Teacher –Christopher Grade 5 Week 36:May 21-25
Monday 5/21 / Tuesday 5/22 / Wednesday 5/23Reading SOL / Thursday 5/24 / Friday 5/25
Science SOL
8:25-9:00 / SOL Writing Practice PowerPoint / SOL Writing Practice PowerPoint / SOL Writing Practice PowerPoint
9:00- 9:40
Social Studies / SOL's: USI.1f,g The student will demonstrate skills for historical and geographical analysis and responsible citizenship. The student will analyze and interpret maps to explain relationships among landforms and water features and will learn to distinguish between parallels of latitude an meridians of longitude.
USI.9aIssues that divided the Nation
USI.9b,c States’ Rights and Slavery: A Nation Divided
USI.9d The Roles of Civil War Leaders
The student will be able to: Students will become familiar with the bitter divisions between the North and South that led to the Civil War. Students will gain understanding of the compromises and struggle to keep free and slaves states in balance. Students will recognize Civil War leaders and the vital roles they played in the Civil War.
Essential Vocabulary-Advocate, emancipation, enslaved, productivity, inhumane, states’ rights, strong central government, constitutional issues, compromises, resolve, succession, secede, cultural issues, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, popular sovereignty, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson
Research-Based Instructional Strategies:
Activating prior knowledge Identifying similarities & differences
XSummarizing& note takingReinforcing effort & providing recognition
Nonlinguistic representations Setting goals & providing feedback
X Structured small groupsGenerating & testing hypothesis
Homework & practice
XDifferentiation / Materials Needed:
Xtextxnotebook writing paper chalk/dry erase board
audio/visuals overhead projector MCPS IAN
Xactivity sheets thesaurus/dictionarymanipulatives
scissorsglue calculator
other: computers on wheels, Mr. Saunders' website, COWS, blog, UBD units, STAR, Interwrite, ELMO teacher made activities
Anticipatory Set:Daily warm up
Direct Instruction/Input &
Read Aloud:The Last Slave House
Guided Practice:
HW:Daily Review # 2 / Pre-assessment:
Anticipatory Set: Daily warm up
Shared Reading:Ponds Press pages 156-157
Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling:
Read Aloud: The Last Slave House
Independent Practice:Study buddies with Quizlet/sorts/study cards
HW:Daily Review # 2 / Pre-assessment:
Anticipatory Set: Daily warm up
Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling:
Shared Reading:
Assessment:Emancipation Proclamation reading with questions IAN page 33
Independent Practice:
HW: Daily Review # 2
EXTRA: / Pre-assessment:
Anticipatory Set:Daily Warm up
Shared Reading:
Map/Geography Skills – s.s.red textbook, pages A2 – A-15 and pages A18 – A19
Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling:
Independent Practice:
Closure:Study Buddies ,Quizlet/sorts/study cards
HW: Daily Review # 2 / Pre-assessment:
Anticipatory Set:Daily warm up
Read Aloud: The Last Slave House
Guided Practice:
Shared Reading: Map/Geography Skills – s.s.red textbook, pages A2 – A-15 and pages A18 – A19 (complete)
Independent Practice:/Assessment: pg 17 from IAN (2nd 9 weeks)The Southern Colonies
Closure: Regions Song
Math / SOL's
5.2a The student will recognize and name fractions in their equivalent decimal form and vice versa; b) compare and order fractions and decimals in a given set from least to greatest and greatest to least
5.6 The student will solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition and subtraction with fractions and mixed numbers and express answers in simplest form
5.14 The student will make predictions and determine the probability of an outcome by constructing a sample space.
5.8 The student will a) find perimeter, are, and volume in standard units of measure; b) differentiate among perimeter, area, and volume and identify whether the application of the concept of perimeter, area, or volume is appropriate for a given situation
Essential Vocabulary: numerator, denominator, greatest common factor, least common multiple, equivalent, simplest form, prime number, composite number, prediction, sample space, probability, tree diagram, equally likely, formula, perimeter, area, volume
5.3 The students will a) identify and describe the characteristics of prime and composite numbers and b) identify and describe the characteristics of even and odd numbers
