1. annual meeting, 22.-23.11.2011, Madrid
General meeting during the 1. Annual Meeting of MERIT, 22.11.2011, Madrid
MERIT:Elena Baena-González, Markus Teige, Andrea Simeunovic, Wolfgang Dröge-Laser, Berend Snel, Abhroop Garg, Jesus Vicente-Carbajosa, Ella Nukarinen, Alessia Peviani, Magdalena Gamm, Matthew Hannah, Filipa Tomé, Lorenzo Pedrotti, Thomas Nägele, Carles Marco Llorca, Mattia Adiamo, Ulrike Zentgraf, Christina Chaban, Monika Tomar, Wolfram Weckwerth, Johannes Hanson, Sylvia Walter
Externals:Andrea Mair, Joaquin Medina-Alcazar, Gabino Sanchez-Perez, Jolanda Schuurmans, Sjeef Smeekens, Jebasingh Selvanayagam, Pavel Kerchev, Marcella Gomez Paez, Alba
Mid term meeting
- Will be organized by Elena Baena-González
- If possible, within the first two weeks of October 2012
- Sylvia Walter will check this with the project officer as soon as possible
- The students will follow at least a two-days course (Monday/ Tuesday) about poster presentation
- The poster will be presented at the meeting in a separate poster session
- At least a full three-days meeting (Tuesday / Friday)
- PI-meeting will be held parallel to the course
Payments for meetings
- The local organizer is in charge for the prefinancing and will send an invoice for the contribution to all participants individually
- Costs will be separated for meeting and course
- Participants can claim the costs on category D or E
- Travel and accommodation will be paid individually by the participants
Addition of University of Umea as a new associated partner
- Everybody agreed on this, procedure will be continued and finalized within the as soon as possible
- Should be planned as soon as possible
- The schedule in Annex I is recommended but not mandatory
- Depends on progress and facilities
PI meeting during the 1. Annual Meeting of MERIT, 23.11.2011, Madrid
Matthew Hannah, Wolfram Weckwerth, Gabino Sanchez-Perez, Jesus Vicente-Carbajosa, Berend Snel, Sjeef Smeekens, Markus Teige, Wolfgang Dröge-Laser, Christina Chaban, Ulrike Zentgraf, Elena Baena-Gonzalez, Jolanda Schuurmans, Sylvia Walter, Johannes Hanson
- The list of co-supervisors is okay as it is, everybody agrees
- Change for Filipa Tomé: Elena Baena-González as extra advisor
- For the next meeting every supervisor will follow more CDP discussions as a by-supervisor
- Schedule will be prepared in advance, wishes has to be send to Sylvia Walter in time!
Planning of lab exchange
- Has to be included into the Career Development Plan!
- Every PI has to update the schedule soon and send it to Sylvia Walter
- Students should update their Career Development Plan themselves after the MERIT meeting, according to the outcome of talks with supervisor, co-supervisor, side advisor
- Will be updated after each MERIT meeting and send to Sylvia Walter
- Update possibly also every 6 month
- CDP´s are confidential, thus will not be visible at the website!
- CDP´s are primary mandatory, but has to be seen as a helpful document and a red line for the career
- Should be seen as a help and orientation for students and supervisors!
Sharing material and information
- Shared information and material is needed
- Needed lists of plants / seeds (soon!), 35s-constructs, transfection vectors, microarrays, protein interaction (in later stage), localization
- Genetic material / microarrays to share: short description on it and distribution
- Johannes Hanson will start up a simple excel sheet and send it around for completion, improvement later
- Interaction: Berend Snel has a format and will set up a “model” together with Wolfram Weckwerth
- Localization: Christina Chaban will start on this
How to communicate and prevent overlap
- Prepare a list of plants that will be “made”
- Make an inventory of group activities, broader than MERIT
- For the next meeting more time should be scheduled for scientific talks and discussions
- PI’s will give an overview of full group activities, plans and objectivesrelevant for MERIT
- Already now the work package leader can ask around in advance
- Wolfram Weckwerth will be responsible to check if there will be overlap in metabolomics
- Johannes Hanson will be responsible to check if there is overlap in microarrays
- will also assemble the incoming information and distribute them in combination with the excel sheet for genetic material
- Before Christmas: Information about what´s going on in the labs, headlines
- Johannes Hanson will also assemble the incoming information and distribute them (deadline!)
- To avoid overlapping work
- Personal communication as much and as soon as possible
- Scientific presentation during next meeting to inform the other project members
- Christina Chaban will start with the planning for the microscopy course in Tübingen
- The statistics course in Utrecht will start 23.01.2012, information will come as soon as possible
Extended night treatment
- Decided that every group looks for best conditions in their surroundings and make a list of phenotype tests (like prolonged night) how they have been performed
- Not try to use the same conditions everywhere, this will not work!
- Extended nights
- Working on extended nights: Matthew, Johannes, Markus, Wolfgang, Christina will start, Elena
- Spread a general description of the growth conditions (deadline!)
- Low energy syndrome (LES) Phrase used during ‘set up’ of MERIT
- No clear definition
- Pops up in presentations, do not let it direct research!