss how students respond to each
Slide 2 ---- a kitchen safety activity – give each student a scratch piece of paper have them do their best to complete it.
I have a video titled “Home Safe Not Sorry” -- you have two options:
1) Show the video and have the students fill in the study guide. (45 minute video)
2) Have the students get into groups of 3 or 4 and discuss the safety needs for each room of the house. They cannot use the same safety item in one room as they used in another. (Ex. Outlet covers so kids will not get shocked. – that is a given for every room.) Each room must be unique. Points will be deducted for multiple use of answers.
Slide 3 & 4 ---- Finish today by completing the notes from power point on postpartum depression