(UMH #202)
September 11, 2012
MUNCIE, IN 47304
(765) 282-2322 / EAST DISTRICT WEBSITE
gathering of the order of elders
world communion sunday – october 7, 2012
course of study school 2012-2013
East District Disaster Response
minimum salary figures set for 2013
Clergy Spouse Retreat
free webinars for congregational leaders
east district cluster charge conference schedule
lay servant Ministries (lay Speaker) annual report form
youth worker connection – coffee & catch-up
youthworker retreat – october 19, 2012
fall youth rally – september 14, 2012
parish nursing conference
flood buckets needed
volunteers roc—rebuilding our community
2012 diversity training and professional boundaries classes
east district umw meetings
“extravagant generosity” workshop
pre-retirement workshop
vital congregations goals
holy land trip 2013 – your time
operation classroom school supplies
muncie area crop hunger walk 2012
important links
2011-2012 educational opportunities

gathering of the order of elders

What: a Gathering of the Order of Elders of the Indiana Conference
When: Thursday, Nov 15, 2012
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Where: Indianapolis St. Luke's UMC, 100 W 86th St.
There is no cost; however, lunch is provided and for anaccuratecount, you must register online. To register,Click Here.
Why:The purpose of this gathering is to come together for fellowship, worship, lunch (provided), and for a discussion of the changes being made to appointment security for Elders.
Who:This Gathering is for all active Elders, and your attendance is expected. Retired Elders are welcome but not expected to attend. Elders serving in Extension Ministry appointments may be excused if your employment or geography prevents your attending, and of course Elders who are on Incapacity Leave or other kinds of Leave. Provisional elders are also welcome to attend, even though they are not officially members of the Order of Elders, because these appointment issues will impact their ministry for many years to come.
If you are unable to attend you need to speak with DS Dave Byrum to receive permission to be absent from this meeting.

world communion Sunday – october 7, 2012

World Communion Sunday is one of the six church-wide Special Sundays of The United Methodist Church. World Communion Sunday offerings provide scholarships for U.S. racial and ethnic minority students and international students, on both undergraduate and graduate levels. It is observed this year on Sunday, October 7, or any other day your church chooses. Donate now or get free resources by clicking here

course of study school 2012-2013

An Extension School of Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary
The Indiana Conference Extension Course of Study School is a non-residential United Methodist School (for part-time local pastors only) offering the approved curriculum of the Division of Ordained Ministry of the United Methodist Church.
All classes are held at the University of Indianapolis, 1400 East Hanna Avenue, Indianapolis. Click here for additional information, brochure and registration.

east district disaster response

Your Response is needed to help prepare for our District Disaster Response
September is National Preparedness Month and we need your response so that we will be better prepared to respond to disasters as a district. When disaster strikes, the local church usually provides the first response. This basic understanding - that disaster response is local - helps form a foundation for UMCOR's national training and response. First and foremost, UMCOR is a resource for the local response.
Take the following steps to prepare your church to respond:
  1. Develop a disaster plan that fits with your church’s mission.
  2. Connect the church to outside resources and to the community’s emergency plans.
  3. Identify types of disasters likely to impact the church community and the needs that may arise.
  4. Assess the church’s resources to meet those needs.
  5. Identify the church’s role in disaster readiness and response.
  6. Create a plan to manage volunteers.
  7. Assign responsibilities.
  8. Develop a system of communication.
Please send the following information via e-mail to John A. Young @ . John is our new District Disaster Response Coordinator
  1. UM churches that are already Red Cross shelters or are willing to become shelters.
  2. Persons in the district trained to be members of EarlyResponseTeams.
  3. Persons in the district who are interested in training for EarlyResponseTeams.
  4. UM's who live in the district who are HAM radio operators
  5. UM's who are police or fire chaplains, Red Cross staff or volunteers, already involved indisasterresponsewith other agencies.
  6. UM churches that are willing to house Volunteer in Mission Teams helping to rebuild
Thank you for your help in helping us prepare to respond effectively and efficiently to any disasters that may come to our district.

