Gainesville Car Accident

Patient:25 year old female, 5’-1”, 100lbs, blood pressure 120/76mmHg, pulse 60bpm, and 16 breaths per minute.

Accident Description:This patient was involved in a motor vehicle while stopped at a light, the light turned green and she started to move forward, the car behind her then hit the rear end of her car at approximately 10mph. She recalls not having time to brace herself and felt her head go forward and then whip back hitting the headrest. She felt immediate pain in her neck and head and slight nausea within an hour of the accident.

Hospital Treatment and Medications:She went to the urgent care center where an x-ray and CT scan of the head and neck were taken. Both came back negative for fractures, dislocations and internal bleeding. She was prescribed prescription opioids for pain and muscle relaxers for the spasms in her head and neck she was feeling.

Subjective:Patient reports intense neck and head pain that is worse with any movement of the neck. She reports her nausea lasted a couple days post accident, and had been taking the opioids for pain management leading to an upset stomach. She rates her neck pain 9/10, head pain 8/10 and low back pain which started two days after the accident as a 7/10.

Visual Inspection:Patient presented with a high left shoulder, head tilted to the left.

Manual Palpation:Palpation revealed muscle guarding and severe spasms in the cervical paraspinals areas as well as in the upper trapezius bilaterally. Tenderness elicited via palpation in the upper neck and head area as well as near the shoulder blade region.

Range of Motion Assessment:She had decreased range of motion in all neck movements, with increased pain when turning left and right and when looking up. Left rotation measured 25 degrees, normal is 80 degrees and right rotation measured 35 degrees, normal is 80 degrees. This lack of motion interfered with her ability to groom herself, bath, drive, work, care for others and perform emergency responses.

Chiropractic Treatment Week 1:Her neck pain decreased from 9/10 to 7/10 on her first visit. Her atlas was adjusted using the Grostic technique, which led to an increase in range of motion and less pain on right and left rotation. Cold pack therapy was used at home by the patient along with rest, fluids and a decrease in phone and television usage. The nausea the patient was experiencing abated after her Grostic adjustment to C1. Low back pain was decreased to a 3/10 following adjustments.

After 3 Weeks of Treatment:Her neck pain decreased to a 3/10 and range of motion was restored to her cervical spine with only mild tightness felt at end range with left rotation of the cervical spine. She was back to work within 3 weeks of her accident and taking no pain medications.

Many patients who seek our chiropractic services have similar outcomes, with improved ranges of motion, increased strength, and improved mood.

Call us today if you have been in an accident in Gainesville, FL. We will be happy to assist you on your way back to health. 352-373-9911 at Bensen Family Chiropractic