FVLMiddle School Music Program revised 8/30/10
With the cooperation of school’s, churches, parents, teachers, and students, the FVL Middle School Music Program has provided students the opportunity to develop their God given talents and musical abilities. It is through cooperation, hard work, and a desire to work toward excellence that has allowed our students successful experiences in music.
Psalm 150:3-6 “Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.”
It is the Fox Valley Lutheran Middle School Music Program’s mission to instill music students with the expressive, creative, and aesthetic qualities of music. We strive to nurture, support, and encourage our students in their musical training that they may develop as musicians for the glory of God.
The Fox Valley Lutheran Music Program is a member of the Wisconsin School Music Association, National Band Association, and the American String Teachers Association. The students participating in our program have all the rights and privileges offered by these organizations. Additional information can be located by looking up the names of these organizations on line. Our program also participates in the Eastern Valley Conference Honors Band, and the Christian Band Association band festival held at FoxValleyLutheranHigh School. There are numerous summer camps that we support and various honor bands that our students have participated in such as the WSMA sponsored honors band/orchestra and regional and state solo ensemble, in addition the NBA Wisconsin chapter All-State Junior Band.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- What does it cost to participate in the FVL middle school music program?
Questions concerning billing procedures and billing statements should be directed to Mrs. Krista Davis or LuAnn Peters. FVL Business Office #920-739-4441 Ext Krista 5116 / Ext. LuAnn 5110. or All music statements are entered in the school computer and are billed on a regular basis. If the status of your child’s lessons has changed or your child is unable to continue in the program please inform Mrs. LuAnn Peters so you receive the proper credit. Any discrepancies in your bill should be directed to the FVL Business Office.
Returning students - Registration Form and Fees: The registration form for band and string students is due in the FVL Business office by the date indicated on the form. There is a $20.00 non-refundable registration fee due at the time of registration. Late registration fees will increase to $30.00.
New students - Registration Form and Fees: The registration form is due by the date indicated on the form. There is a $20.00 non-refundable fee that must accompany the registration form. It is very important to contact FVL on time to indicate if your child will be taking lessons. In order for the program to start on time all students should be enrolled within 5-6 days of the open house in September. The Open House is usually the third Thursday in September.
Transfer students: Students who transfer into the FVL Middle School Music Program from another school music program during the year will be charged a $20.00 registration fee. This fee is due at the time the student registers for band. Tuition fees will be based on lessons remaining in the semester.
Tuition and Instrument Rental Fee
FVL Instrument Fee ($55.00 / semester)
FVL Instrument rental is for students in the FVL music program that do not have an instrument for band/strings. Students that use an FVL instrument will be billed $55.00 / semester on their music accounts – unless they currently own an instrument for band/strings. Each summer the school will have the instrument cleaned and maintain the instrument repairing normal wear issues. The student/parent(s)are responsible for the cost ofall repairs to the instrument due to neglect, misuse or abuse. In the event the instrument is damaged beyond repair the cost of the instrument will be billed to the parents. Students that rent an FVL instrument are expected to participate in the Saturday or Monday rehearsals.
You may also rent an instrument from a music store - check on line for prices, rent to own and other options.
FVLFederationSchool Band/String Tuition (FVL Schools) $ 145.00 / semester
Includes band/string class and 23 lessons for FVLFederationSchool students.
FVL Federation Band/String Tuition (FVL Schools)– Saturday or Monday only - $85.00 / semester
For students who are members of an FVL Federation church (FVL Schools), and study on the instrument they play in our band/string class with a private instrumental teacher. (Does not include piano.) You are required to provide the name and phone number of your child’s private instrumental teacher to pay this rate.
NonFVLFederationSchool Band/String Tuition (Lessons and Band/String Class) $175 / per semester.
Includes band/string class and 23 lessons given at an FVLFederationSchool (FVL Schools). This rate is designed for those who are not members of an FVL Federation Church/School.
NonFVLFederationSchool Band/String Tuition - Saturday or Monday only $120.00 / per semester.
Students must take private lessons on the instrument they play in band/strings OR be enrolled in their public school band/string program. You are required to provide the name and phone number of your private teacher OR provide the name and number of your band/string teacher. This rate is designed for those that are not members of an FVL Federation Church/School.
