Future 1 Overview Worksheet
Watch the online presentation. Pause after each slide and answer the questions.
Watch out! Some questions have more than 1 answer.
Opener / 1. What is the first activity in each unit? (Slide 5)- Listening/Speaking.
- Goal Setting.
- Grammar.
Vocabulary Lesson / 2. How is new vocabulary presented in the vocabulary lesson? (Slide 6)
- With photos.
- In print.
- With audio.
- In the Teacher’s Edition.
- In the Pack of Transparencies & Reproducible Vocabulary Cards.
- On the Future Website.
- On the Practice Plus CD Rom.
- In the Workbook.
- On the DVD.
Listening/Speaking Lesson / 5. How many lessons of each unit are Listening /Speaking Lessons?(Slide 10)
- 1
- 2
- 3
- Students relate the material to their own knowledge and experience.
- Students use the model conversation to create new conversations.
- Students read the audio conversation.
- On the transparencies.
- On the Practice Plus CD Rom.
- In the Workbook.
- the same listenings as in the Student Book
- the same listenings as the in CD Rom
- all new listenings
Grammar Lesson / 9. The Grammar Lesson is linked to ______.(Slide 13)
- the Life Skills Lesson
- the Listening/Speaking Lesson
- the Reading Lesson
- pre-test
- grammar chart
- writing exercise
- In the Workbook.
- In the transparencies.
- On the Practice Plus CD Rom.
- Grammar worksheets.
- Flashcards.
- Information Gaps.
Life Skills Lesson / 13. How many Life Skills Lessons are in every unit?(Slide 17)
- 1
- 2
- 3
- In the back of the Workbook.
- In the back of the Teacher’s Edition.
- In the back of the Student Book.
- In the Workbook.
- In the Teacher’s Edition.
- On the Practice Plus CD Rom.
Reading Lesson / 16. In the last activity of the reading lesson, students ______. (Slide 19)
- draw on their previous experiences and knowledge
- apply the reading skill
- connect the reading to their own lives
- the Multilevel Communicative Activity Book
- the Practice Plus CD Rom
- the Workbook
- On the first page of each unit.
- On the last page of each unit.
- In the back of the book.
Tests / 19. What kinds of tests are provided in the Test and Test Prep Package? (Slide 22)
- Printed test for each unit.
- Midterm and Final exams.
- Digital test banks.
- the Student Book
- a standardized test
- a college exam
Answers: 1b; 2abc; 3bc; 4ab; 5c; 6c; 7bc; 8c; 9b; 10b;11ac; 12c;13a;14c; 15ac; 16c; 17b; 18b;19 abc; 20b.