GAMBIA STALL in the Hall after morning worship.
MONDAY 21st March
1.30pmFuneral of Mrs Betty Fray followed at the Crematorium at 2.30pm.
TUESDAY 22ndMarch
2.15pmEcumenical Lent Group
10.00amMidweek Prayers
SATURDAY 26th March
7pmAt St Thomas’s Church, “The Seven Last Words of the Saviour from the Cross” by Josef Haydn; a meditation for the eve of Easter with The Wiltshire Quartet. Retiring collection
SUNDAY 27thMarch (Easter Day)
8.00amRevd David Hookins – Holy Communion
10.30amRevd David Hookins – Holy Communion
6.00pmNo Service
Sunday, 20thMarch 2016
Welcome to worship
Prayer for 15 minutes in Room 1 before the services.
Feel free to come and go.
Large print hymn books and sheets are available.
Loop system for those with hearing aids.
Small children are welcome to join our supervised crèche in Room 1. Toys are available in the welcome area for parents who wish to play with their children whilst listening to the service.
The candle prior to worship is a sign that we should keep a prayerful silence.
After morning service, please join us for refreshments in the Hall and visit the Fairtrade stall. The ‘Good News Book’is available for use.
Lent Breakfasts every Sunday at 9am after the 8am service. All are welcome, so please come and share.
Many of you will have heard that the Rev'd John Scrivens had an accidentlast Sunday evening in which he received a seriousinjury to his brain.He is now in Southampton Hospitalin anmedically induced coma. Our prayers are with him, Karen and the family.
Easter Offering 2016
‘Child, get up!’is the title for 2016, the focus is the work being done, supported by the World Mission Fund, to bring ‘life in all its fullness’ to Dalit women and girls.
Donation envelopes for use during the Easter period and bookmarks giving more information are now available. Thank you for your continuing support for World Mission.
Sunday 20th March, 3pm The New Sarum Singersperform Olivet to Calvary by J H Maunder
At BemertonMethodistChurch. Free admission with a retiring collection in aid of Alabaré Christian Care & Support.
Good Friday 25th March, 11am
March of Witness, leaving the Cathedral at 11am and walking through the streets to the Market Square. Offers of help, please, to Jon Langford.
01722 334005 x205
Saturday26th March, 9.30am - 1.30pm(doors open 9am)
LOCAL HOUSES OF PRAYER Information and Training
At the Guildhall, Salisbury. Local Houses of Prayer are small, ecumenical groups who meet to bless their neighbours, street, workplace etc, in order “to see the kingdom come and God’s will be done in a particular area…” Come and find out more ……
Please bring a packed lunch - drinks provided
For booking and more information contact Jo King.
e-mail: 07771 858547
The funeral for Mrs Peggy Kirkham will be at Salisbury Methodist Church on Wednesday 30th March at 2.00 p.m.
Saturday 9th April Connexional Family Fun Day at the Black Country Living Museum in Dudley
An exciting day celebrating Francis Asbury's early years as a local apprentice metal worker, and the impact of Methodism on the industrialised Midlands of the 19th century. There will be lots to see and experience including a commemoration service in the former New Connexion Providence Chapel.
20th -22nd May - Church Weekend
The list for the next weekend at Green Pastures is on the noticeboard.
Congratulations to David Miles for being recognised in this year’s National scouts St George’s Day awards. David has been awarded the SILVER ACORN In recognition of specially
distinguished service.
07956 100936
Church Office Mon to Fri, 9.30am-Noon
01722 322755