G53OPS Coursework for Academic Year 2001-2002


The closing date for this coursework is Friday 26th April 2002 at 16:00. You should hand in your work to the secretaries in B33.

However, the secretaries will accept the coursework up until 3rd May 2002 at 16:00. This extra week is to allow for anybody who has problems with their printer, their disc crashing, job interviews, colds, flus, other minor illnesses etc. etc. That is, I am granting an automatic extension for anybody who has problems.

Anybody handing in their work after the 3rd May still has to hand it into the secretaries but you will suffer a 5% reduction of your mark for each day (or part) that the work is late.

Any work handed in after 10th May will receive zero marks.

In summary, you should finish the coursework by 26th April. If you can’t do that, because of some catastrophe, then I am granting an automatic weeks extension. There will be no further extensions.


This coursework accounts for 25% of the marks for this course.

Hand in requirements

1.  You are required to hand in the following

1.1.  Title Page (see Appendix A)

1.2.  A report using the headings given below. The report should not exceed 3 sides of A4 (excluding the title page) and should be in a font size of ten or greater. The report MUST be typed.

1.3.  A floppy disc containing your source code, as well as a listing of your program printed in an 8 point font with wide.
The program will not be used in the marking scheme, but will be used to check for plagiarism. The plagiarism method will compare your program against programs written by other students and also against programs that are downloadable from the web. Any form of plagiarism will result in a 0% mark for the coursework and possibly withdrawal of the credits for the course. No other sheets are necessary (i.e. do not add any additional appendices)

2.  Every page should, at least, have a page number and your username on it

3.  When you hand in your assignment, please do not put it inside a plastic/cardboard wallet/folder. Stapled, top left, is best (rather than a paper clip)

Some of the above may sound a bit pedantic but when I have many pieces of coursework to mark, small things such as those listed above really do help J


Using the data given below, your task is to investigate some scheduling algorithms that are considered as part of the course.

The scheduling algorithms you are going to consider are

§  Non-preemptive First Come, First Served. Assume the jobs arrive in process number order.

§  Non-preemptive Shortest Job First

§  Round Robin

§  Non-premptive Priority Scheduling The priority of a process is given in the data table below (where a lower number represents a higher priority).

Experiment 1

Assume a quantum of 8ms. Using the four scheduling algorithms shown above schedule the 50 processes shown below and

§  Show the wait time for each process

§  Calculate the average wait time

Experiment 2

Assume a quantum of 24ms. Using the four scheduling algorithms shown above schedule the 50 processes shown below and

§  Show the wait time for each process, for each scheduling algorithm

§  Calculate the average wait time, for each scheduling algorithm

Experiment 3

Assume a context switch (i.e. to switch from one process to another) takes 5ms. This 5ms should be added to the waiting times for the processes.

Using only the round robin scheduling algorithm experiment with different quantum sizes to find the one that gives the lowest average weighting time.

Present your results as a graph which shows the effect of varying the quantum size over a range of your choosing.


Don’t forget, no more than 3 A4 sides, a font size of 10 or larger and it must be typed.

Use the headings given below to structure your report.

1. Program Design

Give an overview of the design of your program.


2. The Results from Experiment 1


3. The Results from Experiment 2


4. The Results from Experiment 3

For producing the lowest average weighting time. Marks will be given pro-rata for how close you got.


The graph showing your results.


Discuss the graph and draw some conclusions.



Process # / Total Execution Time Required (ms) / Priority
1 / 13 / 6
2 / 20 / 24
3 / 26 / 35
4 / 51 / 48
5 / 176 / 7
6 / 4 / 43
7 / 8 / 11
8 / 23 / 19
9 / 138 / 3
10 / 76 / 50
11 / 116 / 21
12 / 90 / 33
13 / 128 / 12
14 / 7 / 10
15 / 6 / 2
16 / 125 / 27
17 / 83 / 28
18 / 12 / 8
19 / 79 / 18
20 / 46 / 5
21 / 42 / 47
22 / 167 / 40
23 / 190 / 13
24 / 134 / 41
25 / 156 / 30
26 / 17 / 37
27 / 18 / 23
28 / 16 / 38
29 / 142 / 14
30 / 28 / 36
31 / 11 / 9
32 / 19 / 25
33 / 29 / 16
34 / 104 / 44
35 / 165 / 15
36 / 199 / 39
37 / 32 / 46
38 / 58 / 22
39 / 88 / 20
40 / 119 / 29
41 / 183 / 31
42 / 93 / 4
43 / 21 / 1
44 / 62 / 49
45 / 33 / 34
46 / 37 / 17
47 / 14 / 42
48 / 1 / 45
49 / 99 / 26
50 / 85 / 32

Revision 1.00 (25th January 2002) Print Date : 30-Jan-01

Appendix A – Title Page

Login Name :
Family Name :
Other Names :

G53OPS (Operating Systems)

Lecturer : Graham Kendall

Coursework for Academic Year 2001-2002

(Process Scheduling)

Revision 1.00 (25th January 2002) Print Date : 30-Jan-01