General Meeting Minutes
September 22, 2014
President, Robin Meredith Kramer: called the meeting to order.
Recording Secretary, Brenda Buchanan (Janice Wilkans as a substitute): Maureen Flood made a motion to accept the minutes and Helen Chang 2nd the motion.
Treasurer, Chieko Garling: The checking has $12,599.12. The investment is going down every year. The Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.
1st V.P. Programs, Mi-Young Kim: For the September program, the speaker is Eric Sutz. He will be talking about “How to Promote Great Posture at the Piano: Pain and Tightness”. There is an article about him in the newsletter.
2nd Vice President/Membership: Suzanne Murray: Suzanne mentioned that we have 131 members. New members are Sophie Pak, Tracy Snow, Juan Carvajal, Ling Lee. Guests are Debbie Kriser?; teacher in Gurnee, Janna Gainu, has a bachelor of Education in speech therapy. On October 27th, there will be a new member coffee.
AIM, Helen Grosshans and Helen Chang: NWSMTA will not offer workbooks for sale. To order any new, revised workbooks, use the ISMTA online order form on the www.ismta.org website. Levels 11 and 12 workbooks are not available yet as of 9/14/2014 so until the new ones are ready, old editions will be sent. If you need the old workbooks for Levels 2, 3 and 4 to prepare for November 2014 exams, email your order NOW for only old workbooks to Justin in the Central Office () and copy Sarah (). Do not delay! The NWSMTA AIM Date for November is:
Date Deadline Old/New Exam
11/16/2014 10/16/2014 Old Syllabus Levels 1 & 2 complete; Theory Levels 3 & 4
See all the information in the newsletter about AIM. There is a AIM workshop and coffee on October 6.
Coming up quickly after that are, in succession, our Sonata-Sonatina Festival at Harper College on November 2nd, the ISMTA State Conference at Millikin University on November 7-9th, the Gold Medal Recital at the Vernon Area Public Library on November 15th, and the AIM Exams at Harper on November 16th. Each of these activities challenges and strengthens our students and can inspire us with new insights and teaching strategies.
We can purchase tickets for all of the piano recitals at the CSO for $20. If you are interested, you need to call Genya Kantorovich. All concerts are on Sundays at 3 P.M. The November 9 concert is M. Pollini.
I would like to let our membership know that I will being performing a piano concert on Saturday, October 4th at 7pm. The concert will be held at the David Adler Music and Arts Center in Libertyville. The program includes a tribute to classical, jazz and popular music from the past and present. Proceeds from the concert will benefit scholarship programs at Adler.
Rick Lowe
Historian/Hospitality: Janice Wilkans, I sent a card to Inge Sedey for her open heart surgery.
AIM, Level I and II, Fran Onley
AIM: Helen Chang attended the West Suburban Meeting about aim.
Awards: Galina Kostukovsky: The repertoire is on the website. Matthew Hagle will talk about the awards repertoire on October 20.
Festival of Pianos: Marcia Mally, The festival of pianos was September 28 and 29. Saturday was the rehearsal and Sunday was the performance.
Finance: Rick Lowe, Rick took his daughter to college. A finance meeting is pending and a finance report will be given to the membership after we have received recommendations from our financial advisor.
Group Ticket Sales: Genya Kantorovich, We can purchase tickets for all of the piano recitals at the CSO for $20. If you are interested, you need to call Genya Kantorovich.
Guidebook: Michelle Ryder, no report
Certification, Jennifer Cohen: Jennifer had a meeting with her Northshore group today.
Classical/Pop & Jazz Recitals, Miyoung Kim & Fran Onley/Mary Anne Block: The classical recital is at 1:00 p.m. on October 19 and the Pop and Jazz is at 3:00 p.m. on October 19. The deadline for enrollment is October 5 and the deadline fee is October 6 for both Cassical and Pop and Jazz Recitals. The recitals will be held at Arlington Heights Library.
Historian: Janice Wilkans: Please save newspaper articles for the historian.
Independent Music Teacher: Helen Grosshans, Bev Taylor, Vonnie Mrozinski and Jennifer Cohen, The program for November 17 will be at the Barrington Library. It will be about arranging the studio.
Library: Suzanne Fleer, Suzanne Fleer reviewed check out procedures and the fine of $3.00 for materials that are not returned or exceed their renewal date. Two new materials to the library are "The iPad Piano Studio” and "Studio Makeover: Technology Addition." At the October meeting there will be a sale of outdated materials from the NWSMTA Library. A list of the available titles will appear in the October Newsletter prior to the meeting.
Luncheon: Justyna Krafft-Weirich, The luncheon is May 18. The luncheon is at Francesca’s.
Music Link: Marie Rutter, No Report
Music Sales: Genya Kantorovich, No Report
Parliamentarian: Marie Rutter, No report
Placement: Joan Drolet, No Report
Publicity: Yukiko Fujimura, Save newspaper articles for the historian
Scholarship: Cheryl Buller for Scholarship camp, April 30 is the deadline for scholarship entries.
Scholarship for college: Pat Borchardt, April 15 is the deadline. The pieces need to be Level 10 or higher.
Sonata-Sonatina: Mary Hough, Please fill out the entry form that Jerry sent. You can pick up the medals at Harper on the day of the festival, at the first NWSMTA meeting after the festival, at Mary Hough's house or we can mail your sheets and medals to you by request. The deadline is October 13. Also, we have not set a limitation on the number of students that can be enrolled,
Vision: Deb Lynch, No report
Website: Maureen Flood, No Report
Workshop: Brenda Buchanan: Kristin Yost will be our clinician March 1st and 2nd of 2015. Her fee is $1200.
Newsletter, Deb Lynch: Articles for the newsletter are due the 5th of the month. It is $10 for an ad.
AIM, Voice: no report.
Corresponding Sec., Mary Anne Block, No report.
Yearbook: Ads – Maureen Flood-Amiry does the printing, Deb Lynch does the data and Janice Wilkans does the ads: The advertisers pay for the yearbook.
Witman Wonders and Whitman Wizards: Fran Evens has an early morning class at 8 a.m. with district 21. They had their first class September 22. The students do Music Learning Community. The 4th graders have access to technology and keyboards.
Old Business: Lyn Ehrgott had her name omitted by accident, from the Festival of Pianos Committee, in the Yearbook.
New Business: The Skjold Lodge, Sons of Norway presents The Normennes Singing Society performing at their annual Foundation meeting, Sunday, October 19th at 3 p.m., Auya Center, 136 East Illinois Avenue, Palatine, IL. Potluck dinner is included. The event is free. Freewill Donations are accepted to Benefit Sons of Norway Foundation.
Deb Lynch made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Marcia Mally 2nd the motion.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Wilkans as a substitute for Brenda Buchanan, Recording Secretary