The drill team beret that I wear is a symbol of honor, service, and excellence in regulation and exhibition drill.
My skills are some of the most difficult to master in Air Force Junior ROTC and I will spare no effort to properly prepare myself and my team for success in close order competition.
I am dedicated to my unit, my team and my school and I am guided by the principles of integrity, discipline, fairness, and tenacity.
I pledge to strive for perfection and reject mediocrity both in my personal behavior and in the performance of the team.
I am an AZ-862 Drill Team Member.
Team Members
President, Commander-in-Chief ____________
Vice President ______
Secretary of State ______
Secretary of Defense ______
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff______
Secretary of the Air Force______
Chief of Staff, US Air Force______
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force______
Commander, AETC______
Air University Commander______
Commander, Holm Center______
Director of AFJROTC______
Secretary of the Navy______
Chief of Naval operations______
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy ______
Commandant of the Marine Corps______
Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps______
Secretary of the Army______
Chief of Staff of the Army______
Sergeant Major of the Army______
Secretary of Homeland Security______
Commandant of the Coast Guard______
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard______
- No civilian hats
- No open toe shoes
- Hair must be pinned back
- During cold weather, watch caps and black gloves are authorized (except in service uniform)
- Account for it at all times
- Don’t wait to be told to get it
- Bring writing utensil and paper to class
- No joking/jesting/competitions with any of the equipment
- Practice like you will perform
- No spectators at the Drill Pad
- Be prepared to answer questions
- No food or drink on the Drill Pad
- Don’t sit on/around/near the drill pad
- Don’t walk/run through or jump over the rock perimeter
- Flag detail conducts reveille prior to class if the sun is up
This is a random sampling of questions that may be asked of you at drill meets.
1.A single line of persons placed one behind the other is the definition of?
2.A single line of persons placed side-by-side is the definition of?
3.A step of 24 inches, the length of a full step in quick time is the definition of?
4.Alignment of individuals one behind the other maintaining proper distance is the definition of?
5.Alignment of individuals side by side maintaining proper interval is the definition of?
6.An arrangement of units is the definition of?
7.Any portion of a given formation is the definition of?
8.Arrangement of units one behind the other with element leaders and guide to extreme left flank is the definition of?
Inverted Line
9.Arrangement of units one behind the other with element leaders and guide to extreme right flank is the definition of?
In Line
10.Arrangement of units side-by-side with element leaders and guide to the rear is the definition of?
Inverted Column
11.Arrangement of units side-by-side with element leaders and guide at the head is the definition of?
In Column
12.At least two, but no more than four elements make a . . .?
13. Change in pitch of voice, generally rising through commands is known as?
14.Distance measured from heel to heel of a marching individual is the definition of?
15.Dress or cover is the definition of?
16.Extreme right or left (troops right/left) side of a formation in column or line is the definition of?
17.Most commands of this type have a preparatory command and a command of execution?
Drill Command
18.Individual designated to regulate the direction and rate of march is the definition of?
19.Marching in place at 100 - 120 steps per minute is the definition of?
Mark Time
20.On this command you complete the action you were “thinking about”?
Command of Execution
21.Rate of marching 100 - 120 steps a minute (12 or 24 inches) is the definition of?
Quick Time
22.Rate of marching 180 steps a minute (30 inch step) is the definition of?
Double Time
23.Space between individuals placed side-by-side. Normal is arm’s length close is 4 inches is the definition of?
24.Space occupied by a unit measured from flank to flank is the definition of?
25.The ability to enunciate correctly is known as?
26.The ability to make your voice reach whatever distance desired without strain is known as?
27.The basic drill unit comprised of no less than 3 persons is the definition of?
28.The correct place for an officer, NCO or airman to stand in formation is the definition of?
29.The element on which a movement is planned, regulated or aligned is the definition of?
30.The leading unit of a column is the definition of?
31.The middle point of a formation. On an odd numbered front, it is the center person or element on an even numbered front it is the person/element to the right of center this is the definition of?
32.The space from front to rear between units, between individuals is 40 inches as measured from their chest to the back of the individual directly in front of them. This is the definition of?
33.These commands are given when one unit of an element must do something different from the rest?
Supplementary Commands
34.These commands have no preparatory command or command of execution and are not supplementary?
Informational Commands
35.These commands help develop confidence, self- reliance, assertiveness, and enthusiasm by
making the individual recall, give, and execute the proper commands?
