Approve January 10, 2017 minutes – From January, the two head refs actually got the $5 pay for doing data entry. So, we need to make sure right people are getting it paid for what they're doing. We need to look at budget to see if it’s a good idea for us to turn over the adult league to Rec District or if the money from that actually subsidizes the youth program. For the getting started thing on website for new people, keep adult program in this section for now. Minutes approved by Dan, second by Gabriella although she asked couple questions re: Steve wrote thank you note to Martinski’s and mailed it. Gail’s working on the swag, it’s in process.

Financials - Steve brought numbers from Jen. He will analyze the numbers this year. Steve thinks we should not give it to the Rec because we do make money from it, just pay someone else who’s not Ryan to take care of it. Steve has some ideas for restructuring. And what expenses are associated? Steve said ice time for adult league is $150/hr. youth is $100/hr. We don’t think youth hockey can sustain itself without keeping the adult to supplement. Gabriella said she thought we make $30K or something from it. $1800 from adult program, $500 from Colorado Gives, and some assorted income totaling almost another $500 for youth. No multiple kid break, or if you don’t have regular payments on a plan, we have to have structure such that if you don’t pay you don’t play.

Savings account added 1,000 to make about 72,000. 59,000 in checking, but 10,000 check going out for Jan. ice time, and refs need to be paid also. Gail apparel expenses: Hats- $250. 25 amt. Tshirts, sweatshirts- Total: $3000 cost of goods, which we’ll end up actually making money on when we sell stuff. Upcoming expenses: Feb/March ice and refs. End of season parties.

Fee structure document- tabled until next meeting. Dan will work on. Separate meeting needed for this.

Budget numbers, needed to help us see program financial strength – talked a lot about the chiller project details. We’re feeling a sense of urgency about securing contractors for the project now, or availability will not be there in the spring if we wait. Also, securing the funding for the gap created by extra expenses and bid changes.

Uncollected receivables, league fees, equipment etc.

Finalize help for Ollie, Joe K., Boeckers. Ollie we approved last meeting. Gail gave money for helping offset Boeckers fees.

Checks to be written for butter braids, end of year, coaches etc.- Steve said winners have been paid. Duck raised $400 which they want to donate for goalie gear.which he would like to get paid out so that they can buy new goalie gear for Duck's next season and return the gear that Duck is using this year We should go through what we have and see what we need. Gail says someone is running their mouth about players who haven’t paid. There’s gossip going on about who’s paid, who hasn’t. who’s volunteering, who isn’t. DRAMA.

Gail’s report from CAHA meeting, VP of Females hired to recruit girls to play hockey. They’re encouraging growth of game. One promotion they’re going to do is go around the state with a trailer full of hockey sticks and hand them out and talk all about the sport. Mile high Mites is something Kim talked about being a great promotion/program. Mentioned something called rink branding by playing street hockey. Steve mentioned synthetic ice. Blind people try hockey for free?? Todd Harvey talked for a while about being the “game fixer” guy. Summer/Fall meeting date being changed. Location may be moved as well.

Lease is signed with FVHA. So we’re partnering with Rec District and want to comply with their policies. Mostly regarding alcohol consumption at the rink specifically. Gabriella is going to talk to Austin about the facilities maintenance taking care of after adult league and before youth, so our kids aren’t going into locker rooms with trash cans full of beer cans and puke. We need to change our handbook to have our alcohol policy mirror the Recs.

Equipment return process.. Shelby does not want to collect the gear at end of season banquet. We’re doing it though! We will all chip in and help transport it back to rink. She just has to check it in, and get the volunteers needed (one for each item), so that it stays organized and can just be transported back and put in the shed. Print copies of inventory checked out sheets for each person, and you move on down the line dropping pieces in the bin. Steve will be last in line for return of deposit. If you want to keep your gear for the summer, it basically means you don’t get the $35 return. Next year, let’s make it $80 fee. $40 upon return.

Adult hockey going forward. We all seem to concur that we should keep it. Please see other items, such as 2. and 13.

Window tint process, before pulling the trigger. Dan brought estimate for window washing and tinting. Is this something we should even be paying for? Why doesn’t the Rec pay for this building maintenance and improvement.

To Do list for next season. Identify our needs regarding who we have in certain positions, who we need and getting job descriptions solid. Went back to the conversation about having a specific registration day at the beginning of the season. Someone needs to be responsible for each team member paying their annual fees. At least we need to be on top of who’s paid in full, partial, and and/or not at all. Gabriella suggests possibly Will Craig, and Kim suggested possibly Paul somebody who offered to help with the website. Maureen has volunteered to help with the organization of registration. Website coordination and scheduling. Gail would like to try out the scheduling and/or rostering piece. Talk to Ryan about the youth hockey position and what the job description is to make sure he’s clear on what the expectations are. Bylaws and Handbook review in the middle of April. Job descriptions meeting in March.