The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Commodore Urbanek. He asked for a moment of silence for the passing of Ted Makse’s son.

Minutes of the April 2, 2013 meeting were read, and approved.

Treasurer Weaver reported income of $2,987.18, expenses of $7,492.63 a net loss of $4,505.45. Cash on hand is $101,846.05. This was moved, seconded and approved.

V/C Maze complemented everyone for cooperating with the insurance papers. Please turn in the remainder of the required declaration papers. Davis Diggers quoted $11,500 for dredging the slip and wet well. This included $5,000 to rent the machine, $500 additional is required for fencing, barricading and grass seed for dumping site. They will begin Wednesday or a little later in the week. Pat Sweeny’s dock box and Don Howlett’s trailer need to be moved. A motion was made to approve up to $12,000. The motion was seconded and passed. There is a 40 foot tree under Bob Soss & Bob Milko’s dock. Mavrette will remove this for approximately $500 when they remove the wing wall. This was made into a motion, seconded discussed and passed.

R/C Halliburton was absent.

F/C Dalton thanked Gary Thrasher, Garret Votaw and Tim Semler for fixing all the water leaks in the island house. This Saturday is dock and dock box moving day. The playground will be replaced in conjunction with the Ladies Auxiliary. More information is coming as plans come together. Work Parties will run until Memorial Day. Dock Inspection is 5/25. Power pods are almost complete. Four need to be remounted. The old grill by the fire pit should be removed to make it easier to mow. George Maki asked if we were going to add more fine gravel to the roads. New cartridges will be purchased for the men’s urinals in the shower house. P/C Roberti suggested waiting until after dredging to add gravel. Dennis Sanzobrino will be killing all weeds in ditch. He asked the members to remove their debris. Jackie Smith will make up new log sheets for lull operation and boat lift operators. P/C Roberti would like to see the dock post removal raft moved away from the boat launch area.

P/C Roberti said the EPA storm water permit from 5 years ago has been removed. We no longer need to comply.

Rich Langer, Membership, presented candidate Bill Perovich for associate membership. He was approved.

Ken Krstolic, Bylaws, read Article II, Section 4 I, change of wording proposal of the watercraft insurance liability bylaw proposed by Paul Maze. 64 members were present making a quorum. This was made into a motion, seconded and passed.

Dave Turner, for Programs, said the Commodore’s Ball on 5/11 is a go at Dubrovnik’s Garden in Eastlake. Formal attire is a must. There were 130 people for the Welcome Aboard party. The Weather course was a big hit. The Flea Market was successful with 22 tables and almost all merchandise sold by noon. The Memorial Day breakfast is being chaired by Ray Gotliebowski. The 4th of July Breakfast is being chaired by Jim Chaplain. They both need help. Regatta is 7/26 & 27 with a Luau theme. Marilyn Weaver is collecting $5 for the money tree for the Salad Luncheon. Jim Chaplain said the old gang is fading fast and he needs new blood to help this year.

Joe Tomaric announced that the Grand River Sailing Center will be hosting a cold water rescue course here either 6/1 or 6/8.

Jackie Smith, for Attendance, said the work party hours are updated as of last week and reminded all to sign in.

Jack Savage, Ways and Means, said there are 2 bottles to raffle off and all 400 Club tickets and money are due by the June meeting.

Jerry Rich reminded everyone to get their mail.

Marilyn Weaver, FHYC Auxiliary, spoke on the new playground project. They need funds and are looking at all options. The Salad Luncheon on 6/15 is the major fundraiser for the year.

GMM: MINUTES, 5/7/13, cont.

John Olilla, ILYA, stated the next meeting is next week. He asked people to come to the fall meeting and represent our club. All ILYA events are posted on the bulletin board.

Important Dates: Next Board of Directors meeting is 5/28/13 at 7:00 pm,

Next General Membership meeting is 6/4/13 at 7:30 pm.

Next Finance Meeting is 5/21/13 at 7:00 pm.

The membership/dock realignment committee report was given by P/C Roberti. He read the minutes of the meeting and advised the members of the current progress. (These Minutes are on file.) A proposal was made to give a $200 credit on 2014 dues for sponsoring a new full member. This will be from 5/7/13 to 12/31/13 only. This proposal was seconded and passed. See attached minutes for the entire proposal for changes to docks that will become “premium” docks with double the dues. Marcus Grampa made a motion to accept all bylaw changes proposed. This was seconded by Rick Langer and discussed. A call for the question was made and passed. The motion was passed on to the Bylaws Committee for their review.






P/C Roberti stated that on 7/21 we should wave the club house fee for a surprise birthday party for Sue Makse. This was moved, seconded and passed. Details to come later.

Rick Langer said the new toilet paper holders were installed in the shower house.

V/C Maze said that all boats located in the end of the slip near the river need to be moved prior to the start of dredging.

Guests and Ladies were introduced. Raffles were held.

No further business being submitted, it was moved we adjourn. Motion was seconded and passed.

Motion to adjourn was at 9:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Scanlon