minimum salary figures set for 2013

Minimum salaries for pastors serving for 2013:
* Full Time Elders - $38,320
* Full-Time Associate and Probationary Members - $37,043
* Full-Time Local Pastors - $35,127
The recommended Cost of Living Increase for 2013 is 1.4%. This range is based on Cost of Living indexes published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for the Midwest Region of the country.
Merit/Performance Recommendation:
Poor no increase
Fair .50 – 1.50%
Good 1.51 – 3.00%
Excellent 3.01 – 4.50%
These are recommendations to assist you. The Book of Discipline states that the primary responsibility for determination of pastoral salaries remains with the individual pastoral charges.

clergy spouse retreat

Clergy Spouse Retreat to be held Sept. 21-23
The 2012 Indiana Conference Clergy Spouse Retreat will be held Friday-Saturday, Sept. 21-23 at the Holiday Inn - Carmel North (formerly Four Points by Sheraton), 251 East Pennsylvania Parkway, Indianapolis. The theme of the retreat will be State of the Heart - Servanthood with Cindy Kanning. Registration deadline: is Aug. 31.
For more information, download the retreat brochure online at For answers to questions about scholarships, the registration procedure or commuter meals, please contact Rhonda Alstott by phone at 812-944-1811 or by e-mail at .

free webinars for congregational leaders

  • September 11 at 6:30 p.m. (CDT) – Serving Servants: Rethinking Volunteerism in the Church – Serving faithfully brings renewal in a way that "doing a job" never will! This popular workshop has practical tips to help everyone. Leader Kathy Merry is an organizational developer who offers her expertise for the church.
  • September 13 at 6:30 p.m. (CDT) – Five Key Elements in Successful Stewardship Strategies Stewardship in the local church is not a "one size fits all" proposition. There are some elements that are consistently present in churches that do stewardship really well. Join us as we explore five important ones!
  • September 20 at 6:30 p.m. (CDT) – Church Council: Fall Check-Up –Time for congregational leaders to look at the BIG picture! Steps for evaluating ministry, making steps for growth, adjusting goals, and looking ahead. Ideas for making disciples.
  • September 26 at 1 p.m. (CDT) – Principles of Church Renewal for District Superintendents Learn the key factors for assessing and setting a path toward congregation renewal within a district. New and updated information reflecting the new DS role enacted at General Conference 2012 is presented in this webinar by John Briggs, Kathy Merry and Marc Brown.
  • September 27 at 6:30 p.m. (CDT) – Small Churches Make Disciples –Vital churches come in all sizes. Small membership churches with fewer than 100 in worship have advantages for making disciples. This event will have practical ideas for building on strengths, developing new leaders, and transforming their communities.
Register and view archived training at
Materials for all church leaders are available at

