G8AD 22 SVQ in Port Operations (Stevedoring) at Level 2 - Structure

To attain the qualification candidates must complete 8.5 to 9 Units in total. This comprises:
¨  2 Mandatory Units
¨  6.5 to 7 Optional Units

Please note the table below shows the SSC identification codes listed alongside the corresponding SQA Unit codes. It is important that the SQA Unit codes are used in all your recording documentation and when your results are communicated to SQA.

Mandatory Units: Candidates must complete 2 Units
SQA code / SSC code / Title / SCQF level / SCQF credits
F0DC 04 / Take Action to Reduce Risks to Health and Safety within a Port Environment / - / -
F0C5 04 / Maintain Security in Ports / - / -
Optional Units: Candidates must complete 6.7 to 7 Units
SQA code / SSC code / Title / SCQF level / SCQF credits
Health, Safety and the Environment: 2 to 3 Units
F0DW 04 / Work Safely with Dangerous Cargo / - / -
F0DT 04 / Work Safely Near Water / - / -
F0DB 04 / Survive in the Water / - / -
F0DV 04 / Work Safely when Alone / - / -
F0DN 04 / Work Safely at Heights / - / -
F0DP 04 / Work Safely in Confined Spaces / - / -
F0DL 04 / Undertake Safety Inspections / - / -
F0D8 04 / Respond to Shore-based Emergency Situations / - / -
F0D5 04 / Respond to a Pollution Incident / - / -
F0AR 04 / Administer First Aid / - / -
F0D7 04 / Respond to Emergency Situations Aboard Vessels / - / -
F0C1 04 / Maintain Environmental Good Practice Within Ports / - / -
Manage Yourself and Your Working Relationship: 1 to 2 Units
D3XB 04 / Give Customers a Positive Impression of Yourself and Your Organisation / - / -
DR4A 04 / Develop Productive Working Relationships with Colleagues / 5 / 9
F0BW 04 / Liaise and Develop Professional Working Relationships with Third Parties / - / -
DR64 04 / Manage Your Own Resources / - / -
Port-specific Activities: 1.5 to 4 Units
F0AV 04 / Check and Mark Cargo / - / -
F0D9 04 / Secure Cargo / - / -
F0DD04 / Transfer Loads through Slinging and Signalling / - / -
F0BY 04 / Load and Unload Cargo Transport Units / - / -
F0D4 04 / Receive, Store and Despatch Cargo / - / -
F0BS 04 / Handle Loads Manually / - / -
F0DA 04 / Support Cargo Handling Operations Associated with Ro/Ro Vessels / - / -
F0CE 04 / Move Loads Using Lift Trucks / - / -
F0CD 04 / Move Containers Using Shore-based Lifting Equipment / - / -
F0BX 04 / Lift and Position Loads by Crane / - / -
F0CP 04 / Plan and Implement a Lifting Plan / - / -
F0DF 04 / Transfer Loads Using Ship's Gear / - / -
F0BR 04 / Handle Dry Bulk Cargo Using Automated Equipment / - / -
F0BG 04 / Drive Shore-based Tractor Units / - / -
F0BH 04 / Drive Tractor Units within Ro/Ro Vessels / - / -
F0BF 04 / Drive Light Vehicles On and Off Ro/Ro Vessels / - / -
F0BE 04 / Drive Heavy Vehicles On and Off Ro/Ro Vessels / - / -
F0DH 04 / Trim and Clean Out Dry Bulk Cargo / - / -
F0CH 04 / Operate Equipment for Moving Bulk Liquids / - / -
F0AT 04 / Berth Vessels / - / -
F0CV 04 / Position Access Equipment on Vessels / - / -
F0CN 04 / Plan and Coordinate Routine Maintenance of Port Plant and Equipment / - / -
F0DJ 04 / Undertake Basic Maintenance and Servicing of Vehicles / - / -
F0DK 04 / Undertake Minor Repairs to Port Infrastructure / - / -
F0CM 04 / Operate Radio Equipment / - / -
F0C4 04 / Maintain Records Regarding the Movement of Cargo / - / -
DJ54 04 / Use IT Systems 1 / 4 / 7