FY 2008 Rollout Products
We are kicking off the FY 2008 Budget Rollout. This web page will serve as the location to find the latest files and guidance for responding to requests for this information. Based upon the popularity of our products last year, we will be updating the information from last year using the same formats. Please note specific guidance in each of the sections below. Only submissions that follow the provided format will be accepted.
The FY 2008 Rollout Schedule can be found by clicking here and a listing of assignments and contacts can be found by clicking here.
FY 2008 Blue Book and Budget-in-Brief
Be sure to review each chapter for which you/your LO provides input. We would like each LO to review their section(s) and make appropriate changes to their narratives. Please update your section(s) to include the FY 2008 Budget Summary in the same tone and style as FY 2007. Include significant program changes, including decreases, which are valued at $500 thousand and above (based upon the OMB submission). The tone of the narratives will be uniform (just like last year). Please make only changes to the narratives and numbers (do not change any formats). Please note that we will be including FTEs in our resource displays. Therefore, you may be asked to provide this information as well.
LOs are to download each chapter that they provide information for and send only their updated information and associated “action” pictures to Julie Hite. If an “action” picture is not applicable than another picture is acceptable. The pictures used in the FY08 OMB Presentations would be a good starting point. Please note that the lead- in to your line office discussion should include a new lead-in picture.
Due close of business on:
11.15.06 - base narratives - Blue Book and Budget-in-Brief
12.07.06 - change narratives - Blue Book and Budget-in-Brief
12.18.06 - all budget numbers - Blue Book and Budget-in-Brief
Blue Book Chapters
Table of Contents and Introduction (Formulation and BOC will update) / Chapter 4: NOAA Operations, Research and Facilities
Chapter 1: Accomplishments by Goal (Formulation and BOC will update) / Chapter 5: NOAA Procurement, Acquisition and Construction
Chapter 2: Performance Measure Results (Formulation and BOC will update) / Chapter 6: Other Accounts (NMFS, NOS and OMAO)
Chapter 3: NOAA Line Office Summary Table (BOC will update) / Chapter 7: Special Exhibits (BOC will update control table sections)
Budget-in-Brief Files
ORF – FY07 / Other – FY07
PAC – FY07 / Performance – file has been updated for FY08
LOs are to download these files and provide comments/edits to Julie Hite by the due dates assigned above with the exception of the Performance Section of the BIB which should be provided to Keeley Knudsen by close of business 12.11.06.
FY 2008 Budget Highlights (One Pagers)
Each line office and goal team should prepare a one pager using the template that is provided. Please be mindful that the tone of the narratives will be uniform. Please make only changes to the narratives and numbers (do not change any fonts, bolding, underlining, etc.).
FY 2007 final one pagers can be found by clicking here.
Line offices and goal teams are to download the template and provide their specific information and pictures to Julie Hite by noon on 01.05.06.
Sample One Pager Template by Line Office
Sample One Pager Template by Goal
FY 2008 Budget Q&As
Last year’s Q&As are provided for your review and update. Based on the FY 2008 President’s Budget request, new Q&As need to be created. Consider what might be topics of interest and create new Q&As and add them using the format provided in the Q&A file. Please make only changes to the narratives (do not change any fonts, bolding, underlining, etc.).
Line offices are to download the Q&A file and provide their updated lists of Q&As with interested Congressional Members indicated to Erin Olson
Due close of business on:
11.17.06 – Initial list
12.04.06 - Final list with answers and budget numbers
FY07 Q&A File
FY 2008 Line Office Rollout Presentations
The FY08 OMB Presentations will be used as the template for the FY08 Line Office Rollout Presentations. Update your LOs FY08 OMB Presentation to reflect the FY08 OMB Passback (i.e. President’s Budget.) The FY08 OMB Presentations can be downloaded by clicking on their LO below.
The same LO presentations will be used for the House and the Senate. DO NOT CHANGE THE FORMAT.
Line Office Presentations are due to BOC close of business 01.22.07. LO Presentations will be reviewed internally by NOAA Budget and LO Presentation briefings with Steve will begin 01.31.07 and be complete no later than 02.07.07. As we approach the review dates BOC will send out a sign-up sheet for dates and times. At this time, the LO Presentations to the House and Senate Appropriations staff are TBD.
FY 2008 Blue Book and One Pagers