5.10 The student will determine an amount of elapsed time in hours and minutes within a 24-hour period.
Research-Based Instructional Strategies:
Activating prior knowledge Identifying similarities & differences
Summarizing & note taking Reinforcing effort & providing recognition
Nonlinguistic representations Setting goals & providing feedback
Structured small groups Generating & testing hypothesis
Homework & practice
Differentiation / Materials Needed:
Xtextxnotebook writing paper chalk/dry erase board
audio/visuals overhead projector MCPS IAN
Xactivity sheets thesaurus/dictionarymanipulatives
scissorsglue calculator
other: COWS, blog, UBD units, STAR, Interwrite, ELMO
teacher made activities
Anticipatory Set:
Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling:
Guided/Independent Practice: Tier 3-Time Telling Worksheet and Elapsed Time Story Problems
Tier 1 & 2- Elapsed Time Story Problems and Topic 14 Free Response Test pg 89
HW: / Anticipatory Set:
Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling:
Guided/Independent Practice:review midpoint (Tier 3 in small group, Tier 1 & 2 partnered together)
HW: / Anticipatory Set:DirectInstruction/Input & Modeling: Guided/Independent Practice:
HW: / Anticipatory Set:DirectInstruction/Input & Modeling: VADOE Math Practice, using testing material (complete)
Guided/Independent Practice:Complete Mother’s Day word problems sheet
Complete Seeing Spots worksheet
HW: / Anticipatory Set:
Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling:
Guided/Independent Practice: Time Problem Cards
Students in need of extension assist with students in need of support (reciprocal teaching), enrichment activities, center activities / Students in need of support work in pairs or small group, individually with teacher/TA
10:40-11:20 Writing / SEE READING PLANS
Objective(s)Students will
Essential Vocabulary:
Research-Based Instructional Strategies:
Activating prior knowledge Identifying similarities & differences
Summarizing & note taking Reinforcing effort & providing recognition
Nonlinguistic representations Setting goals & providing feedback
Structured small groups Generating & testing hypothesis
Homework & practice
Differentiation / Materials Needed:
Xtextxnotebook writing paper chalk/dry erase board
audio/visuals overhead projector MCPS IAN
Xactivity sheets thesaurus/dictionarymanipulatives
scissorsglue calculator
other: COWS, blog, UBD units, STAR, Interwrite, ELMO
teacher made activities
11:20-12:00 / Computer Lab
Recess 12-12:20
Lunch 12:20-12:50 / Library
Recess 12-12:20
Lunch 12:20-12:50 / PE
Recess 12-12:20
Lunch 12:20-12:50 / Music
Recess 12-12:20
Lunch 12:20-12:50 / Art
Recess 12-12:20
Lunch 12:20-12:50
Language Arts
Writing) / SOL 5.4b The student will expand vocabulary to determine meanings and differentiate among multiple meaning words.
SOL5.5 b,c,d,i,j,k,lThe student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry. Students will differentiate between story elements and comprehend character development. The student will identify causes (the why) and effects (what happened).
SOL 5.6 a,e,f, h, j The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts.
The student will be able to:Make, confirm, or revise predictions. Students will learn to identify and ask questions that clarify various points of view. Students will practice summarizing supporting details from text. Students will describe the development of plot and explain the resolution of conflicts. Students will describe the characteristics of free verse, rhymed, and patterned poetry. Students will practice making inferences and reaching conclusions based on information provided in text by the author. Students will be able to recognize structural patterns, locate causes and effects, and compare and contrast new and previously identified information from text. Students will summarize and identify new information gained from reading and reviewing charts and graphs.
Essential Vocabulary :fiction, predict, clarify, multiple meaning words, paraphrase, summarize, sequence, character, plot, climax, resolution, inferences and conclusions
Research-Based Instructional Strategies:
Activating prior knowledge Identifying similarities & differences
Summarizing & note takingReinforcing effort & providing recognition
Nonlinguistic representations Setting goals & providing feedback
Structured small groupsGenerating & testing hypothesis
Homework & practice
Differentiation / Materials Needed:
text notebook writing paper chalk/dry erase board
audio/visuals overhead projector MCPS IAN
Xactivity sheets thesaurus/dictionarymanipulatives
scissorsglue calculator
other:__COWS, Blog, Interwrite, ELMO______teacher made activities
Anticipatory Set:P.M. - Practice with VADOE Reading Testing Tools (with laptops)
Direct Instruction:
Whole group review of questions from last week’s reading benchmark.
See below for small group activity with benchmark.
Read Aloud:The Last Slave House
Direct Instruction/Word Study:
Review vocabulary for the week using SpellingCity.
