Chorus Handbook
The choral program at HTMS is designed to educate students in skills needed to achieve success as a choral/vocal musician. Each student will be provided the opportunity to develop age-appropriate vocal skills, proper performance skills, and cooperative skills as each chorus member works within the team to produce a successful choral sound. Membership in all HTMS choruses is a yearlong commitment. Our ultimate goal is musical success as a group, and to achieve this requires 100% from 100%!
1. Develop proper breathing techniques.
2. Sing with a pure and straight head tone.
3. Identify, notate, perform, and understand notes and rests of different rhythmic values.
4. Identify and sing pitches on the treble and bass staff.
5. Identify, sing, and notate major and minor scales/key signatures in relation to music performed in class.
1. Physical and vocal warm-up
2. Notation and dictation of notes and rhythms
3. Ensemble singing
Students will be expected to follow rules listed in the school handbook/student agenda. Each music classroom exists to educate children in the fundamentals of music. For all students to receive such an education, the following expectations will set a positive classroom climate:
It is simply expected that all students listen at all times.
- Follow directions
- Show respect
- Be prepared
- Stay on task
· Folder (2-pocket folder, including lined notebook paper)
· Clear Pencil Pouch that includes – small mirror, pencil, wide paint brush, small note pad
(this pouch and materials are to remain in an assigned slot in the chorus room outside of class hours)
· Pencil
· Student Agenda
· One Box of Tissue OR Box of Adhesive Bandages for the classroom
Students are allowed to have a CLEAR water bottle in chorus. Bottles must be filled before class begins.
Choral Behavior Management Plan
Students begin each 9-week with no offenses and an “S” in conduct.
Offense / Conduct Grade / Consequence1 / S / • Visual Redirection
2 / S / • Verbal Redirection
3 / S / • Student behavior/conduct demerit documented in
Behavior Infraction Log
• conference with teacher after class
4 / S / • Student behavior/conduct demerit documented in
Behavior Infraction Log
• Parent contact
5 / N / • Student behavior/conduct demerit documented in
Behavior Infraction Log
• Parent contact
• Appropriate consequence determined
* / U / • Extreme behavior infraction results in removal from the lesson by
an administrator
·183 Students are expected to participate daily. Written excuses are due at the beginning of each class from those students unable to participate.
70% Daily classroom participation (including daily music notation)
This consists of students exhibiting the following qualities on a consistent daily basis:
Performance: proper posture, always engaged in rehearsal, demonstrates appropriate vowel shapes, dedication to quality musicianship
Effort: sincerely tries to listen, learn, and demonstrate what is taught, preparedness
Responsibility: turns in items/assignments on time, a positive contributor to classroom environment
Attitude: pleasant demeanor, receptive to instruction, falls in line with class activities, obeys adults
30% Written and/or oral quizzes, and assignments
Each choral student is required to participate in all concerts and rehearsals since every student is a vital part of the finished product. While our ultimate goal is to achieve individual musical success, performances are our only means of displaying our group success. Absences not only affect the learning of one student, who misses the summative assessment, but also the learning of the other choral students. Please be a responsible and committed member of your choral ensemble!
Concert dates and times are listed on a separate page in this handbook, and will also be on the Chorus blog (http://www.cobbk12.org/HightowerTrail/), the PTSA Newsletter (Husky Highlights), and in concert letters that go out approximately two weeks prior to each performance.
Concert Grading
Students will receive their grade for their concert music based on how well they have learned the repertoire. Concert music will be sung in class for a maximum of 80 points. An additional 20 points will be earned for performing in the concert. All 20 points are earned if the student is on time, arrives wearing the appropriate attire, and displays the appropriate concert etiquette throughout the event both on and off the stage.
If you are absent from the concert you must complete a make-up assignment with the director within 1 full class day of the performance/return to school (option for written or singing assignment), and submit a note from a parent/caregiver stating the absence. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule the make-up assignment.
Detailed information regarding concert dress will be distributed in August.
Students who arrive at a concert without the proper attire will be prohibited from performing. This will be treated as an unexcused absence, and the student will not receive the 20 points for performing.
Attire NOT allowed for performance:
· Jeans
· Leggings
· Pants shorter than ankle-length (shorts, capri pants, walking shorts, etc)
· Flip-Flops, sandals and backless shoes
· Tennis shoes
You are encouraged to address concert attire issues in plenty of time prior to a performance so that no problems occur at concert time. If you have a problem obtaining an outfit, please contact the director immediately so we can work together to resolve this matter!
