Ms Lynn PanningRoom: A243
Telephone: (952) 467-7129 e-mail:

Course Description:

The impact of chemistry on everyday life extends from medicine to cooking to fueling your car. It is the foundation of understanding all other sciences. This course will introduce traditional concepts of chemistry, expand your knowledge of the world around you,and prepare you to successfully take a college chemistry course. Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes that matter undergoes. The course includes a review of measurement, the study of atomic structure, chemical bonding, the patterns of the periodic table, the investigations and explanations that accompany different types of chemical behaviors, etc. Along with traditional textbook work, the course offers a variety of hands-on activities and laboratory experiences blended into the units of study. Conceptual and mathematical understanding of chemistry will be stressed. Problem solving is a fundamental learning thread throughout the course.

Topics covered:

Matter and Change The Gas Laws

Scientific Measurement Chemical Periodicity

Atomic Structure and Theory Ionic Bonds

Chemical Names and Formulas Covalent Bonds

Chemical Quantities Reaction Rates and Equilibrium

Chemical Reactions Acids and Bases

Stoichiometry Neutralization

States of Matter and Phase Changes Redox Reactions

Thermochemistry Organic Chemistry (limited)

Materials Needed for this Course:

Assigned textbook: Chemistry Prentice Hall
Notebook & folder for classroom use

Scientific calculator (Cell phones calculators do not qualify)


Grading guidelines:

Quarterly grades will be calculated and assigned using the percentage of total points accumulated throughout each quarter according to the following guidelines:

Approximate Percentage of Points: Grading Scales

Texts and Quizzes - 50 % A 93 – 100% C 73 - 76.9%

Lab Reports - 30% A- 90 – 92.9% C- 70 – 72.9%

Homework Assignments - 20% B+ 87 – 89.9% D+ 67 – 69.9%

B 83 – 86.9% D 63 – 66.9%

B- 80 – 82.9% D- 60 – 62.9%

C+ 77 – 79.9% F < 60 %

Semester grades will be calculated using each of your two quarterly grades and the cumulative final exam or project assigned.

Tests and Quizzes

Within each unit, there will be several quizzes and a chapter test. These count for approximately 50% of your quarterly grade. It will be important that you are fully prepared for each test and quiz. If you are absent on a test day and have prior knowledge of that test or quiz, you will be asked to complete it on the day that you return to class.

Lab work

Lab work will be completed in partners or small groups. It will be important that each person in the group participate and complete the required tasks. Each person in the group will turn in an authentic, original report to be graded. No credit will be given for reports that have been copied or plagiarized. Lab work that is missed due to an excused absence must be completed within 1 week of your absence. No make-up labs can be completed for an unexcused absence. Lab reports that are turned in after the due date will be deducted 10% for each day that the report is late.

Lab activities have a direct correlation to the material discussed in the unit. Make sure that you understand the connection between the lectures, reading, practice problems and the lab activities.


Several types of homework will be assessed.

  • Some assignments will be assigned and are due the following class period. If these assignments, are corrected in class, late homework will NOT be accepted for credit. It is still important that you do these problems so that you understand and are prepared for the test.
  • Other worksheets and practice problems will be assigned with a specific due date. Some will be due the following class period. Others may be collected as packets the end of the unit. These assignments may be graded for accuracy or given effort points depending on the assignment.Late work may be turned in for partial credit.
  • Homework assignments will be posted weekly on the board in front of the classroom. Please refer to it daily.
  • The purpose of homework is to practice the concepts, skills, problems discussed in class. It is your responsibility to attempt these problems on your own and get the help that you need if you are unclear. Copying a friend’s answers or work is different than actively working on problems together. I encourage cooperative learning, however, make sure that you understand the work.


Active participation is important to success in any course. School attendance policies are in place and will be followed as it pertains to grading. Please refer to The Student Handbook for complete information on our school attendance policy. Unexcused absences and tardiness will affect your grade, so please arrive to class on time and be ready to participate when the bell rings. If you are not prepared for class and must go back to your locker, you may be marked as tardy.

In the event of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to ask for make-up work and assignments and to get the information missed while away from class. Please ask for my help immediately upon return to the class. I will try to assist you at that time, or schedule a time to meet with you regarding your make-up work.

Do you need extra help?

I am here to help you succeed. Please ask for help when you do not understand. I will be available before and after school each day for help in my room.

Check on-line for notes regarding topics covered (when it becomes available). I will try to update that site with current information on a regular basis.

Make a study group with other chemistry students.

On-line tutorials are readily available which include topics we are learning.

Make sure you are reading your textbook!!! Even if you are not assigned to do so.

Other special notes:

-School policy prohibits the consumption of food or beverages in the classroom. Please do NOT bring them in. Water bottles will be allowed in the desk area, but are prohibited at the lab tables.

-Graphing calculators, headphones and i-phones have the potential to be a distraction in the classroom and will be taken away until the end of the day if they are used unwisely. Cell phones are to be turned OFF and kept in your lockers during classroom hours.

-Plan your time and use it to your advantage. There will be ample time to work on practice problems during class time, so use it wisely.

-All laboratory safety guidelines will need to be followed (printed on another handout). If safety to your classmates or damage to property becomes an issue because of carelessness or lack of responsible behavior, you will be asked to leave the room and not allowed credit for that activity.

-None of the learning expected in this course is beyond your capabilities if you are willing to invest the time and effort needed to succeed.