Brian Murphy, Chairman / Highland Council / Linda MacLachlan / Nether Lochaber CCDonald Cameron / Highland Council / Mel MacAskill / Ballachulish CC
Emma Tayler / Highland Council / Maggie Wilson / Ballachulish CC
John Hutchison / Campaign co-ordinator / Dave Wrigglesworth / OCUK + Retail Association
Scott Dingwall / HIE Lochaber / Peter Hamling / Chamber of Commerce
Elaine Robertson / Argyll & Bute Council / Alasdair Ferguson / Chamber of Commerce
Patricia Jordan / Assoc of Community Councils / Donald Stewart / Glencoe CC
John Chisholm / Northern Constabulary
- APOLOGIES – John Laing, Cllr Bren Gormley, Cllr Michael Foxley, Cllr Bill Clark, Cllr Duncan MacIntyre (Argyll & Bute), Charlotte Wright, Jim Tolmie, Dot Ferguson, Drew Purdon
- A82 WORKING GROUP– UPDATE – John Hutchison has been appointed as campaign co-ordinator. John gave a comprehensive update on the work that has taken place to date & useful additional information that has been gathered. The following points were noted;-
- JH met with Transport Scotland on Monday (11th Feb) with a view to gaining a better understanding of their approach to major projects and reviews.
- Cllr Foxley has been in touch with Ken Johnston re: producing a map from Tarbet to FortWilliam showing locations for intended improvements, priority areas etc. They are also gathering quotes about the state of the road which can be used in publicity material.
- Questions are being prepared for Parliament – Since 1999 69 questions have been asked about the A82. In more recent times these have been about improvements and a relief road.
- It is planned that the Parlimentary questions will be cross-party. Positive feedback has been received from Jamie McGrigor (Scottish Conservative & Unionist party), David Stewart (Labour), Tavish Scott (Liberal Democrats) & Dave Thompson (SNP). Yet to hear back from Patrick Harvie (Green party).
- Electronic petition – the working group are keen for an electronic petition to go on to the parliamentary website. There is also the potential to go to the petitions committee if enough support can be raised.
- Charlotte Wright is speaking to Charles Kennedy MSP to clarify what role the MP’s / MEP’s can take.
- Cllr Murphy has contacted the labour MEP regarding European network trunk road designation – waiting for any info that can be provided.
- National Park authority is reasonably positive re: improvements however there is a need to ensure they continue to support.
- Status of planned works for Pulpit Rock & Cranlarich By-pass – Transport Scotland have just received tenders for Pulpit rock to do investigation works. The aim is to get Geotechnical information back to inform a published solution by the end of 2008/9 financial year. Cranlarich by-pass – close to deciding road alignment in view to instigating trunk road orders by the end of 2008. Both projects are on target so far. Objections expected for Cranlarich scheme from businesses.
- Road improvements (within trunk road boundary) for widening between Tarbet-Inveruglas & South of Inverarnan are being planned subject to budget.
- Additional plans have also identified a need for improvements namely – route accident reduction plan, Narrowing report (highlighted parapets and signs) & lay-by report (rationalising and improving)
- Transport Scotland have set up 5 reference groups(Enterprise, business & freight, regional transport, public transport & mobility, environmental interest and planning) within the Strategy and Investment Division. This division is responsible for the Strategic review. JH outlined the importance of feeding into reference groups.
Chief Inspector John Chisholm – Update
- Police in Lochaber have dealt with in excess of 3,000 incidents between 1st Jan 06 and the end of 2007. (2 yr period) In contrast out with Lochaber his colleagues at Loch End (FortAugustus) have recorded 999 incidents in the same period.
- JC is currently working on pulling together graphics to illustrate the hard hitting statistics – these can be used in campaign material.
- Also waiting for comparison statistics for A82 / A9.
Ali Ferguson – Update
- Ali has met with Gavin Scott of the Freight transport association. He will also be in touch with Duncan MacIntyre and others as appropriate.
- Currently working on getting photographs pulled together which can be used in the campaign.
- In contact with Norwich Union – who have a person working closely with Ministers. Hoping to get further statistics to aid campaign.
a) Public petition – Need to get electronic petition set up on the Scottish parliament website. Working group to issue guidance on how to access etc once done. Needs to be live during March – early April (4-6 weeks).
b) Information leaflet – progressing. Noted a need to identify the target audience. (working group to take forward)
c) Publicity Material – a number of ideas were mooted by the group. General consensus agreed to a simple ‘ Support the A82 upgrade ‘ using a warning triangle in the body of the text. Also noted the need for a hard hitting campaign ‘stunt’ to draw in media coverage.
The following points of action were noted
Named Person / ActionJohn Hutchison / To contact Fergus Ewing MSP for meeting & clarify issue of time frame
John Hutchison / Working group to press Stewart Stevenson MSP for meeting
Patricia Jordon / To contact the Association of Community councils re rallying support – to include Argyll & Bute
Emma Tayler / Working group to confirm slogan to wider group by e-mail
John Hutchison / Clear action plan to be formulated and distributed to wider campaign group – to include detailing for electronic petitioning.
Ali Ferguson / To speak to all transport operators in the area re: support, displaying banners etc.
Working Group meeting – Thursday 21st February 2008 at 11-1pm in the South Committee Room
Campaign Group meeting – Tuesday 26th February 200810amin the Council Chambers