1. vertebrate
2. invertebrate
3. vascular
4. nonvascular
5. cell wall
6. cell membrane
7. vacuole
8. chloroplasts
9. cytoplasm
10. monerans
11. protists
12. fungi
Guided/Independent Practice:
Menu / Pre-assessment:
Anticipatory Set:
Direct Instruction:
Whole group practice with Quia – homophones/making inferences/conclusions
Shared Reading:Ponds Press pages
Direct Instruction:“What We See” pg 156-157
Guided/Independent Practice:
Word Study: Word Ladder
Read Aloud:The Last Slave HouseHomework:Menu / Pre-assessment:
Anticipatory Set:
Guided/Independent Practice:
Homework:Menu / Pre-assessment:
Anticipatory Set:
Independent/Shared Writing:
Students will work on research papers – outlines and rough drafts.
Shared Reading:Ponds Press pages 66 – 75 Three Colonial Regions
Guided/Independent Practice:
Making Words:
Lesson #5
Making Words
Read Aloud:Moses
Word Study:
Review this week’s science vocabulary words.
Making Words – strip
Students will make as many words as possible. This will count as one vocabulary assignment for the week. / Pre-assessment:
Anticipatory Set:
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice: Students will work on research papers – outlines and rough drafts
Students will review completed research work with teacher (individual conferences)
Word Study:
Word Ladder
Shared Reading: Ponds Press pages 54 –57Conflict and Conquerors
Read Aloud: The Last Slave House
EXTRA: interactive mad lib, wordworks
Students in need of extension: Independent reading (student choice) assist students in need of support (reciprocal teaching) / Students in need of support.Parnters/ small group work/ one on one reading
Science / Objective(s)5.2 The student will investiage and understand how sound is transmitted and is used as a means of communication. Key concepts include
a) frequency, waves, wavelength, vibration;
b) the ability of different media (solids, liquids, and gases) to transmit sound; and
c) uses and applications (voice, sonar, animal sounds, and musical instruments).
5.3 The student will investigate and understand basic characteristics of visible light and how it behaves. Key concepts include
a) the visible spectrum and light waves;
b) refraction of light through water and prisms
c) reflection of light from reflective surfaces (mirrors);
d) opque, transparent, and translucent; and
e) historical contributions in understanding light.
Essential Vocabulary : wave, sound, wavelength, frequency, trough, crest, pitch, compression or sound wave, peak, ray, reflected, refracted, transmitted, absorbed, opaque, transparent, translucent
Research-Based Instructional Strategies:
Activating prior knowledge Identifying similarities & differences
XSummarizing& note takingReinforcing effort & providing recognition
Nonlinguistic representations Setting goals & providing feedback
X Structured small groupsGenerating & testing hypothesis
Homework & practice
XDifferentiation / Materials Needed:
Xtextxnotebook writing paper chalk/dry erase board
audio/visuals overhead projector MCPS IAN
Xactivity sheets thesaurus/dictionarymanipulatives
scissorsglue calculator
other: UBD units, STAR, Interwrite, ELMO teacher made activities
Anticipatory Set: Study buddies
Direct Instruction/Input & Modelingreview games/ppt
Assessment/Guided/Independent Practice:
Closure: Hot Seat (cum review)
HW: Menu / Pre-assessment:
Anticipatory Set:Atoms Family Song
Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling:review benchmark (Tier 3 in small group, Tier 1 & 2 partnered together)
Assessment/Guided/Independent Practice: :
Closure: HW:Menu / Anticipatory Set: Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling: Assessment/Guided/Independent Practice: Activity from Science Study Challenger Newspaper “Light and Sound”
Closure: Sound Song
HW:menu / Pre-assessment:Anticipatory Set: Atoms Family Song
Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling:Guided/Independent Practice:Fly Swatter Game (Cum Review)
HW: Menu / Pre-assessment:
Anticipatory Set:Direct Instruction/Input & Modeling:
Guided/Independent Practice:
Groups for Reading:
GUIDED READING #1:Executive / GUIDED READING #2:Legislative / GUIDED READING #3:JudicialStudents: Raekwon, Linwood, Taleigha, Aleaha, Chris / Students: Colby, Keturah, Alexis,Amber, Logan, Camrie, Anthony / Students: Linhdan, Luke, Jacari, Kayla, Elijah, Gavin, Manny
Text: “The Man Behind the Mouse” selection from reading benchmark / Text: Released Test “Mattaponi” selection / Text: Released Test “Mattaponi” selection
1st rotation: Executive (me), Legislative (Pelfrey), Judicial (ind)
2nd rotation:Legislative (me), Judicial (Pelfrey), Executive (ind)
3rd rotation: Judicial (me), Executive (Pelfrey), Legislative (ind)