GCSE English Language Mark Scheme for Speaking and Listening - Role Play

Teacher’s code: Task : Date :

Student Name : English Set: Tutor Group :

AO1 / Speaking and Acting / Understanding and communicating
Band 5
Sophisticated and
13-15 marks / o  Create complex character/s, with highly convincing and impressive movement, gesture, speech and use of voice
o  Use a range of drama techniques to explore your role eg freeze frames; flashbacks; thought tracking
o  Adapt the role to suit different situations / o  Explore and respond to complicated ideas, relationships and issues
o  Show skill, sensitivity, subtlety and originality
o  Give sophisticated contributions
Band 4
10-12 marks / o  Create convincing character/s, with thoughtful and highly effective use of movement, gesture, speech and voice
o  Use drama techniques to explore your role eg freeze frames; flashbacks; thought tracking
o  Adapt the role to suit different situations / o  Explore and develop ideas, relationships and issues sensitively
o  Show skill and sensitivity
o  Give confident and controlled contributions
Band 3
Clear and consistent
7-9 marks / o  Develop and sustain roles and character/s, with effective and appropriate use of movement, gesture, speech and voice / o  Explore and develop ideas and situations
o  Show understanding and insight into relationships and important issues
o  Communicate effectively in role
Band 2
4-6 marks / o  Create straightforward roles
o  Use body language, speech and voice to fit your role or character / o  Involve yourself with the ideas and situations
o  Show understanding of relationships and issues
o  Give straightforward spoken responses and contributions
Band 1
1-3 marks / o  Create a simple character/s
o  You may base your character on simple ideas or stereotypes / o  React to situations, and give brief spoken contributions
o  Respond to the roles of others in appropriate, but maybe predictable, ways
o  Show some understanding of relationships and familiar ideas

Target Grade : ______Mark : ______

Student Comment :
Teacher Comment :
Target for next time : ( tick if applies)
-Explore ideas and feelings in more detail
-Develop your use of movement, gesture and facial expressions
- Sustain your role
Other :