Mass Commands
36.This extra quality demands immediate response, it expresses confidence and decisiveness?
37.This is the “think about it” command?
Preparatory Command
38.Total space front to rear of a formation. An individual’s depth is 12 inches is the definition of?
39.Uniform step and rhythm in marching; steps marched per minute is the definition of?
40.The volume used when giving commands is known as?
41.What makes a group?
2 squadrons make a group
42.What makes a squadron?
2 flights make a squadron
43.During inspection procedures, after giving the command Ready Front, if the flight is to be inspected, where does the commander proceed to?
Takes one step forward and faces to the right in a position in front of the guide
44.While marching, what are the number of steps respectively the 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th element leaders take for Counter March?
The 1st element leader takes four 24-inch steps forward, executes a 90-degree pivot to the right, the 2nd element leader takes two 24-inch steps forward executes a 90-degree pivot to the right, the 3rd element leader takes one 24-inch step forward, executes two 90-degree pivots to the left, the 4th element leader takes three 24-inch steps forward executes a 90-degree pivot to the left
45.In order to give commands the commander must assume what position?
Assume the position of attention
46.On which foot is the command of execution for Eyes Right called on?
47.Respectively, how many steps between pivots do the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st element leaders take during a Column Right?
2, 4, and 6
48.What command is given to a formation to return their head and eyes forward?
Ready Front
49.What do less than three cadets/airmen make?
Less than 3 individuals make a detail
50.What do three cadets/airmen make?
3 or more individuals make an element
51.What does the command “As you were” do?
Revokes a preparatory command
52.What does the command “Without the Numbers” do?
Drill movements with more than one count will be done at the cadence of quick time
53.What is the position of honor?
To the right
54.What is the publication that governs Air Force drill and ceremonies?
AFMAN 36-2203
55.What is the size of the step during Right/Left Step March?
12 inches as measured from heel to heel
56.When demonstrating a drill movement count by count what command must be given?
By the numbers
57.When executing Counter March from the halt, respectively how many steps do the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th element leader take?
The first element leader takes five paces forward, the third element leader takes three paces forward, the second element leader takes two paces forward, and the fourth element leader takes four paces forward
58.When given flight halt from double time how many steps do you take in double time?
59.When marching, commands that change the unit’s direction to the left are called on what foot?
The left
60.When the command Dress Left Dress is given, the heads and eyes of cadets are turned where?
45 degrees to the left
61.Which position of rest allows you to leave the immediate area?
Fall Out
62.Which position of rest allows you to talk, yet you must keep your right foot planted?
63.Which position of rest states, your feet will be 12 inches apart as measured from heel to heel?
Parade Rest
64.Which position of rest states that your right foot must remain planted and you cannot talk?
At Ease
65.While marching at Route Step, you must maintain what?
Dress Cover Interval and Distance
66.You are outdoors, in uniform, you hear our country’s national anthem but you don’t see the US
flag, what do you do?
Come to attention face the music and salute
67.On the command Extend March (while marching) on what foot does the fourth element take up the half step?
The right
68.How do you change direction when marching at other than attention?
Incline to the right (left)
69.How do you leave ranks?
One step backward with coordinated arm swing, execute a facing movement toward the closest flank,
proceed to the front of the formation by the most direct route, halt one pace in front of and facing person in command
70.You are at double time and you must render a salute to, what do you do?
Go to Quick Time render salute and carry on
71.When marching forward, on which foot is the command FLIGHT Halt?
Either foot however, preparatory command and command of execution are given on the same foot
72.In which formation is the command COVER not used?
In Line Inverted Line
73.According to AFM 36-2203 what manual is used for drill with arms?
The appropriate service manual for the weapon used, for the Daisy Replica M-1903 it is FM 3 -21. 5
74.How do you travel from airman to airman during an inspection?
Simultaneously execute a face to the right in marching and an in place halt
75.What do you do if a command is given incorrectly?
Perform the movement to the best of your ability
76.When commanding units larger than a flight, how long is the pause between the preparatory command and the command of execution?
Three paces
77.Describe the position of attention?
Heels together, feet form a 45 degree angle, legs straight, knees not locked arms hanging naturally
at side, hands cupped palms toward seam of trousers, thumbs parallel to ground, chest lifted, back arched head and eyes straight forward
78.During column of files when do the subsequent element leaders incline left/right?
