GBA Position Description


Position Descriptions for Leadership March 2010

Title / President
Roles & Responsibilities / The President of the Graduate Business Association is the student face of the school the public as well as the primary champion of the student body with the MBA Program Office (MBAPO) and the Dean’s Office. The President is also responsible for the general administration and planning of the Graduate Business Association. Accordingly, the President is responsible for the following activities:
·  Coordinate Semi-Annual Strategic Planning Forum (SPF) with Executive Vice President (EVP) in both the Fall & Spring Semesters, establishing and communicating a semester plan of action for the GBA Executive Council
·  Coordinate and run weekly GBA Board meetings ensuring that semester plans are being executed and general body concerns are being met
·  Coordinate and facilitate weekly meetings with the MBAPO in an effort to streamline student communication with the MBAPO and facilitate the addressing of student body and school needs
·  Meet regularly with the Dean’s, Admission’s, Alumni and Development offices in coordination with other relevant officers in an effort to facilitate and streamline communication
·  Speak at semester town halls communicating the overall progress of GBA plans laid out to the student body
·  Attend and present with the VP of Alumni Relations at quarterly Alumni Board meetings and appropriate Alumni Events
·  Be a driving force at new student orientation (1 year and 2 year program) as well as address returning students at second year orientation
·  Attend monthly club leadership meetings and facilitate EVP as EVP sees fit
·  Work closely with VP of Marketing Communications to maintain consistency in messaging of newsletter as well as public postings for school intra and inter school communications
·  Coordinate with the MBAPO and the One-Year VP the traditional “Goizueta Welcome Clap” for the 1st years and 1-year classes
·  Work with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) on budgeting and budget process for the Fall and Spring semesters
Primary Contacts / School
·  MBA Program Office (JB Kurish, Associate Dean; Anne Dries, Associate Dean; and Corey Dortch, GBA Advisor)
·  Dean’s Office (Larry Benveniste, Dean and Maryam Alavi, Vice-Dean)
·  Alumni Office (Samantha Renfro and Jonathan Russell)
·  Development Office (Angela Bostick)
·  Admissions (Julie Barefoot)
·  CMC (Wendy Tsung)
Goizueta Programs
·  Evening President
·  Executive President
·  BBA President
·  Emory University President (President James Wagner)
·  Student Government Association President
·  Graduate Senate President
·  Office of Student Leadership & Service (Matt Garrett, Assistant Director)
Calendar / Spring semester (1st year) / Fall semester
·  Work with CFO to allocate the Fall Budget
·  Meet with the Development Office (Angela Bostick) to setup plan for club corporate sponsorships
·  Attend Graduate Business Forum Conference
·  Attend Welcome Weekend
·  Get to know GBA Executive Council
·  Familiarize self with the GBA Constitution
·  Finalize GBA Charter with GBA Executive Council
·  Lead GBA meetings
·  Exchange contact information with SGA administration and affiliates
-  SGA President
-  SGA Chief of Staff
-  Office of Student Leadership and Service (Matt Garrett ,Associate Director)
·  Initiate “Meet and Greet” meetings with administration
-  Deans Office: Dean Larry and Vice Dean Alavi (Note: Setup meetings with their secretary Wanda Melton)
-  MBAPO: JB Kurish, Anne Dries and Corey Dortch
-  Development: Angela Bostick
-  Alumni: Samantha Renfro
-  CMC: Wendy Tsung
·  Meet with Wanda Melton (Dean Larry and Vice-Dean Alavi’s secretary) to setup the following:
-  President and EVP meetings with Dean Larry and Vice Dean Alavi (monthly)
-  Student Dean’s Chat (monthly)
-  GBA Executive Council lunch with Dean Larry and Vice Dean Alavi (once/semester)
·  Update GBA status as an Emory University organization (mandatory in order to receive funding) / ·  Lead SPF with the EVP
·  Complete SGA training (mandatory)
·  Attend monthly leadership meetings that are led by the EVP
·  Review Semi-Formal plans and contract with the VP of Student Activities
·  Work with MBAPO on any special projects (Ex: NYSE Event)
·  Attend student Town hall meetings
·  Lead the following meetings:
-  GBA Executive Council (weekly)
-  MBAPO (weekly)
-  President and EVP meetings with Dean Larry and Vice Dean Alavi (monthly)
-  Student Dean’s Chat (monthly)
-  GBA Executive Council Lunch with Dean Larry and Vice Dean Alavi (once/semester)
Summer break / Winter Break