Our performances are intended to showcase the choral students’ hard work, and are also designed to teach stage and audience etiquette. Therefore, students are expected to behave in a courteous and professional manner before, during, and after the performance. This satisfies the following CCSD Performance Standards: MMSBC.7.c; MMSIC.7.c; M8AC7.c
Students may not stay for any after-school activity if rides have not been pre-arranged.
Throughout the year students will have the opportunity to audition for various events sponsored by the Georgia Music Educators Association. Detailed information regarding these events is listed below.
Georgia Music Educators Association
All State Chorus
This event is for students in grades 7 – 12. Participation is selective. Students must pass two state and district level auditions for admittance into one of the choirs. Middle school students have the opportunity to audition for the Middle School Treble Choir and the Middle School Mixed Choir. These two choirs consist of seventh and eighth grade students only. The final event will take place at The Classic Center, Athens, GA, in February.
Sixth Grade Statewide Honor Chorus
This event is for sixth grade students only. There is no state or district level audition. However, each school participating receives an allotment of three slots. Auditions at the school level will be held in October. The event takes place at The Classic Center, Athens, GA, in February.
Large Group Performance Evaluation
Individual choruses have the opportunity to perform two works and sight-read before a panel of judges. This is not a competition, but an opportunity for choirs to be adjudicated and assessed on their individual abilities.
District Middle School Honor Chorus
This event is for students in grades 7 & 8. Participation is selective within each school, with each school receiving various participant allotments. Specific information will be distributed late August.
HTMS Ensembles
7/8 Girls Ensemble Membership is open by audition. Auditions will be held the week of September 8 from 8:15-8:45. Ensemble will rehearse weekly before school.
Men’s Ensemble Membership is open to all male chorus members. Ensemble will rehearse
weekly before school.
Important Dates – HTMS Concerts and GMEA Events
*Unless noted otherwise, all concerts take place in the HTMS Auditorium
Week of 8 7th & 8th Grade Girls Ensemble Auditions, 8:15 a.m./Chorus Room
9 Deadline to register and pay for All State Chorus Auditions
Every Monday and Wednesday
8:00-8:45; 4:30-5:15 All State Chorus Audition Rehearsals
10-11 7th & 8th GMEA Honor Chorus Auditions, 8:15 a.m./Chorus Room
17-18 7th & 8th Dessert Theater Auditions – 8:15 a.m./Chorus Room
5-16 Fundraiser - MixedBag Designs
*8 Fall Exhibition
6:30 – Warm-up 7:00 - Concert
16 Fundraiser Turn-In
14 GMEA 6th Grade Statewide Honor Chorus Auditions – 8:15-8:45 a.m./Chorus Room
7 7th & 8th Grade Dessert Theater (select group, not full choirs)
14 GMEA All State Chorus First Audition
Woodland High School, Cartersville
16-17 GMEA District 12 Middle School Honor Chorus
Lassiter High School, Marietta
*15 Holiday Concert
6:00 – Warm-up 7:00 - Concert
22 All State Chorus Final Audition - Sprayberry HS
19-20 Statewide Sixth Grade Honor Chorus
The Classic Center, Athens
25-27 All State Chorus
The Classic Center, Athens
7-8 Large Group Performance Evaluation
*specific information will come later in the school year
*21 Arts Night – 6:30 p.m. – select ensembles, more information to come later in the year
*10 Spring Concert
6:00 – Warm-up 7:00 - Concert
Please print information legibly.
Student Name: ______Grade: ______
Parent/Guardian #1 Name:______
Cell/Home #: ______
Work #: ______
E-Mail Address: ______
Parent/Guardian #2 Name:______
Cell/Home #: ______
Work #: ______
E-Mail Address: ______
Student Birthday: ______
Parent Volunteer Information
Please check areas in which you are willing and able to assist.
_____ Uniform Fitting
_____ Fundraiser Collection
_____ Room Parent
_____ Concert or Field Trip Chaperone
We have read all information in the handbook regarding the Hightower Trail Middle School choral program, participation, required materials, important dates and concert guidelines, and understand and agree to comply with the expectations set forth in the HTMS Chorus Handbook.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Please sign and return all 4 forms by
Friday, August 14, 2015.