Microsoft Access – G701 Database

G701b - Basic Database Concepts and Functions PowerPoint

Documents -G701-04 Database Vocabulary

Homework -G701-07Retrieve, Edit/Update, Resave, Email a Database

G701-09Retrieve, Edit Fields, Delete Records, Sort, Email

Homework Online -Database Terminology Quiz (based on G701-06)

Activity G701-06 Complete as Quiz Online

Database Terminology Crossword Puzzle*

*Note: Some answers are two words. This puzzle leaves a blank box for spaces between words.

Handout G701-04

Database Vocabulary

Alternative input methods —Approaches to inputting data rather than using the traditional keyboard/mouse utilizing programs such as speech or handwriting recognitionor features of PDAs.

Arithmetic operators — Symbols used in mathematical expressions in queries to retrieve information from a database. (Ex. +, - , *, /)

Arrange —Process of placing data in a particular order.

Ascending - Process of arranging data in an A-Z or smallest to largest number order.

Calculated column/field— A column or field containing data created by using a formula.

Calculation —The process of computing data using formulas.

Character or text data— Entries in a database or spreadsheet that represent text—such as, phone numbers, names, color, size.

Column width— The amount of space given a field or column.

Columns — Vertical section of the database table; corresponds to a field.

Comparison operators— Used in math expressions in queries to compare pairs of values (ex. <, >, <=).

Criteria expression- Used in a query to identify the information to retrieve from the database.

Currency— A numeric type of data which adds a $ sign to the number. Also allows the user to determine the number of decimals to be displayed.

Data — Information keyed into a database; also known as an entry.

Database — An efficient means of storing and retrieving data and printing reports from the stored data.

Database Management System — A package of computer programs and documentation that lets one establish and use a database. It allows one to store and retrieve data according to his/her own criteria. An example is Access software.

Datasheet View —A method of viewing or inputting data that contains information about more than one record at a time; table with rows (records) and columns (fields); also known as list view.

Date data — Entries in a database or spreadsheet that are formatted for a date in a particular style. (Ex. 01/01/00 or January 1, xxxx)

Default— The preset conditions of the software which may be modified.

Descending — Process of arranging data in a Z-A or largest number to smallest number order.

Design — Process of determining each of the fields, field properties, and data types in a database.

Edit — To change or modify the original entry.

Entry — The data and formulas that are typed in a field.

Field —One item of information in a record and is represented by a column.

Field name —The title you assign each field.

Field properties — Additional design information about a database—such as field size, decimal places, and format.

File — a saved database.

Font — A group of characters (letters, numbers, and symbols) that have a similar appearance.

Footer — Repetitive text automatically printed at the bottom of a document, such as a page number.

Form — A customized manner of inputting data into a database or presenting data on a screen.

Form view — A customized manner of inputting data into a database or presenting data on a screen.

Format — The procedure of defining how information appears on a page. This may include bold, underlining, italics, arranging text on a page, number of decimal places, the style of print, color, etc.

Header —Repetitive information that is automatically printed at the top of each page of a document.

Key —Identifier for each record; data entry cannot be duplicated (ex. Catalog or Identification Number); also known as primary key.

Landscape —Page orientation (layout) that is wider than tall; horizontal or wide layout.

List View — A method of viewing or inputting data that contains information about more than one record at a time; table with rows (records) and columns (fields); also known as Datasheet View.

Numeric data — Entries in a database or spreadsheet that are formatted for numbers that can be used in calculations.

Percent - A numeric type of data which adds a % symbol to a number.

Primary sort — A method of sorting a column of data in a particular order by selecting the field to consider first when sorting.

Query — A request of information from a database based on certain criteria.

Record — A group of related fields of information. Everything on one row is a record.

Report — Specifications for output of data in a particular format.

Retrieve —The process of loading information that has been stored.

Right justified — Alignment that allows a document to have an even right margin.

Row — Horizontal section of a database table; corresponds to a record in a database.

Save — The process of storing a file on a disk or other storage medium for future use.

