Ecozone Quest
Wednesday 25 November
These questions will help you prepare for the test.
Use this sheet to help you make study sheets.
THURSDAY - Climate Notes Package
v What is the difference between weather and climate?
v What do the words maximum and minimum mean?
v How does elevation affect climate?
v How do cold and warm ocean currents affect climate?
v How does latitude affect climate?
v What is the moderating effect?
v What are the leeward and windward sides of the mountains?
FRIDAY/SATURDAY/SUNDAY - Ottawa’s Climate Graph
v Know what a climate graph looks like (what is the red line for? The blue bars? The green?)
v What is the equation for temperature range?
v What is the equation for average temperature
v What is the equation for total precipitation
v Do you know how to figure out if a city is located in a continental or maritime climate by looking at its temperature range? What would the red line look like on a maritime graph?
v Do you know how to figure out if a city is located in a continental or maritime climate by looking at its total precipitation? What would the blue bars look like on a maritime graph?
MONDAY Soil Regions– Across Canada
v Humus, Podzolic soil, black soil. Parent material
v Soil is not dirt! What 5 things do soil need to make it healthy?
v What four things have to happen to make soil?
v What are the 3 horizons in a typical soil profile?
v What is the difference between a leached soil profile and a calcified soil profile? Where would you find them?
TUESDAY Vegetation Regions – Across Canada
v Natural Vegetation, Mixed forest, Coniferous forests, Tundra vegetation, deciduous forest, mosses and lichens, tree line, Douglas Fir, Prairie vegetation, coniferous tree, deciduous tree
v As you go higher north in Canada, what happens to the vegetation? As you go higher up a mountain, what happens to the vegetation? Is it similar? Why or why not?