east district cluster charge conference schedule

National Road…………………………Curt Hunt…………………….Nov. 4, 2:30 p.m.
Carthage, Knightstown, Spiceland, Salem, Greensboro
Believers……………………………….Tom McGilliard………………Nov. 4, 6:00 p.m.
New Castle First, New Castle Christ’s, New Castle Trinity, Sugar Grove (Henry)
(Location: Wiley Site)
Cluster of Grapes……………………..Forrest Bowers……………….Nov. 5, 6:30 p.m.
Losantville, Modoc, Union Chapel (Randolph)
Crossroads……………………………Cindy Osgood………..………..Oct. 28, 3:00 p.m.
(Cammack, Corinth, Daleville, Gaston, Honey Creek, Middletown, New Burlington, Yorktown (Location: Yorktown UMC)
No Name Cluster………………….…..Jim Truelove……..………….Nov. 7, 6:30 p.m.
Bartonia, Mt. Zion (Randolph), Fountain City, Hopewell, Richmond Webster, Middleboro, Whitewater (Location: Middleboro UMC)
Nor Del Cluster………………………Frank Oakman………………..Nov. 8, 6:30 p.m.
Albany, Albany Bethel, DeSoto, Eaton, Muncie Morningside (Location: Albany UMC)
Blue Jay………………………………Wes Schemenaur………………Nov. 11, 2:30 p.m.
Bellefountain, Fairview (Jay), Mt. Zion (Jay), Portland Asbury, Portland Trinity, Westchester
Sod Buster……………………………Priscilla McFarland……………Nov. 11, 6:00 p.m.
Center, New Mt. Pleasant, Oak Grove, Pennville
Nettle Creek………………………….Rodney Frieden………………...Nov. 12, 6:30 p.m.
Economy, Hagerstown, Green’s Fork (Location: Green’s Fork UMC)
South Muncie………………………...Gordon Jackson………………..Nov. 13, 6:30 p.m.
Muncie Avondale, Muncie Fountain Square, Muncie Industry, Muncie Madison Street, Muncie Main Street, Muncie Normal City, Muncie Trinity, Muncie St. Paul’s, Muncie Covenant Partners (Location: Muncie Avondale UMC)
Wesley …………………………..……Randy Davis……………………Nov. 15, 6:30 p.m.
Dunkirk Bethel, Dunkirk Calvary, Dunkirk Mt. Tabor, Fairview (Randoph), Redkey, Sugar Grove (Jay)
Peanut Buster………………………...Alex Hershey.…………………..Nov. 18, 2:30 p.m.
Winchester, Saratoga, Spartanburg, Union City Wesley (Location: Saratoga UMC)
Randolph Treasure Hunters…...Sandi Lumpkin/Sherrie Drake……..Nov. 18, 6:00 p.m.
Deerfield, Farmland, Parker City, Rehoboth, Ridgeville Calvary (Location: Ridgeville Calvary UMC)
North Muncie…………………………Rusty Clements………….……..Nov. 19, 6:30 p.m.
Muncie Center Chapel, Muncie College Avenue, Muncie Gethsemane, Muncie High Street, Muncie Riverside, Selma Christ, Selma United (Location: Muncie Riverside UMC)
Elshaddai……………………………...Sam Dickson…...……………….Nov. 20, 6:30 p.m.
Boston, Cambridge City, Centerville, Milton, Pershing, Richmond Central, Richmond Faith-Trinity, Richmond First
“X”…………………………………….Scott Bell…………...……………Nov. 26, 6:30 p.m.
Brownsville, College Corner, Greenwood, Liberty Edwards Memorial, Old Franklin, Springfield (Location: College Corner UMC)
Fayette County……………………….Carolyn Judd……………………Nov. 27, 6:30 p.m.
Alquina, Columbia, Connersville East Side, Connersville First, Connersville Grace, Connersville Grand Avenue, Orange (Location: Connersville First UMC)
Blackford County…………………….Gary Hall………… ……………Nov. 28, 6:30 p.m.
Hartford City Grace, Hartford City Trinity, Montpelier, Mt. Carmel, Pleasantdale, Pleasant Grove
Muncie Union Chapel UMC……………………………….………………Oct. 25, 5:30 p.m.

lay servant ministries (lay speaker) annual report form

LAY SERVANT ANNUAL REPORT 2012 – Each Lay Servant wanting to maintain their official status is required to complete the 2012 Lay Servant Annual Report.
Charge Conference season 2012 will soon be here. If you are a Lay Servant (formerly known as Lay Speaker) this means there is an important report that you must complete and submit to your pastor for recommendation, to be included in your local church's charge conference reports, in order for you to maintain your Lay Servant status.
The 2012 Lay Servant Annual Report is available by clicking here. Only this form will be accepted. Please do not submit the form from a previous year. Please print out the form, complete it, and submit it to your church office or pastor before your local church's Administrative Board/Church Council meeting prior to your scheduled charge conference.
The formal cluster charge conference will be a worship experience during which we will affirm the votes taken at your church's Administrative Board/Church Council meeting.
If you are involved in the Lay Servant Ministries for the purpose and enjoyment of learning only, and are not interested in maintaining a status, you are not required to complete the report. Please remember that this annual report helps keep district records accurate. If you are not completing the report and you have moved, dropped a land-line at home, changed a cell phone number or email address, please share this information with the district resource center at . Your email address is the most efficient way for us to keep you informed of academy opportunities and other related news.

youthworker connection – coffee & catch-up

Join us for an informal time of youth ministry discussion at a coffee shop near you!
We’ll meet at 2 p.m. at each location. Please RSVP to . See complete list of dates and locations, click here.

youthworker retreat – october 19, 2012

This is a retreat designed just for youth workers to experience a time of spiritual renewal through worship and training opportunities that will send you home refreshed, renewed and full of lots of ideas for your ministry. Plus, some downtime to relax or play as you desire. Click here for complete details.

fall youth rally – september 14, 2012

This weekend rally will help your students focus on the life they live as a follower of Jesus Christ and the legacy they leave behind. Each of us seems to carry a label in today’s society. This gathering will help your students begin to shape their lives around a label given them by God.Click here for details.

