
November 1, 2010


Meeting was called to order at 3:15pm and was held in the Faculty Lounge.

Members in Attendance:

Marc Bommarito (Assistant Principal); Teachers – Tomas Chavez, Bruce Gasser, Guillermo Gonzalez, Lupe Jimenez, Carolyn Karpin, Maria Soto; Parents – Sandra Vega, Ivan Aviles, Veronica Ramirez, Teresa Robles; Joseph Holguin (Non-Cert); Students - Stephanie Hernandez

I. Welcome

-All in attendance were welcomed by Mr. Bommarito, in for Mr. Huerta.

II. Approval of Minutes

-Mr. Holguin requested that the spelling of his name be made from Jose to Joseph. Mr. Chavez made the motion to approve the minutes with the necessary change, Ms. Karpin seconded the motion. All in favor to accept the minutes - motion passed.

III. Committee Assignments and Reports

A.  Budget – Nothing new regarding 410 allocation.

B. Professional Development - No report.

C. Scheduling

- Draft of meeting dates for SDMC was provided.

-Council discussed the future of the Advisory period.

D. Equipment

-Discussion was held regarding the possible purchase of copy machines and PA system. Also discussed was the issue of our telephone lines, availability of copiers, and field irrigation system.

E. Discipline

-Discussion was held over the school’s headphone/music devise policy and its enforcement.

IV. Old/New Business

-Ms. Karpin proposed to poll the staff on our current schedule (copy provided).

-Mrs. Jimenez raised the concern about students being late to class.

-Mr. Holguin suggested that students be surveyed regarding lunch availability and amount of time they have to eat.

-Mr. Chavez motioned to endorse Ms. Karpin to look into the possibility of adding minutes to 2nd period so announcements

may be read. Stephanie Hernandez seconded. All members agreed.

-Mr. Holguin expressed concern regarding school safety, accessibility and staffing once the hired security guards are released

in the coming weeks.

-Mr. Holguin expressed concern over administrators not being present at IEP meetings.

-Mr. Gonzalez expressed concern over the quarter system structure and the scheduling of finals for the end of the semester,

but not quarters.

-Assignment of Committees

-Mr. Chavez motioned to head the scheduling committee, Mr. Gonzalez seconded, all favored.

-Mr. Gonzalez motioned to head the equipment committee, Mr. Chavez seconded, all favored.

-Mr. Chavez motioned to head the budget committee, Mr. Gasser seconded, all favored.

-Mrs. Jimenez agreed to head the professional development committee.

-Mrs. Soto agreed to head the discipline committee.

-Mrs. Karpin suggested that all committees meet before the next SDMC meeting.

V. Announcements

-Tacky Tuesday will take place tomorrow.

-Meeting for East LA Star will take place at 6pm at Torre HS (Community Room).

VI. Public Comments

-Mrs. Naulls is working on the opening of a 2nd pathway leading from the 600 building to the main campus and the future

purchase of furniture for the front of the school.

-Mrs. Ramirez wished to know who is in charge of the school’s PTA group.

VII. Adjournment

-Mr. Holguin motioned to end the meeting, Mr. Gonzalez seconded. All agreed.

NEXT MEETING – Monday, November 15, 2010




Concilio de Decisiones Compartidas


lunes, 18 de octubre del 2010


La junta empezó a las 3:15pm y se llevo a cabo en el cuarto de la facultad.

Miembros en asistencia incluyeron: Jose Huerta (Director); Maestros – Tomas Chavez, Bruce Gasser, Dora Marquez, Guillermo Gonzalez, Lupe Jimenez, Carolyn Karpin, Maria Soto, Gabriel Rico; Padres – Veronica Ramirez, Teresa Robles; Jose Holguin (No-Cert)

I. Bienvenida

- La bienvenida se le extendió a todos en asistencia.

II. Aprobación de las actas

-No se presentaron actas.

III. Reportes de Comités

A.  Presupuestos – El presupuesto 4170 fue presentado y discutido por los miembros en asistencia.

B. Desarrollo Profesional

-La Sra. Green presento el plan preliminar para la sesiones de desarrollo profesional de los lunes y juntas de comunidades de aprendizaje profesionales (PLC) que se llevaran acabo proximamente periodo-a-periodo. La Sra. Karpin hizo la mocion para que el 29 de nov. sea reorganizado para que maestros puedan reunirse como departamentos, El Sr. Gonzalez secundo la mocion. El Sr. Holguin hizo la mocion para terminar la discusion, el Sr. Huerta secundo. La mocion para reorganizar el desarrollo profesional del 29 de nov. fue aprovada por unanimidad.

C. Calendario

-El Sr. Gonzalez hizo la mocion para que el horario sea ajustado para incorporar las festividades del Clasico, la Sra. Karpin secundo. El Sr. Gonzalez hizo la mocion para terminar la discusion, la Sra. Karpin secundo la mocion. La mocion no fue aprobada.

D. Equipo

-No hubo reporte.

E. Disciplina

-El Sr. Rubalcaba ofrecio un resumen del Plan de Seguridad de la escuela.

IV. Asuntos Nuevos/ Pendientes

-Tiempo de inicio de las juntas y preocupaciones sobre problemas de comunicación fueron discutidas.

V. Anuncios

VI. Comentarios Públicos

VII. Clausura

-La Sta. Márquez hizo la moción para terminar la junta, el Sr. González secundo. Todos acordaron.

Próxima Junta

lunes, 1 de noviembre del 2010


Cuarto de la Facultad