Mind Aberystwyth

General Operational Policy

1 Introduction

1.1 Mind Aberystwyth is one of a network of local Minds in Wales, working to improve the life of people affected by mental distress. We are an independent charity in our own right, run by local people, for local people. We are dependent on local support and so welcome offers of assistance. We particularly welcome the involvement of people who themselves have had experience of mental health issues, including carers, family, friends and supporters, participating as trustees, staff, volunteers or fund-raisers.

2 Services and Activities

2.1 Through membership of the organisation, Mind Aberystwyth provides a pattern of weekly sessions to which people experiencing or recovering from mental distress, their carers, families and supporters may come along for the purposes of social and therapeutic activities, training, support and advice on the problems they are experiencing in order to help them move on with their lives.

2.2 Mind Aberystwyth provides opportunity for discussion of the problems of people experiencing mental distress, their families, friends, carers and supporters and where possible provide information, advice and support.

2.3 Mind Aberystwyth will promote public awareness of mental distress in order to increase understanding and help overcome prejudice encouraging a greater acceptance of people with mental illness by the community at large.

2.4 Mind Aberystwyth will provide regular evaluation of the standards and achievements of the organisation through the Quality Management in Mind process.

3 Confidentiality

3.1 Personal information about the people who work, volunteer or use the service will not be revealed without first obtaining the written consent of the individual concerned.

3.2 The only exceptions to the rules above are if there is good reason to believe that a person is a serious risk to her/his self or to a third person or where a very serious offence has been committed.

4 Drugs and Alcohol

4.1 Mind Aberystwyth is a drug and alcohol free environment. Any person who introduces drugs or alcohol into the centre will be subject to disciplinary action and possible exclusion for a period to be determined by the Chief Executive in consultation with other staff members.

4.2 Anyone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be admitted to the organisation. In the case of frequent disregard of this policy, a warning letter will be issued and if the misconduct persists, the Chief Executive may suspend or expel the offender.

5 Diversity

5.1 Mind Aberystwyth welcomes diversity and seeks to ensure that everyone involved in the organisation will be treated with courtesy, respect and dignity at all times, and is encouraged to offer opinions and suggestions about the running of services such as activities and needs of the users of the services.

6 Personal Safety

6.1 Members, staff and volunteers should expect services to be carried out in a safe environment without fear of verbal abuse and physical assault.

6.2 Anyone whose behaviour is deemed unacceptable will be asked to behave appropriately, if this is not the case they will be asked to leave immediately. Re admittance to the service will be at the discretion of the Chief Executive in consultation with the staff team.

7 Vulnerable adults

7.1 Mind Aberystwyth complies with the Protection of Vulnerable Adults Scheme. Staff members attend training offered by Ceredigion County Council to ensure they are fully up to date with current legislation and good practice.

8 Animals

8.1 No dogs or other animals are allowed on the premises, this is to ensure that all members are fully able to join in with the service; the exception to this is registered guide/hearing/assistance dogs.

9 Complaints

9.1 Mind Aberystwyth has a Comments, Compliments and Complaints Policy and Procedure which is available on request

Last Updated: 29/09/2015