Tuition Assistance
Tuition Assistance – A program for tuition assistance has been developed by our music parent organization. The program involves raising money which is then used to off set costs incurred by the student enrolled in the program. Details about the program can be addressed to the music parent committee members listed at fvlhs.org – click on middle school band.
Tuition Due Dates and Explanation of Billing
First Semester tuition is due October 31st. Lessons may be stopped if payment has not been received or arrangements for payment have not been made. The business office will contact you through a letter prior to the termination of a student from the program. Students that carry a balance over the summer will not be enrolled in the fall until all payments have been made.
Second Semester tuition is due the last day in February 28th/29th. Lessons may be stopped if payment has not been received or arrangements for payment have not been made. The business office will contact you through a letter prior to the termination of a student from the program. Students that carry a balance over the summer will not be enrolled in the fall until all payments have been made.
Payment: Payments for lessons, rental fees, books, and supplies may be included on one check.
Please write “1st or 2nd semester band/orchestra fee on your check. Make your check out to FVLHigh School. You may mail your check to:
FoxValleyLutheranHigh School
Music Payment - FVL Business Office
5300 N. Meade Street
You may pay in person at the FVL Business Office. The FVL Business Office is located in the FVL high school office.
Students taking lessons through FVL are strongly encouraged to regularly attend Saturday band rehearsals or Monday string rehearsals. No portion of the Saturday band tuition/Monday string tuition or lesson fees/tuition will be refunded for a lack of student participation.
Hidden Charges: Your registration fee and tuition fee does not cover lesson books, supplies, contest music or instrument rent.
Adjustment of lesson fees: Lowered fees will be made under the following circumstances:
1. Transferring the child to a school outside of the FVL Federation.
2. Extended disabilities. Extended disabilities includes missing three or more
consecutive lessons due to illness or injury.
3. Financial Aid awarded to the student by music parents.
It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the FVL Business Office at #920-739-4441 within 30 days of the third missed consecutive lesson to receive partial credit toward the lesson fee.
How is the program funded? The Federation subsidizes the cost of the middle school music program by 40%. Parents provide 60% which includes the Saturday or Monday rehearsaltuition. The band/string tuition does not include the cost of renting an instrument. FVLHigh School supports this program for the purpose of having a unified curriculum that is taught in all the FVL Schools. 90 % of the students who participate in this music program continue their musical study at FVLHigh School. The high school provides a full time person to teach and coordinate the program in the FVL Schools/Federation. The high school also provides money for instrument repairs, music, supplies, conference fees, awards, and continuing education. The Middle School Music Parents assist with uniforms, instruments, equipment, scholarships and student assistance.
Who may sign up for our music program?
Any student in grades 5, 6, 7, or 8. Beginning 7th and 8th grade students are accepted in the band/string program. These students start in Cadet Band or the Beginning String Ensemble. Students in 4th or 3rd grade that transfer in to our program from another school district and currently play an instrument are welcome to join our music program. Parents have the option of starting their child in fifth or sixth grade. It may be easier for some band/string students to start in sixth grade. Things like maturity, homework/school performance, and other commitments may help you decide what is right for your child. Then why should we start in fifth grade? Some students are ready in fifth grade and will benefit from this experience. Some students have had years of piano experience. We have had students become very accomplished players by their eight grade year after starting in fifth grade.
- Lessons are given in our FVL Schools. You can find out where our FVL schools are located by going to fvlhs.org and click on FVL Schools. Students who are not WELS members and wish to receive a lesson should contact Mr. Charles Jahnke in the fall of the year and set up a time to receive a lesson at one of our FVL schools. 920-739-4441 or
- All students that receive lessons in our FVL Schools are also considered members of the band or sting ensemble. Students that do not attend Saturday band or Monday strings pay the same amount as students that do attend rehearsals.
- Students who are home schooled and take private lessons outside of our program or at one of our FVL Elementary Schools are eligible for our Saturday band program or the Monday string program.
- Students in grades 5, 6, 7, & 8 that are enrolled in their public school band program, or take private lessons outside of our program are welcome to participate in our Saturday band program or Monday string program.
- Students that are FVL Federation members and are home schooled and entering 9th grade may continue in our band or string program.
- How do lessons work & what about student expectations?