·  Develop GBA strategy for the year
·  Communicate regularly with the EVP
·  Meet with the One-Year VP (if in the city)
·  Attend One-Year Events (if in the city)
·  Work with MBAPO on any special projects (Ex: NYSE Event)
·  Plan for the Fall Strategic Planning Forum (SPF) with the EVP / ·  Review the Constitution with the EVP
·  Plan for the Spring SPF with the EVP
·  Work with the EVP on the Elections calendar and transition plan
Spring semester (2nd year)
·  Lead the Spring SPF with the EVP
·  Attend monthly leadership meetings that are led by the EVP
·  Attend student town hall meetings
·  Review Formal plans and contract with the VP of Student Activities
·  Work with MBAPO on any special projects (Ex: NYSE Event)
·  Lead the following meetings:
-  GBA Executive Council (weekly)
-  MBAPO (weekly)
-  President and EVP meetings with Dean Larry and Vice Dean Alavi (monthly)
-  Student Dean’s Chat (monthly)
·  GBA Executive Council Lunch with Dean Larry and Vice Dean Alavi (once/semester)
·  Setup meetings with anyone interested in the President role
·  Fully transition role before and during the GBA Transition Day
·  Finish any final programming initiatives
Title / Executive Vice President
Roles & Responsibilities / ·  Along with the President, bring the Student Voice to the Programs Office
o  Bi-Weekly meetings with J.B. and Anne
o  Help coordinate communication from Program Office as necessary
·  Play a primary role in GBA led projects – follow up, help execute
·  Plan and lead monthly Club Leadership Meeting
·  Play a large part in One year, 1st year ,and 2nd year orientation/lead week
·  Manage the Election Process for One Years and 1st years
o  One Year VPs and Leadership Council
o  Section Reps
o  GBA Appointed Positions Process (Graduation Committee chair, Historian (photographer) and Dean's Speaker Series Committee Representative)
·  Lead Special Projects
o  Club Night
o  Leadership March
o  Manage Leadership Spreadsheet and historical records (constitution, chartering process)
o  Opt-out list for The Balance Sheet
o  Encourage and facilitate club and Goizueta program integration
o  Coordinate Master Calendar updates
·  Assist President with coordinating Semi-Annual Strategic Planning Forum (SPF), establishing and communicating a semester plan of action for the GBA Executive Council
Primary Contacts / ·  Program Office
o  J.B. Kurish & Anne Dries (bi-weekly meetings to bring the student voice to the program office, as well as discuss Program Office concerns)
o  Corey Dortch (discuss club-related concerns and miscellaneous issues)
·  Full-time MBA Program
o  Club Presidents and Club Leadership (keep up with club leadership records and work with clubs to encourage collaboration and answer miscellaneous questions)
Calendar / Spring semester (1st year) / Summer
·  Plan and run Club Kickoff meeting with the President
·  Work with new GBA to appoint people to the GBA Appointed positions
·  Assist the President and CFO with the budget
·  Update Club Leadership spreadsheet and Leadership conference on First Class as club elections conclude
·  Schedule first Club Leadership meeting for fall semester (to plan Club Night) – communicate to all Club Leaders
·  Touch base with Balance Sheet editor-in-chief to make sure opt-out email is sent. Maintain confidential opt-out list, ensure names do not appear in Balance Sheet. / ·  Organize fall SPF meeting with the President
·  Participate in 1-year orientation
·  Assist Corey Dortch with 1-year elections
·  Participate in 1st year orientation
·  Organize and run 1st year section rep elections
·  Plan Club Night
·  Work with President and One-Year VP to coordinate One-Year and Exchange Student Introductions during Lead Week
·  Work with Core Values Council to coordinate Core Values Statement ceremony during Lead Week
Fall semester
·  Help run fall kick-off SPF event
·  Lead Club Night event
·  Schedule and plan spring SPF with the President
·  On-board Section Reps
·  Maintain Opt-Out list for Fall Balance Sheet
·  Review GBA Constitution with President
Spring semester (2nd year) / Continuous
·  Help run spring kick-off SPF event
·  Organize and run Leadership March – send out e-mails about schedule and process, position descriptions, run the election, on-board new team
·  Schedule Club Kickoff meeting (new President and EVP will plan details); invite GBS Offices to speak
·  Work with President to plan GBA Transition with
·  Institutionalize everything
·  Train the next EVP / ·  Manage approval and chartering process for new clubs, including setup on Leadership First Class conference, club conference setup, etc.