parish nursing conference

A conference for parish nurses, health ministers, pastors, laity, or anyone interested in this field will be held on October 26, 2012 at Zionsville UMC, 9644 Whitestown, Zionsville, 46077. For more information contact Sherry McIntyre at or click herefor the brochure.

flood buckets needed

The United Methodist Midwest Mission Distribution Center is emptying its shelves of United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Cleaning Buckets. Yikes.
Currently, volunteers are working quickly to assemble another 1,800 UMCOR Cleaning Buckets to go to Minnesota immediately, which will deplete MMDC of all of its supplies for UMCOR Cleaning Buckets. Your help is needed to restock the shelves with cleaning bucket materials.
You can help by donating supplies that go into the UMCOR Cleaning Bucket - follow the link HERE to see what goes into each bucket.
Here's how you can help:
*Donate supplies, by purchasing from one of MMDC's suppliers directly, by way of our "wishlist" - follow the link HERE.
*You also send monetary donations to MMDC to aid in replenishing supplies, indicate "Cleaning Buckets" in the memo line or send a donation to MMDC online HERE.
*For more information, call MMDC at 217-483-7911 and see if you can help put together supplies/kits, offering your time at MMDC. Pray for the Midwest Mission Distribution Center and for the recipients of these supplies, because they need your prayers.
*Questions? Call 217-483-7911 or e-mail .
*Follow the link for more information and learn how you can help restock. Click here.

volunteers roc – rebuilding our community

Previously registered volunteer church groups and individuals plus those yet-to-register as volunteers to southern Indiana disaster areas are requested to contact the Volunteer ROC Center to confirm registration or to make a new reservation. Some records have been lost and the loss is adding confusion to the volunteer process, therefore all volunteers registered are ask to double-check with Volunteer ROC by calling 812-565-CAMP (2267) or 574-231-7019.
Individuals and church group leaders wishing to volunteer through V-ROC or who are volunteering through one of our United Methodist churches doing tornado disaster recovery are asked to register through V-ROC so a record of their activity is available to recovery leaders. Register online on then “CLICK HERE” if you have a group to register or call 812-565-CAMP (2267) or 574-231-7019.
United Methodists have given more than 41,000 hours of volunteer service in southern Indiana and have contributed more than $600,000 for tornado recovery. Remember that volunteers are also working in the recovery center and will return a call with a message as soon as they possibly can do so. In the meantime, let’s all pray for the survivors of this disaster as they rebuild both their lives and their homes.
Thank you for your generous contributions and your service.

2012 Diversity Training and Professional Boundaries classes

Pastors can take one or both classes on the same day, but you must sign up for each class individually when registering. If you want the optional lunch you must sign up and pay for that under the Merchandise section of the Diversity Training session. There is an additional $10 fee for lunch. All times are LOCAL. Click on the training title to go to the registration link. Registration deadline is one week prior to the training date. Listed below IS AN EVENT located close to our district. For the full list click here.

pastors—have you activated your INUMC email account

Vital Congregations/GCFA will be using inumc.org email addresses for pastors exclusively. So now your inumc.org email is a necessity. Once activated you can have it forwarded to your personal email address. Eventually this will be the only email address used by the District as well. Carla (877-781-6706) at the Conference Center will be happy to help you if you experience problems.


September 22, 2012
Fall Annual Meeting
DeSoto UMC
9:30 a.m.

“extravagant generosity” workshop

Attend Rejuvenate’s Extravagant Generosity Workshop to increase your financial knowledge and planning skills! September 28 and 29, 2012.
Friday is a full day (8:30am-4pm EDT) FOR CLERGY AND THEIR SPOUSESto attend: “Grateful Living & Generous Giving: An Introduction to Personal Budget Planning, Estate Planning and Christian Stewardship for Clergy & their Spouses.”
Saturday is a half day (8:30am-12:30pm EDT) FOR CLERGY AND LAY TEAM MEMBERS to attend: “Encouraging the Joy of Extravagant Generosity: A Call to Financial Discipleship.” Lay team members who should attend include lay members, lay leaders, ad council chairpersons, finance committee chairpersons, staff-parish relations committee chairpersons and treasurers.
Click hereto register. Registration deadline is September 14, 2012.

pre-retirement workshop