Each student will receive a 15-minute lesson at one of our FVL Schools. Arrangements are made with the classroom teacher/principal to release the student from class. Mr. Jahnke arranges lessons with home schooled students. The student will receive a minimum of 23 lessons during the school year. (Snow days may affect the total lessons received) If you have a concern about the time your child is scheduled for their lesson please talk to the classroom teacher/principal and your child’s music teacher. The lesson schedule is set up by the elementary school your child attends. If you have concerns about progress or lessons contact your child’s instructor first. You are welcome to contact Mr. Jahnke concerning any problems your child may be having in our music program.
Lessons are not made up if a student is unavailable for a lesson for any reason. These reasons include: illness, not having music/ instrument, field trips, snow days, coming late to a lesson or forgetting to come to a lesson. It is the student’s responsibility to come to the lesson on time with their proper materials.
Lessons may be missed during the year do to vacations, conferences, or other reasons. The 23 lessons each student receives, takes into account that some school days will be missed during the school year. Lesson days may be rearranged during the school year to insure that each student receives 23 lessons. The >Accent News Letter will list schedule changes during the school year. Mr. Jahnke will also contact the principal or classroom teacher about changes to the days lessons are offered. In some cases FVL Schools remind parents of changes to the lesson day/schedule in their school news letter.
Student Expectations
1. After one year of lessons students are expected to participate in solo ensemble. Part of the students’ instrumental education includes the experience gained from performing and learning to properly prepare for solo ensemble. (In November students receive music for solo ensemble. Students are expected to have a piano accompanist for their solo. Percussionists do not need an accompanist.) Students will receive a medal for achieving a first or second rating at solo ensemble. Students who go to state solo ensemble will receive a medal for a 1st, 2nd or 3rd rating. Based on results and time considerations class “A” students may be asked to perform their solo at the spring concert. Students have three options for solo ensemble:
A. Play at the Middle School solo ensemble competition held at FVL. Students
will be able to sign up for their time.
(Students at Zion Morrison attend their own solo ensemble.)
B. Sign up to play for the WSMA solo ensemble competition. Students that are in
band may also play a piano or string solo at this event – you will receive a
medal if you receive a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd rating at these performances. String
instruments should consider playing their solo at this event. Students can
choose between a morning, mid morning or afternoon time. Times are
assigned by the WSMA office in Madison. WSMA starts at the 7th grade level
and continues through 12th grade. (Students in 6th grade can only be critiqued
– they do not receive a medal.)
C. Perform for the solo ensemble at FVL (Middle School) and also through
2. Students who perform in Cadet Band, Senior Winds, Wind Ensemble and the
Beginning and Intermediate/Advanced Strings are expected to attend the band/string
contest the second Saturday in May. Performance times will be announced in the
>Accent News Letter. In the past Cadets have been in the morning and the Wind
Ensemble and Senior Winds have been in the afternoon. Strings have performed in the
3. Students are expected to participate at all concerts. Concerts include a fall
performance in Novemberfor the Intermediate and advanced Strings, WE & SW
(Veterans Day);December concert for C, WE, SW, Beginner Strings and
Intermediate and Advanced Strings;Winterfest (Senior Winds/
strings);Spring FVL Schools performance – SW and Intermediate and
Advanced Strings, and the spring concert the end of April or early May – C, WE,
SW, Beginnings strings and Intermediate/ Advanced Strings. Check your
schedule for dates and times. If you need a schedule go to fvlhs.org and click on
Middle School Band.
C = Cadets, WE = Wind Ensemble, SW = Senior Winds
4. Students are expected to practice 175 minutes a week. 200 minutes a week for Senior
Wind, and Intermediate/Advanced String members. (Exceptions to practicing 175/200
minutes per week may be made through consultation with the teacher. Scales,
arpeggios, and thirds in lesson books are expected to be memorized. It is best to try to
practice a little everyday. There are days that this may not be possible. Help your
child get organized and they will have success. The dedication to practice is what
makes a child progress. Practicing 175 minutes the night before a lesson is not as good
as spreading it out during the week. Repetition and regular review helps the student
progress on the instrument. Keep track of yourprogress/lesson assignments in your
method book. Write down your times on the chartprovided in your method book.
5. Students should be able to complete one book a year. Students will receive a medal for
completing each year of study through the third year. Students who complete Rubank