After marching forward
79.To form a column of two or more from a single column, what do the element leaders say and do on the preparatory command?
Leading element leader turns head and eyes 45 degrees and commands stand fast. All other element
leaders turn head and eyes 45 degrees and command COLUMN HALF RIGHT/LEFT
80.What tone of voice is used during Count Off?
81.Describe the number of steps and pivots taken by elements during CLOSE March while marching?
1st element, 45 degree pivot right 5 steps 45 degree pivot left 2nd element, 45 degree pivot right
3 steps 45 degree pivot left 3rd element, 45 degree pivot right 1 step 45 degree pivot left 4th no pivots
82.What are the pivot points for Right Flank?
90 degrees to the right on the ball of the left foot
83.What is a face in marching?
The pivot and step are executed in one count, and proper dress, cover, interval, and distance
are maintained
84.Once halted, what is the distance between ranks after the command OPEN RANKS March?
70 inches
85.What size step is taken between pivots during a column movement at normal interval?
24 inches
86.What is the rate of march for slow time?
60 steps per minute
87.What is adjutant’s cadence?
140 steps per minute
88.Is double time authorized in service dress uniform?
89.Cadence is given in how many sets?
90.While marching, commands of execution occur when?
As the heel of the appropriate foot strikes the ground
91.What size step is taken between pivots during a column movement at close interval?
12 inch
92.This movement is described as “not precise”?
Counter March
93.When does the guidon bearer bring the guidon to the carry position?
On the preparatory command
94.How is the guidon carried in double time?
45 degrees across body pennant toward right shoulder
95.When do the element leaders call their elements to attention during Open Ranks?
After the inspector finishes the preceding element and before they stop at the first person in
their element
96.What are the parts of the guidon?
Ferrule, staff, pennant and ornament/pike
97.What are the pivot points for a left face?
Heel of the left foot ball of the right
98.You are given the command FLIGHT Attention, what do you do on the preparatory command?
Assume the position of attention
99.Describe the hand placement for close interval dress right dress?
Place the left hand on the left hip fingers pointing down thumb along the forefinger, fingers
extended and joined, elbow bent and in line with the body
100.What are the pivot points for Left Flank?
90 degrees to the left on the ball of the right foot
101.What do you do during AT EASE March?
Free movement, silence, DCID
102.What does the 4th element do while marching and the command CLOSE March is given?
One 24 inch step then 12 inch steps until new command is given
103.While performing to the rear what should you not do with your body?
Force it up or lean forward
104.While conducting individual drill. What command is used to view Present Arms and
Order Arms in two counts?
HAND Salute, READY Two
105.What commands are given to size a flight?
In Line formation, right face with exceptions taller tap, right face with exceptions taller tap,
left face with exceptions taller tap
106.How long does a formation stay in half step after the command Column Half Right/Left March?
When all members of the leading rank are abreast of each other resume 24 inch step
107.Describe the hand placement for Parade Rest?
Place the right hand in the palm of the left, right thumb over the left to form an “X”
108.Where is you dress during In Line formation?
To the right
109.What are the measurements for arm swing while marching at quick time?
6 inches to the front as measured from the rear of the hand to the front of the thigh and 3 inches to the rear as measured from the front of the hand to the back of the thigh
110.For Right/Left Step, how do you call the halt?
As the heels are together call the prepatory command, then again for the command of execution
111.What are the contact points for present arms?
Right corner of the hat, right eyebrow, or right front corner of eyeglasses
112.What are the pivot points for ABOUT Face?
Ball of the right foot, heel of the left foot
113.Where is your dress in an inverted column?
To the left
114.What does the guide do on the command FALL IN?
Takes a position to the left of and facing the flight sergeant so that the first element is centered and three paces from the flight sergeant
115.What are the pivot points for a left face?
Heel of the left foot, ball of the right foot
116.Respectively how many steps does each element take during Open Ranks?
1st three, 2nd two, 3rd one 4th zero
117.COUNT Off can only be performed in two formations what are they?
In Line and In Column
118.Describe the action taken after the command of execution for To The REAR March?
Take a 12 inch step with the left foot, suspend arm swing, pivot 180 degrees to the right on the balls of both feet, take a 12 inch step with the right foot
119.An officer is approaching; you are in uniform and in a formation. What is the procedure?
The person in charge of the formation will call the formation to attention and salute for the formation