The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by Commodore Urbanek. A moment of silence was asked for the families of Bob Lipus, P/C Joe Lizewski and Charlie Weaver.

Minutes of the July 2, 2013 meeting were read, and approved.

Treasurer Weaver reported income of $1,769.94 and expenses of $17,063.32 for a net loss of $15,293.38. Cash on hand is $89,966.57. This was moved, seconded and approved.

V/C Maze said insurance papers are falling behind. There are 11 members with 30 days overdue insurance papers. Please check the list and get your papers in order and in to V/C Maze. The wall project utilities are all installed. Two big trucks of top soil are coming in the fall. We still have $10,000 for 2014 which will cover the pedestals and the soil to grade the area.

R/C Halliburton stated that boat storage day is coming up 9/8/13 at 2 pm. Storage to be by boat size and storage area. If you were assigned a spot last year, you must bid on a spot this year.

F/C Dalton stated that one week prior to Regatta we had a report of ticks on the Island. We had an exterminator come and take care of the problem. Please help keep the grass and weeds down. We still have some small projects to complete. Please call Tom. Denny Sanzobrino says if you don’t know how to use the grass equipment, don’t use it. Dave Turner inquired on when the electric motor will be installed on the pump-out unit. Rick Langer said he and Wes Orloff will be taking care of this soon. P/C Roberti said all of the deck fittings for the pump out machine are stripped and need to be replaced. Rick Langer said he will get replacements.

P/C Roberti, Trustees, read a letter from NOPEC regarding our CEI service. We must respond by 8/16/13. If we accept, we will get a 4% discount over current CEI rates. A motion was made to accept, seconded and passed.

Rick Langer, Membership, introduced John Samas and Jim Astolas for full membership; they were approved by a show of hands.

Dave Turner, for Programs, said the 4th of July Breakfast went well. A letter from Jim Chaplain was read regarding the event. Regatta also went well and Dave thanked all who helped out. Over half of the people he thanked were the families who make this club work. Special thanks went out to Chris Turner who was responsible for making this event happen. Mike Scanlon talked about the upcoming dock crawl on August 10th.

Jackie Smith, for Attendance, reminded all to sign in and when working an event, don’t sign in on the work party sheets.

Jack Savage, for Ways and Means, said there are 2 bottles to raffle off and the 2nd six $75 winners for the 400 Club.

P/C Roberti spoke for the Nominating Committee, he said that all elected positions are open and need to be filled. Please put your hat in the ring for an elected office or committee. After the BOD meetings resume, we will have a new member committee starting.

Important Dates: Next Board of Directors meeting is 9/24/13 at 7:00 pm,

Next General Membership meeting is 9/3/13 at 7:30 pm.

Dock Storage bidding day is Sunday 9/8/13 at 2:00 p.m.




Mike Kotnik said if you have an older boat, your gas fill hoses may be cracked and leaking. Please check them and your bilge for fuel leaks before you are a victim of a tragic accident.

John Olilla won the deep water sailboat race out of Put-In-Bay during Bay week. Big congratulations go out to John.

GMM: MINUTES, 7/2/13, cont.

Treasurer Weaver stated that the Lake County sales tax is going up to 7% on 9/1/13.

Rick Langer thanked all of the people who took care of his boat during the last storm. All of the clubs fire extinguishers are up to date. If you notice any other club house issues, please let him know.


P/C Roberti stated that the old metal floating dock that used to be “Dock 109” has an offer of $1,200 from a member to purchase it. This was made into a motion, seconded and passed. Chad Weinhold is the member who will be purchasing it.

Jerry and Sue Allie have sent an invite to all members to their pig roast on August 31 at 6 pm. If it is inclement weather, Bob Roberti will host it here at our club. A motion was made for the use of the club house, seconded and the motion passed.

Bob Paige said due to many problems this year, Sunshine Day has been cancelled. Hopefully we can do it again next year.

John Olilla thanked everyone who helped with all the boats on his end of the club during the last storm.

Lake County Captains night will be 8/29/13. It is a Thursday night at the cost of $7 per ticker. Please see Pug Nolan.

Guests and Ladies were introduced. Raffles were held. The following won $75 each: Ted Billow, Patty Newman, Sam Lizewski, Marion Eustache, Pat Sweeney, and Joe Tomaric.

No further business being submitted, it was moved we adjourn. Motion was seconded and passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Scanlon,
