NorthPennHigh School

Mrs. K. Groat

Chemistry 1 5.0 Grading Policy



I. Evaluation:

A. Tests - about 1 per chapter, usually three or four tests per marking period given on science testing days.

B. Quizzes - announced and unannounced from classwork, homework and labs.

C. Labs - usually 1 double period experiment per cycle; students will take pre or post quizzes on labs and/or turn in a laboratory report for grading.

D. Homework - will be checked randomly and must be available at the beginning of class. Students who complete everyassignment during a quarter will have two percentage points added to their quarterly average. One percentage point will be deducted for each assignment missed in excess of two.

E. All assignments and labs must be turned in on the due date during class checks or collection.

F. Late assignments will not be accepted; medical excuse excluded.

G. Plagiarized work will not be graded and will result in an automatic zero.

II. Supplies:

A. Notebook - A large 3-ring binder (2”+ for chemistry alone) will be best as all handouts will be

3-hole punched. Because the course is cumulative an additional smaller notebook to keep archived materials at home may also be helpful.

B. Lab NotebookDivider–Section of your notebook to keep an organized record of all laboratory

experiments for the year.

C. Calculator - During class, any type of calculator will be permitted and is an expected part of

a chemistry student’s required supplies for success. This does not include cell phone calculators! However, during tests and quizzes only “scientific” calculators will be permitted.

III Absences:

A. If you are absent from class it is your responsibility to find out what you have missed

and the due date by checking HAC (HomeAccessCenter) and with me before or after class.

B. Check the teacher’s website at for notes, PowerPoints, handouts, and labs.

C. All assignments are due the day after you return to class; tests, quizzes and labs must be

made up within one cycle upon return from absence; extended absences excluded. Make up tests may be different than those taken by the rest of the class.

D. Unexcused absences and class cuts or truancy will result in automatic zeros on all missed

tests, quizzes, labs and homework assignments missed or due on that day.

E. Assignments not turned in and tests or quizzes not made up within the one cycle period

will become a zero.

F. An absence from class such as group, student government, sports or field trips still requires

you to turn in any assignments due during the day and to check the homework for the next day.

IV. Extra Help:

Extra help is available during the school day in 9th period, or after school during X-period. To be assured of availability, please make arrangements with the teacher before coming.

V. Grades:

  1. Your grade will be determined by the total number of points you accumulate duringa markingperiod divided by the total possible points to produce a percentage score.

A+ = 97-100%

A = 90-96%

B+ = 87-89%

B = 80-86%

C+ = 77-79%

C = 70-76%

D = 65-69%

E = 50-64% (Remediation permitted)

F = Below 50% (Remediation not permitted)

*Note: All numeric averages will be rounded to the nearest whole number.

B. You are responsible for keeping an up-to-date tally sheet which will be provided each quarter.

Each marking period’s tally sheet should be the first page of your notebook, and should

be available for eithermyself or your parents each day.

C. Students and parents should check HAC frequently as grades are updated on a regular basis.

Grades are also regularly displayed during class.

D. Final grades for the year are determined by averaging the four marking period grades (weighted at 21% each) with the final exam (weighted at 16%.) A Midterm will be given in January and will be worth 10% of 2nd Marking Period.

E. Under the Renaissance Program, which provides academic incentives and rewards, students with “A’s” all fourmarking periods may be exempted from one or more final exams. Full details on exemption procedures are announced in May. All students will be required to take the Midtermregardless of their grade at that time. Students who do not take the final examination will fail the course, unless they qualify for, and have received exemption status via their teacher’s signature on the exemption verification form.