·  Maintain list of clubs in ‘trial’ status; bring vote to GBA Executive Council as necessary
·  Keep up with the Leadership spreadsheet and distribute to appropriate parties. Redistribute to Program Office, Admissions, CMC bi-monthly
·  Answer questions from anyone and everyone
·  Twice a week - coordinate Master Calendar updates for all clubs
·  Bi-weekly: Meet with Program Office
·  Monthly: Meet with Dean’s Office; organize and run Club Leadership meetings
·  Schedule rooms for GBA meetings
Title / Chief Financial Officer
Roles & Responsibilities / ·  Conduct the budgeting process for the Fall and Spring semesters
o  Meet with all MBA club leaders to assess their financial needs
o  Determine how to allocate funds across MBA clubs
·  Process expense reimbursements for all MBA clubs
·  Maintain accurate financial records for all MBA club spending
·  Verify GBA received the correct allocated funding from SGA
·  Submit budget to SGA for next year
·  Represent GBA at SGA Treasurers meetings
·  Develop strong relationships and work closely with financial leadership at Goizueta and the SGA
·  Work closely with GBA and other MBA club leaders to offer financial support for large Goizueta community events
·  Develop budgeting framework for budget allocation decisions
·  Work with GBS development office to define process for getting funds from outside the school
·  Partner financially with evening and executive MBA programs
·  Serve as the representative of the Graduate Business School on the university-wide Budget Committee
Primary Contacts / School
·  Dean’s Office
o  Joanna Green, Associate Dean of Finance & Administration
·  Assists with large purchases/events
·  Well-connected regarding the financial community at Emory
·  Executive MBA Program Office
o  Carol Fuzzard, Director
·  Student Government Association Reimbursement Office
o  Meredith Honeycutt
·  Responsible for approving all expense reimbursements
o  Laura Rogers
·  Meredith Honeycutt’s assistant
Calendar / Spring semester / Fall semester
·  Budgeting for Fall (Budget Day)
·  Monitoring funds available (tentatively planning for entire year)
·  Largest expenses – Formal, Slope Day (work with VP of Social), Graduation
·  Conduct training meetings with Club Leaders on reimbursement/budgeting/event planning processes
·  Submit next year’s budget request to SGA / ·  Budget Day for Spring allocations
·  Monitoring funds available (tentatively planning for entire year)
·  Largest expenses – Formal, Slope Day (work with VP of Social), Graduation
·  Conduct training meetings with Club Leaders on reimbursement/budgeting/event planning processes
Tips / ·  Become good friends with Meredith Honeycutt, Laura Rogers and Joanna Green. You will need their help when you need to get something done fast. Do not get on their bad side.
·  Be very detailed in recording club spending and reimbursement. Clubs often ask for balances and everyone believes that their reimbursement check is the most important reimbursement.
Title / Vice President Academic Affairs
Roles & Responsibilities / ·  Liaison Emory Academic Affairs Office
·  Should have regular meetings with academic affairs head
·  Director of case competitions process for sponsored and non-sponsored cases to include the schedule. Educate incoming students on the case competition process during the Fall.
·  Course Candor conferences for students to discuss merits of classes/professors in the “Voice of” conferences. This will require a First Year student to join the Academic Committee to create a conference in their “Voice of” conference
·  Liaison w/ program office on curriculum requirements
·  Faculty Meetings & faculty chairs meetings - once per semester
·  Class evaluations survey collection for analysis and posting to Course Candor
·  Attend all required GBA meetings and Strategic Planning Forums
·  Assist the Executive Vice President with elections
·  You are NOT the individual solver of academic issues - wait lists, grades, specific issues for individual students
·  Facilitate workshop creation between the clubs and CMC for career related training not covered in classes
Primary Contacts / School
·  Program Office
o  Associate Dean: JB Kurish (the Associate Dean is responsible for the curriculum development and to deal with major issues related to the academics of the program)
o  Director: Anne Dries (Director is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the academic curriculum and scheduling and advising of classes)
·  Dean’s Office
o  Dean: Larry Beneviste
·  CMC Office
o  Director: Wendy Tsung (the Director is responsible for coordinating any career specific training outside of the club organizations with alumni. Workshops for job skills not covered in class are the usual topic)
·  Admissions
o  Associate Dean and Director of MBA Admissions: Julie Barefoot (refers applicants/perspective students with questions about the academics)
Goizueta Programs
·  Evening Academic Representative (if a school-wide academic initiative is undertaken impacting all programs)
·  Exec. Academic Representative (same as above)
Calendar / Spring semester / Fall semester