Search — The ability to locate a string of characters or particular data in a document.

Secondary sort — When sorting a column of data, the second column to consider when arranging the data.

Sort - Process of arranging data in a particular order.

Table wizard — A feature that provides sample of tables, each with its own appropriate fields, which may be formatted in the document.

Update —Add or change data in a document.

Activity G701-07

Retrieve, Edit/Update, Resave, and Print a Database

Step 1: Retrieve your Tunesstudent database.

Step 2: Make the following updates to the MusicFunstudent table. Add a new field named “MusicianID.” Use Auto-Number and set this field as a primary key.

Step 3: Add another field named “Genre.” Use the Lookup Wizard in Field Type (or similar commands in the program being used) to create a lookup value (drop-down) list of genre options: Pop, Classical, Country, R & B, Reggae, Rock. (Note picture below.)

Step 4: Using the drop-down box just completed, complete the data table by selecting the correct genre for each of the artists in the database table.

U2 / Rock
Green Day / Rock
Ray Charles / R&B
John Legend / R&B
Alicia Keys / Pop
Brooks and Dunn / Country
Prince / R&B
Doobie Brothers / Rock
Maroon 5 / Rock
Kelly Clarkson / Pop
Rolling Stones / Rock
Rolling Stones / Rock
Rolling Stones / Rock
U2 / Rock
U2 / Rock

Page 2

Step 5: Add the following entries to your database. Move the “MusicianID” to the first field in the table.

Classical / Phantom of the Opera / Andrew Lloyd Weber / 11/23/2004
R & B / The Essential Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble / Stevie Ray Vaughan / 10/01/2002
Reggae / Legend (The Definitive Remasters) / Bob Marley / 5/21/2002
Country / Who Am I? / Jessica Andrews / 2/27/2001
R & B / Best of Bonnie Raitt (US) / Bonnie Raitt / 9/30/2003
Classical / Requiem / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / NA
Classical / Crimson Tide Soundtrack / Hans Zimmer / 5/16/1995
Country / Here for the Party / Gretchen Wilson / 5/11/2004
Country / Greatest Hits / Shania Twain / 11/9/2004
R & B / Confessions / Usher / 10/5/2004
Pop / Under the Table and Dreaming / Dave Matthews Band / 8/24/2004

Step 6: Save the table. Email the MusicFunstudent table after sorting in ascending order by Musician ID.

Activity G701-09

Retrieve, Edit Fields, Delete Records, Sort, Resave, Print

STEP 1: Retrieve the BugsStudent database. Edit the Software Title for .Mac 2.5 Retailby removing the period in front of the MAC title to read Mac 2.5.

STEP 2: Add the following fields to the database: Vendor and Type. Vendor will be the store or business where the software can be purchased. Type will be whether it is a mail order business, online business, or local retail business establishment. Field type will be text for Vendor. Create a “drop down list” box for “Type” consisting of online, mail order, retail.

Popular AntiVirus Software Titles / Type / Vendor
Mac 2.5 Retail / Online /
PC-Cillin 2003 / Online /
Norton AntiVirus 2002 Professional Upgrade / Retail / Best Buy
Bullguard AntiVirus Firewall / Retail / CircuitCity
Norton Personal Firewall 2005 / Mail Order / CDC Computer Software
Stomp Spy Ware X-terminator / Online /
eTrust EZ AntiVirus 2005 / Retail / Best Buy
Zone Alarm Internet Security Suite / Retail / Sam’s Wholesale Club
PC-Cillin Internet Security 2005 / Online /
Webroot Spy Sweeper Internet Essentials Suite / Retail / Office Depot
McAfee AntiVirus Suite / Retail / Office Max
Ad-Aware / Online /

Step 3: Add the following records to the database:

XoftSpy / 0.00 / 4.5 / online /
SpywareBlaster / 0.00 / 4.22 / online /
Ad-Aware Personal / 0.00 / 3.75 / online /

Step 4: Sort the records in ascendingorder by cost. Resave and Email your database.