GCWA Technical Committee Meeting Minutes
rch 5February 7, 2018
Jim Hamilton - L.B. Owens Airport Conference Room
Committee Members
Lewis Kirk, Madilyn Fletcher, James Atkins, John Hart, Valerie Marcil
Other Attendees
Quinton Epps (RCCC), Mike Jaspers (City of Columbia), Tom Kohlsaat, Kenny Jesensky (Kimley-Horn), Dee Dee Williams, Bill Stangler (Congaree Riverkeeper)
Lewis Kirk called the meeting to order at 3pm.
Minutes & Agenda
The minutes were not available. The agenda was approved as amended.
319 Grant Crowson Road Update
Dr Atkins who is heading up the grant effort reported he has submitted the second required report to DHEC. The next task is to finish an RFQ to publish.
There will be a web page on our site which will provide the RFQ information and links to other pertinent information.
Dr Atkins stated an RFQ will allow us to qualify firms and see what can be done with our available funds.
There was some discussion regarding the scope and particulars of the project.
There was some discussion regarding the Crowson Rd road swap from DOT to the City.
Location of the greenway, the road swap, and the FEMA buyouts.
Richland County Conservation Commission Grant
Dr Atkins reported GCWA submitted a $20,000 grant proposal for design of BMPs for the Crowson Rd project.
City of Columbia Special Protection Area Revision Update
Mike Jaspers stated there was an addition to the SPA proposal to include properties in the 319 grant Crowson Rd area offering them the opportunity to opt in to the plan. The incentive to the owners would be a reduction in stormwater fees for retrofits which improve stormwater runoff.
City of Columbia/Richland County Land Development Code Revisions
Dr Atkins reported he has participated in planning meetings for the plan and that the major concern for us is the new water resources overlay that combines previous districts. There are provisions for preserving natural areas, preserving open space, and incentivising green development. He urged members to go online and read the code and offer comments.
Tom Kohlsaat commented he has read some of the proposed code and asked how the application would work if property owners objective or violate the code. The answer is code enforcement actions.
Bill Stangler and Quinton Epps commented that the development community may object to some of the provisions when the time comes for approval of the final code. There was agreement that positive comments and even requests for more green provisions would help to move the code process forward.
It was agreed that GCWA should provide formal comments in letter or memo form, and continue to be part of the process.
Orphanage Branch/Tuscan Gardens Development
Mr Kirk passed out a few pages from the new proposal for redevelopment of the former Carolina Childrens Home property. He stated the new plan is a considerable improvement from the plan that was first proposed by another developer.
There was general agreement that GCWA should support this plan and speak at the upcoming Forest Acres Planning Commission meeting.
Sustainable Development Clinic
Madilyn Fletcher stated GCWA will be tasking the clinic with researching and making suggestions for the implementation of the Floodplain Preservation program.
Devil's Ditch Update
Mr Jaspers stated the City/County agreement for the Devil's Ditch project has been agreed to with one amendment. The City will manage the project which is now a maintenance project.
Old Business
There was no old business.
New Business
There was no new business
The meeting was adjourned.
Next meeting: March 7, 3-4:30pm