Number: 009
Funding for Barnette Street Parking Garage
Number: 009
In 2002, the University acquired the TVCC facility located at 604 Barnette Street. Included in negotiations with the State, was transfer of parking garage, located across Barnette Street to the University. The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities [DOT&PF]had been the previous owners of the garage. Due to various easement issues, it took nearly four (4) years for UAF and Statewide Land Management to obtain clear title to the property for transfer to UAF. The transfer of the garage occurred this April. Facilities Services negotiated with the State for transfer of the fiscal operations effective July 1, 2006.
UAF believed that the garage was essentially in “good” condition with the largest detriment being a shortfall from operating costs versus income which UAF believed it could make up by renting spaces in the garage to the City Police and Fire, Stateagencies,and other third-parties. Unfortunately, UAF has now been advised that the contracts in place with these agencies have lapsed and assignments can not be assumed. Additionally, because of the new fire and police stations, the City’s needs have reduced.
Earlier this year, Facilities Services received the State’s fiscal information. A review of that information indicates that for the past four years, very minimal, if any, maintenance has been performed and the State’s standards for operating differ from the University’s. As such, Facilities Services will need approximately $25K to secure the garage, convert the antiquated systems, and perform a thorough maintenance inspection.
Facilities Services estimates the fiscal year 2007 expenses as follows:
Estimated FY07 ExpensesInspection & system conversion / $25,000.00
Electricity & phone lines / $47,178.00
Sewer/Water / $ 2,767.00
Steam / $13,483.00
Janitorial/Snow Removal (roof) / $40,852.00
Elevator Maintenance / $ 2,000.00
Security [securing & alarms] / $14,600.00
TOTAL / $ 145,880.00
Although UAF knew it would be acquiring the facility, the actual effective date was unknown and the depth of the costs to operate and maintain this facility were imprecise.
Transition to Parking Services
If Parking Services is required to incur the costs of operating and maintaining this facility, the impact to faculty, staff, students, and visitors would be enormous and would be a step backwards for UAF. Examples are:
- Increased decal costs
- Less shuttle service
- Limited snow removal & sanding
- A reduced amount of headbolt repairs
- Decreased headbolt electricity
- Reduction in staff
This fiscal year, Facilities Services proposes to identify income potential, real costs for operating and maintaining the facility, and perform a code review to identify immediate and future maintenance needs for the facility. A transition plan would then be presented to Chancellor’s Cabinet outlining the plan developed for Parking Services to take fiscal responsibility for this facility.
It is recommended that UAF identify funding for FY07 to allow Facilities Services to develop a transition plan for future years.
Chancellor’s Cabinet Recommendations:
- Funding will be identified for FY07.
Number: 009
Cabinet Members Present:
Steve Jones, Chancellor
Bernice Joseph, Executive Dean CRCD
Jake Poole, VC ACE
Ann Ringstad, Assoc. VC ACE
Paul Reichardt, Provost
Tim Barnett, Executive Dean SES
Kathleen Schedler, Assoc. VC Facilities & Safety
Buck Sharpton, VC Research
Steve Smith, Chief IT Officer
Joe Trubacz, Interim VCAS & Assoc. VC FBS