Gamma Sigma Sigma

January 25, 2012

Executive Meeting

Meeting Started:9:01 PM

Blood Drive Representative: talked about bringing T-shirts to wear and fliers to pass out to promote the blood drive.


Spike out: Alexz, going inactive will read her letter next week. She doesn’t have to worry about dues. Want to know if we want to progress with it.

Committees: No reason to have committees not helpful, if we have to have committees social and ceremonies would have one. Will keep relay for life committee

Sunday meetings starting at 7p.m. bring it up next meeting then vote on the following meeting.

Dinner/Retreat for executive board, to meet outside of the office help bounce ideas off each other

Since no MIT class thinking about Sista Team challenge with social and service stuff, would get more points the bigger group. Would be hard to do with assigned group but not sure if anyone would volunteer, and at a disadvantage if you pick your own team.

V.P. Service:February calendar almost complete.Looking into service at The Kitchen, Semester of service-assigned a person on hospice can be considered a weekly. Doing the calendar on a month to month basis and can print if you want. Discovery Center would like to have our group to volunteer. Keeping hours in book or online- everyone is opposed. Juli is checking to see if you can use service hours that you get from a class. For relay mandatory took away having to raise money. Bring pop tabs to Cindy so we can donate.

Financial Secretary:Need at list of everyone

Recording Secretary:attendance at service events, e-mail after one or two absences warning them, attendance sheets

Social: Suggestion box instead of committees, Sunday will send around a sheet that they are most available. Doing a weekly event like Amy. Valentine’s day event, maybe secret sister valentine. Not sure what she needs to be doing for the dance. Thinking about a themed formal

Ceremonies: Needing ideas for sisterhood retreat, no camping but a log cabin would be fun. Juli wants to go to the zoo. Fundraising definitely a plus to get money. A candle light ceremony needs to be brought to everyone’s attention.

Publicity:Chalking for the blood drive, before or after the meetings and during the blood drive. Dates February 7th-9th. 6 hours and chalking counts as a mandatory. Need a birthday list.

Corresponding: Starting our alumni list from last Spring 2011, Possibly get to know your sista i.e. ice breaker. Do a new letter to send to nationals and other chapters.

Parlimentarian: Starting bi-law of the week again

Historian: Nothing

Treasurer: Has started her budget

Webmaster: Will put up the calendar of events even though no one looks at.

Announcements: Would like to change the meeting time to 8:30 will be continued next week. Melissa is having a super bowl party. Star events are coming up- an awards ceremony for MSU you submit letters to nominate organizations and people. Fellow member wants to have a formal meeting every month. Plan on a themed meeting sometime. We do not have meeting February 19th March 18th or 25th and April 8th

Meeting Ended:9:49 PM